Bai Yuexi blinked her eyes. This kind of pain is indeed the kind of stomach pain that came from her aunt.

It's just that she didn't expect it for a while.

And at that time she had a stomachache and had no energy, and she couldn't give her pulse at all.

The doctor prescribed a medicine and explained some matters for attention.

Although Amorgen was a little red, the doctor told him everything he said in a word.

He looked at the weak and pale Bai Yuexi and felt distressed.

But Bai Yuexi was fine, and the heart he lifted fell.

After the doctor left, Amo stepped forward to Bai Yuexi and said: "Miss, you lie down for a while, I'll give you medicine!"

Bai Yuexi reached out and grabbed Amo's sleeve.

A Mo looked down at Bai Yuexi patiently, "Miss, do you have anything to say?"

Bai Yuexi blinked and looked at Amo. She found that Amo's face was red and her ears were red.

Bai Yuexi saw this kind of amo, and his heart was beating. Is he embarrassed?

In modern times, such things are normal.

But Bai Yuexi also found that this is ancient, and the ancient people are still very conservative. If they say Kwai Shui, boys will be embarrassed!

Looking at this Amo, Bai Yuexi suddenly smiled.

She thinks such amo is actually very interesting and innocent.

She couldn't help but want to laugh.

Looking at Bai Yuexi's smile, A Mo's eyes flickered, and they all felt like they were moving.

She was obviously weak at this time, and her face was pale, but she smiled, but she was so bright and beautiful, even brighter than the flowers in full bloom, which made her unbearable.

A Mo hands uncontrollably stroked Bai Yuexi's cheek.

Bai Yuexi's eyes flickered, and she was a little embarrassed about Amo's eyes.

However, she coughed gently and said: "Amo, you don't need to take medicine, you can use me to soak some brown sugar in hot water, and then give me a hand stove to warm my stomach."

"it is good."

Listening to Bai Yuexi's explanation, Amo quickly went to work.

Soon, Amo took a hand stove and gently placed it on Bai Yuexi's belly.

Then he gently lifted Bai Yuexi, scooped up the brown sugar water with a spoon, gently blow, and then fed Bai Yuexi.

At this time Bai Yuexi leaned on the head of the bed. The whole person was really weak, weak, and sweating.

She couldn't reach her hand.

Therefore, Bai Yuexi can only feed her brown sugar water.

This will protect the stomach with a hand stove and drink hot brown sugar water, the whole person can feel much better.

And watching Amo take care of her carefully, she felt warm in her heart.

In fact, when she is vulnerable, she is really vulnerable, and she hopes to have a shoulder to rely on.

At this time, she felt Amo's care and attention to her, she had a feeling that she could rely on Amo.

To Shang Mo's eyes, she also saw the pain in the center of her eyes.

After drinking a bowl of brown sugar water, Amo wiped the sweat on Bai Yuexi's forehead, wiped the corner of her mouth, and asked, "Miss, do you still drink?"

Bai Yuexi shook his head, "I want to lie down and sleep for a while."

Amo nodded, and then stroked Bai Yuexi, let her lie down, let her lie down and sleep well.

Bai Yuexi lay down to close her eyes, saw Amo sitting by the bed, and said, "Amo, you go to rest too!"

"Amo is not tired, Amo is here with the lady!"

When A Mo said this, a firm light flashed in his eyes. He insisted that he could rest assured only by accompanying her with Bai Yuexi and watching her.

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