When Amo talked to her sister, her voice was gentle.

Amo, in his twenties, has an elegant and dusty atmosphere, and the Chilan Yushu is burning like a flower.

The sound is very soft.

Bai Yuexi looked and listened beside him, but she was shocked.

Just looking at Amo, her heart beats fast.

Because Amo in his twenties is really charming, every move is so elegant and precious that people can't look away.

Bai Yuexi continued to watch curiously.

She wanted to know more about Amo.

I haven't seen Amo saying that there is a sister before.

And when Bai Yuexi read this book before, the book did not say that Amo had a sister.

It is only said that the blood of Amo is noble, and finally became the emperor.

It's just that in the book Amo died as emperor a few years later, and no one knows how to die.

At this time, Amo looked like he was in his twenties.

According to the content of the book, Amo only became an emperor when he was in his twenties.

I don't know if Amo became an emperor at this time.

Is this dwelling in this forest where Amo settled?

Amidst the excitement, Amo and his sister entered the house.

Bai Yuexi followed and wanted to take a look.

At this moment, a white mist rose.

A white fog appeared in front of Bai Yuexi, and a white fog, Bai Yuexi could not see anything.

There seemed to be loud and noisy sounds in my ears, but the sound gradually faded and I could not hear it.

"Moonlight, Moonlight..."

Just then, there was a voice in the white mist calling her.

This voice, so ethereal and mysterious, seemed to come from a long time ago.

And this sound made her very familiar.

Bai Yuexi's heart suddenly jumped a few times.

This voice is the voice of Amo in modern times.

"Amo, Amo, is it you?"

Bai Yuexi continued to run in the direction of the sound, the mist spread a little, and then Bai Yuexi saw Amo.

This amo is familiar to Bai Yuexi, and it is a modern amo.


When Bai Yuexi spoke, her voice was excited.

A Mo stood in front of Bai Yuexi and looked down at her, with many complex emotions in her eyes, with a distressed light.

"Yue Xi, let you work hard."

"Why do you say this, Amo, I don't feel hard. Now I can come to the book to help you when you are thirteen. I feel very happy."

"Yuexi will have to experience a lot in the future. This world is not a peaceful world. There will be wars and battles."

"But there is Amo in this world!"

Bai Yuexi didn't want to worry about Amo, so he talked lightly.

"But at this time I was still very weak, Yuexi, I can't protect you well."

"It doesn't matter, I can protect myself, without Amo, I can protect Amo."

With that, Bai Yuexi seemed to think of something and paused: "Oh, Amo, what's wrong with this house in the forest, why do you still have a sister?"

"I do have a sister. What I show you is what happened in the world of the book. You came to this book and changed some trajectories. I want you to save my sister."

Amo let Bai Yuexi see those, just to let Bai Yuexi save his sister.

Bai Yuexi said without hesitation: "Amo, where is your sister now?"

"I only know that she will appear in Dong Yaoguo!"

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