When Bai Yuexi was doing something, she was very aggressive.

She immediately sent someone to find this Wei Shao.

The princes everywhere naturally knew about the Weijia Army, and the East Vietnam country had already penetrated into the Zihua country.

The princes from all over the country also established themselves as kings, and began to really expand the place.

The entire Zihua Kingdom also started to mess up.

Bai Yuexi let some elite troops guard at the inner gate of Baiyue State, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

She has to protect Baiyuezhou's generation first.

That night, Bai Yuexi also received news from the Imperial City of Huadu. She knew that the emperor of Zihua Kingdom had never thought about the life and death of Baiyuezhou. The emperor would not send troops to support. He had already planned to abandon the northern zone.

He is preparing to preserve his strength and move the court officials to the south.

Plan to rebuild the imperial city in the south.

Having received this news, Bai Yuexi was angry.

Bai Yuexi's mouth twitched a sarcastic arc.

She also directly let her father become king in this generation of Baiyuezhou.

Self-reliance as a queen, Bai Yuexi did not have to worry about anything, directly mobilized his elite teacher.

Let the first elite division confront the military strength of Bei Yaoguo.

This is really an elite teacher.

Since they appeared, the momentum at the whole gate has changed.

The strength of the elite division alone can overwhelm the power of Bei Yaoguo.

And when they are fighting, they are very skillful and have a strong fighting spirit.

"What force is this?"

"These people are too powerful."

"It's terrifying that the people of the Bai family have hidden such a force..."

"They don't know what their equipment is, they can't get in the way..."

"No one is alive where they have gone..."

"They are too strong..."


Father Bai and Mother Bai watched on the city wall, watching the force transferred by Bai Yuexi, there were only 10,000 horses, but they shocked the 100,000 soldiers of the North Yao State.

Both White Father and White Mother were amazed in their hearts.

This force is not their training.

They understood that this should be secretly trained by Bai Yuexi.

No wonder Bai Yuexi didn't let them worry.

Yeah, there is such an elite teacher in hand, really don't worry.

The war during the day frustrated the spirit of Bei Yaoguo, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses could only stop temporarily, not attack.

On the same night, Bai Yuexi and hundreds of people quietly sneaked into this part of Bei Yaoguo where soldiers and horses were stationed.

Bai Yuexi will not give these people breathing time, she has to solve these people early.

Under the arrangement of Bai Yuexi, the shadow guards appeared silently, secretly killed several major generals, and then burned the grain.

Bai Yuexi put several drugs in the fire.

The smell of this medicine burning up is enough to make these people weak and weak.

In this way, Bei Yaoguo had to retreat.

When these soldiers and horses of Bei Yaoguo retreat, Bai Yuexi is ready to pursue with elite divisions and occupy the city of Beiyaoguo.

Everything is going according to Bai Yuexi's plan.

At night, quietly.

The place where Bei Yaoguo camped suddenly burst into flames, which shocked everyone.

Even the patrol people didn't find out how the fire started.

"Quick, quick, on fire, save the fire..."

"The grain and grass were burned..."

"What kind of smoke is this..."



The people of Bei Yaoguo fell down one by one.

Yingwei was hiding in the dark, admiring the young lady, "Miss, at this time they are in the smoke, fell down, don't you kill them?"

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