Amo is not the kind of person who is good at expressing emotions.

At this moment he watched Bai Yuexi be taken away, his throat sounded like a beast.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi with red eyes. Although he didn't cry, he had a red blood in his eyes and a water glow in his eyes.

Amo's heart was bleeding.

His young lady, his young lady, he watched those people take away the young lady, he wanted to kill in anger.

At this moment, the blood on Amo was boiling, and he had the idea of ​​killing.

He was tight all over, with a hot temperature all over his body.

Bai Yuexi listened to what Amo just said, and let go of her heart, only to feel relieved.

She is most worried about Amo. If Amo is all right, she can calmly analyze how to deal with it.

She is the eldest lady of the Bai family, and her father is still guarding the border.

At this time, even the emperor did not dare to strike her.

She is a modern person who knows how to control the situation and how to guide public opinion in her direction.

As for the five princesses, she will make the five princesses famous throughout the Zihua Kingdom.

She naturally knows how to make the five princesses famous.

How can the emperor not protect the five princesses.

Because in the eyes of the emperor, Jiangshan is definitely more important than the five princesses.

At this moment, Bai Yuexi calmly analyzed the situation and calmly knew what she should do.

Bai Yuexi took a deep look at Amo. When she met Amo's eyes, Bai Yuexi's heart also picked up, and she felt a pain.

Bai Yuexi also shouted Amo's name in his throat.

She worried about Amo, and what the five princesses did to Amo.

Amo is only 13 years old!

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi's figure, and there was a feeling of blackness before the painful eyes.

"Miss, Miss..."

A Mo's voice was hoarse, he kept calling Bai Yuexi.

When watching Bai Yuexi being taken away, Amo felt as if his heart had been cut with a knife.

He didn't know why this happened, but he just couldn't breathe.

He was worried about the mistress.

But he doesn't have the ability to save the lady now.

So Bai Yuexi calmly analyzed what to do.

As for the dungeons of this era, she couldn't stop her at all.

When Bai Yuexi was taken away, she gestured to Yingwei with her eyes.

Yingwei naturally understood what to do.

After Bai Yuexi was locked in, taking advantage of the darkness, she released a misty thing from her cuffs, and the gas emitted was colorless and odorless, making people unwarranted.

Then all the people in the cell fell.

Bai Yuexi took out the silver needle from his head again and opened the lock.

Then came out.

Then Bai Yuexi ordered Yingyi to do something.

Let Yingyi follow her plan exactly.

Now that the fifth princess has shut her here, she will ask the five princess to come and invite her out.

In this matter, she would also alarm the entire Zihua Kingdom, and then alarm the emperor.

Take care of one princess and one princess.

Next, the movie guards began to act.

Twelve Shadow Guards are the top shadow guards of the Bai family.

Soon, some of the bad things that the fifth princess did on weekdays were all checked.

There is still a lot of evidence.

Of course, Bai Yuexi will make people add more vinegar.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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