Bai Yuexi nodded, she took a nap, which would naturally wake up.

Amo came to the bed and sat down, looked down at Bai Yuexi and asked, "Is there any discomfort when the lady wakes up, does her stomach still hurt? Do you need to take medicine to drink?"

"You don't have to boil medicine to drink, just drink brown sugar water, this will not hurt your stomach."

Indeed, this will make Bai Yuexi's spirit much better, but still a little weak and weak.

A Mo reached out and took Bai Yuexi's hand and put it in his palm.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi deeply and said, "Miss has grown up!"

When he said this, A Mo's eyes seemed to have a deep light.

There was a vortex in his eyes, as if to swallow people.

In Bai Yuexi's view, it is really with a terrifying magic.

Such eyes, such eyes, made her unable to parry, and her heart jumped.

Boom Boom...

Bai Yuexi had a feeling that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

She felt her heart beating so fast, did she have a voice, and did not know if Amo could hear it.

At this time, Amo, even if she didn't do anything, just looked at her like this, she had a feeling of nothing to escape.

His body exudes charm, especially his eyes are extremely beautiful, and it seems to be confusing.


Bai Yuexi wanted to say something, but what he said was stuttering.

She felt that her tongue had turned around at this time.

Bai Yuexi looked at A Mo and smiled softly. His eyes were as soft as water, and he could drown a person's heart.

A Mo smiled, "Is Miss Hungry?"

A Mo suddenly changed the subject, causing Bai Yuexi to be stunned for a while.

She stared blankly at Amo.

Such Bai Yuexi is actually very cute, making Amo's heart soft and abnormal.

"If the lady is hungry, I'll go to the kitchen to cook something and cook the food that the lady loves."

During the three years in the academy, the academy was also on holiday for a week. At that time, Amo and Bai Yuexi went to live in the residence in the city.

Free, Amo will also learn to cook.

He thought it was a joy to cook for the young lady.

In the past three years, Amo has learned to cook, and his cooking skills are getting better and better.

When I was in Baifu, the young lady used to cook for him. Knowing his taste, he did not know what the young lady liked to eat.

But in the three years in Nanyun City, Amo learned how to cook, she knew the taste of the young lady, and she knew what kind of food she likes.

Just when Amo was about to get up, Bai Yuexi grabbed Amo's sleeve and said, "Let... let the kitchen make a little porridge."

At this time, Bai Yuexi's body was weak, and she didn't know why, and she felt that her heart was also a little fragile. At this time, she relied on Amo and wanted Amo to be beside her.

Amo and Bai Yuexi have been together for so long, in fact, sometimes Bai Yuexi has a look in one sentence, Amo knows what she is thinking.

"Okay, I'll let people cook, I'll tell you to come back soon."

When A Mo spoke, his voice was also gentle, completely coaxing Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi nodded.

Then Amo went out.

At this time Bai Yuexi was lying on the bed, looking at the sky, his expression was dull.

Amo just said she grew up.

Yes, in this era, fifteen years old is considered an adult.

In ancient times, this age is about to kiss.

Amo just looked at her eyes, did she want to say something?

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