Now Amo took her father's recommendation letter, although it hasn't come out yet, but did not expect that only a deacon responsible for registration would dare to discriminate.

Bai Yuexi also thought of the contents of the book. The book was originally a letter of recommendation when Amo was sixteen years old and was qualified to apply for the assessment, but at that time it seemed that he was also suppressed by discrimination. In fact, sometimes Bai Yuexi doesn't quite understand how Nanyun Academy went on word of mouth.

The faculty here is indeed strong, but the people here are really angry when she sees high and low.

Especially to Amo, she was angry.

She did not allow anyone to neglect Amo.

Before waiting for Amo to say anything, Bai Yuexi directly said: "Suwen Nanyun Academy has a good name. I thought the people in the academy were all virtuous people, but I did not expect a deacon responsible for registration to make people Eye-opening, let us know that Nanyun College is no different!"

The deacon seemed to be irritated, "Did you even want to sign up, dare to speak like that!"

At this time, Bai Yuexi was dressed as a woman.

The deacon was responsible for registration, and many children of the family had to say good things to him respectfully.

At this young age, he dared to speak like this.

At this moment, Bai Yuexi, all his vitality was released.

Don't look at her young age, but she carries coercion.

The body's momentum was released, it was the coercion of the strong, with the momentum of the superior, there was a chilling feeling.

"Deacon Liu, are you threatening me?"

Bai Yuexi can see the sign hanging on this person and naturally knows his message.

When saying this at this time, Bai Yuexi's mouth twitched a slight arc, but his eyes were cold.

This kind of coolness makes people look at each other, and they feel that their backs are chilling.

The deacon felt incredible. He even instinctively thought the boy was terrible.

But so many people watched, his face couldn't fall, and he wasn't just a teenager, dressed in ordinary clothes, and didn't even hear about it.

Every year when Nanyun College is evaluated, there are many unstudied students who do not know where to get the recommendation letter, in order to obtain a qualification for entrance examination.

"How about threatening you, what can you do, tell you that you two disrespected teachers are not eligible to take the entrance examination!"

Hearing this, the other students standing in line changed their faces.

Many people have turned white.

Even if they are children of the family, they actually have to abide by the rules here when they come to Nanyun Academy.

Of course, the students who were not familiar with the subject were whiter. They carefully pinched the recommendation letter in their hands, fearing that they would not be able to enter the school.

But what surprised them was that the teenager just smiled lightly with his hands. "Oh? I didn't expect a deacon to have such a right, and he can go beyond acting and say something like this instead of the dean. I am also eye-opening!"

With that said, Bai Yuexi went directly to the gate next to it and shook the bell hanging in front of it.

Shaking the bell means that she is going to participate in the tutor assessment.

Because there is no need to register for the tutor assessment, you can directly face the layers of assessment, and a special tutor will take her in.

As a mentor, she is qualified to deal with today's affairs.

"Haha, just you, I want to be a mentor!"

Deacon Liu looked at Bai Yuexi's move and laughed sarcastically.

In the eyes of Bai Yuexi, a faint cold light flashed, "Maybe you won't be able to laugh!"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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