Along the way, Bai Yuexi and Amo quickly entered Baiyue Prefecture.

After entering the territory of Baiyue State, Bai Yuexi was really relieved.

Entering Baiyue State, she is safe.

Here, she can mobilize the local forces at any time, and any assassin of any force enters here, she can mobilize the forces and destroy them all.

In Baiyue Prefecture, both Baiyuexi and Amo know that it is already safe.

In Baiyue Prefecture, the Bai family ruled the entire Baiyue Prefecture, equivalent to the local emperor.

The Bai family is in Baiyue Prefecture, there are industries in various places, and there are many subordinates.

Bai Yuexi and A Mo are not in a hurry to return to Baiyue City.

She happened to take a break here while turning around, and Bai Yuexi was going to build commercial streets everywhere.

Looking at the needs of the people, she is ready to bring some modern things into this era, enrich this era, and develop the economy of Baiyue State by the way.

Bai Yuexi has observed it and feels that Baiyuezhou has a lot of development potential and market potential.

Bai Yuexi came from the Bai family in the modern era and received education in all aspects. Moreover, there are many industries in the family, involving all aspects.

She has been to a family business before, and she followed her father to inspect many places, so she knows a lot.

Inside a tea house in Baiyuezhou

Bai Yuexi sat at the table and designed the drawings on the paper.

She uses a charcoal pen, which is faster and more convenient for writing and drawing.

Amo was sitting beside Bai Yuexi, pouring tea for Bai Yuexi, and silently accompanied Bai Yuexi.

In fact, even if the two are quietly busy with each other, this feeling of companionship still makes Bai Yuexi feel warm.

Looking at Amo, she will be full of strength and strength in everything she does.

The whole person is very energetic.

Amo is also in front of several books, he is reading.

After a period of time, it is also the entrance test assessment of Nanyun College. He also needs to prepare well.

There are also several test papers that Bai Yuexi prepared for Amo all night long. Let Amudo have a look. It will be helpful when the time comes.

The two were sitting in the elegant room on the second floor of the tea house.

The first floor of the teahouse is quite lively, and many people gather to talk and discuss some things.

On the second floor, Bai Yuexi can also hear some.

"I heard that Miss Bai Yuezhou is dead!"

"What's dead? Such a thing can't be said nonsense. Miss Bai will be the maternal grandfather of Baiyuezhou in the future. It is the heir of Baiyuezhou, and the emperor personally made the will."

"What is the purpose of the emperor? It was not because of the situation that Miss Bai had offended the fifth princess. The emperor put Miss Bai on the surface, and secretly still wanted to be angry for the fifth princess. I heard that Miss Bai met on the road. Many waves of killer assassins."

"How do you know this kind of thing?"

"Some gossips want to know that nature knows it, and there will be war in Baiyuezhou in the future!"

"If Miss Bai really dies, it's the emperor's hands, how can the people of the Bai family stop, Baihouye and his wife and the old lady are very protective of Miss Bai."

"So let everyone make preparations early, Baiyuezhou has a fight, everyone still hides, it is important to save their lives."

"It's all nonsense, Miss Bai is very powerful. How could something happen, Miss Bai must be alive."


Regardless of whether the discussion is true or not, people are naturally afraid of war. Such rumours will naturally cause disturbances in Baiyue Prefecture.

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