When Bai Yuexi was fifteen, when she was on winter vacation in the college, she and Amo returned to Baiyuezhou.

Today, Baiyue Prefecture has undergone tremendous changes.

All developments in Baiyuezhou are ahead of the rest of Zihua State.

In the past three years, the people in Baiyue Prefecture have harvested year after year, the grain bins are full everywhere, and the people are rich in food and clothing.

The economy has also developed rapidly, and there are many commercial streets and shops everywhere.

Because of the rapid development of Baiyue State, many businessmen from all over the world come to Baiyue State.

The trade exchanges have further promoted the economic prosperity of Baiyue Prefecture.

Bai Yuexi even made people secretly raise a lot of soldiers. One hundred thousand troops were secretly cultivated, and they are an elite division.

Elite among elites.

Bai Yuexi completely combined ancient modern training methods to create an elite teacher.

Moreover, the equipment on everyone is excellent, and the weapons used are also the modified weapons of Gongsun slightly. Even the cold weapons are extremely lethal.

They were all secretly cultivated, and the emperor and the princes everywhere did not know it.

Especially the output of sweet potatoes and potatoes is amazing.

Before Bai Yuexi, he also wrote down the various practices of potatoes and sweet potatoes and passed them on to the people so that everyone could cook a variety of meals.

In this regard, the people are very supportive of Bai Yuexi.

Mention Bai Yuexi, that is the same as the goddess in everyone's heart.

The people in Baiyue Prefecture have better incomes and higher consumption, which naturally drives economic growth.

After Bai Yuexi and Amo returned home, the old lady took Bai Yuexi's hand and talked excitedly.

"You kid, there are so many things in your head, now everyone mentions you, they are full of praise."

Bai Yuexi smiled and said, "Grandma, I actually didn't do anything."

"Fool, you have done a lot. The people remember it. Once, I disguised myself and went to the restaurant to eat. I heard everyone praise you. Although you are a woman, you are now in a stable position. The people all support You become the heir of Baifu and become a female prince!"

The old lady looked at Bai Yuexi and felt very proud. This is her granddaughter!

Moreover, the secret forces in Baiyue Prefecture have been suppressed, and all the people trained by Bai Yuexi are everywhere.

There were so many schools built by Bai Yuexi before that they had already cultivated talents in various fields, and now they work in various places in Baiyue Prefecture.

These people are very loyal to Bai Yuexi.

Because they all know that the school was founded by Bai Yuexi, and that Bai Yuexi spent money to ask the Confucius to teach, even Bai Yuexi paid for the meals.

Baiyuezhou has more talents in three years and has played a major role in various industries.

Bai Yuexi did not expect Baiyue State to develop so fast.

After speaking with her grandmother, Bai Yuexi and Amo went around the street.

However, both of them disguised themselves before going out.

Because the New Year is approaching, the streets of Baiyuezhou are also very lively.

Many people buy new year's goods.

Because the people's life is better, everyone's enthusiasm for shopping is also rising.

"I never thought that I would dare to buy so many things to go back and buy so much meat."

"Thanks to Miss Bai, the lives of the big guys have improved. These three years have really been a bumper year after year. With less taxes, the income can be accumulated."

"When you used to buy meat on weekdays, now you can always eat meat..."

"And the price is affordable. I heard that Miss Bai has set up a review department to regulate prices..."

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