Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 103 The first day I miss Mr. Chen

"Oh, there is no bathroom in the dormitory. Go straight to the right when you leave the dormitory. There is a public bathroom there with a shower. You can take a shower in it."

Zhao Yang heard this and hurriedly spoke.

"Also, these beddings have been washed and disinfected, so you can use them with confidence."

"You guys clean up first, I'll take the female workers to the girls' dormitory."

"Okay, Brother Zhao, please do your work first. We can just clean up here ourselves."

Wu Yu set off to send Zhao Yang out of the dormitory.

When I came back, the employees of the garment factory began to pack up the bed.

After a while,

Several employees sat on the bed and looked at each other.

Yesterday, they had seen the staff dormitory that Mr. Chen had arranged for them. The room area was much larger than this one, and it also had an independent bathroom, air conditioning, and TV.

The dormitory here only has two bunk beds and a wardrobe, nothing else.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison!

A garment factory employee sighed.

"I miss the garment factory so much. I miss the first day in the company cafeteria."

Another employee chimed in.

"Yes, I miss the garment factory so much. I miss the first day of air conditioning in the company."

"I miss the garment factory so much. I miss the first day in the staff dormitory before I moved in."


Wu Yu was speechless as he listened to the sighs of several employees, but still maintained the formation.

"I miss the garment factory so much. I miss Mr. Chen on the first day."

I really want to run a business!

After the receptionist arranged the dormitories, he took them to get familiar with the workshop environment and the place where the training would be conducted.

After walking around for a while, the most impressive thing for all the garment factory employees was that the company is very big.

Then there was none.

Other places simply can't compare to Mr. Chen's company.


Half a month passed in a flash.

Cangxue Games,

in the conference room,

"Thank you for your hard work during this time!"

Fang Chang looked at everyone in the conference room and said seriously.

During this period of time, thanks to these people leading their teams to go home and work overtime, they were able to advance the reform of Tianlong Games so quickly.

In the past half month, the game has undergone three updates.

The changes to replacement equipment and wild monster experience have been completed in the first update.

The next two updates introduced a new profession, the swordsman. This profession is positioned as an assassin, with high attack power and high mobility, but low health and low defense. There are many combinations of skills, which require certain operability.

Then a big boss was added, which is difficult for one person to hunt alone and requires a team of multiple people to hunt it down.

There are a lot of rewards put in it, and the explosion rate will be much higher than other wild monsters.

However, due to limited time, a set of equipment will be specially developed and put in in the future, which can only be dropped by beating the boss.

"Manager Fang, we voluntarily work overtime. We do this not only for the company, but also for Mr. Chen."

"We are also doing it for ourselves. Only if the company continues to exist can we continue to work here and continue to enjoy the benefits of the company, right?"

One of the group leaders spoke up.

After so many years of working, this was the first time he encountered a company with such good treatment. He didn't want the company to go bankrupt after working for a while.

So when he heard Tianlong's changes and was very anxious about whether Tianlong could come back to life, he chose to work overtime without hesitation.

He clearly knew why the previous boss sold the company. Wasn't it because the game was losing money and making no money?

If they work overtime for a while, they can make Tianlong profitable, and they are naturally willing.

Fang Chang heard the words of the group leader and smiled slightly.

"The results of the user survey we conducted have also come out. Those game players are quite satisfied with our changes and are willing to continue playing the game."

"Now that the foundation of Tianlong has been laid, the next step is to slowly update and change."

"So from now on, everyone won't need to secretly work overtime. You can just work normally every day."

Hearing Fang Chang's words, the office burst into applause.

Everyone laughed from the bottom of their hearts. This survey result showed that their efforts during this period were not in vain.

Wait until the applause ends,

Fang Chang continued to speak.

"Anyway, I still want to thank everyone for working overtime for more than half a month, so Director Wei and I decided to treat everyone to dinner after get off work tonight."

"Okay, you all go back and inform your team members about the meal. Anyone who has time can go. If you don't have time, don't force it."

Each group leader walked out of the conference room one after another.

Soon only Fang Chang, Wei Yan and Zhao Bowen were left in the conference room.

Fang Chang was the first to speak:

"Now that Tianlong's basic changes have been basically completed, I will withdraw half of my manpower and continue to develop new projects."

"The future research and development of Tianlong will be left to Director Wei and Zhao Bowen, just the two of you."

"I'm still learning. Just let Manager Zhao take care of Tianlong's affairs."

Wei Yan shook his head when he heard this.

Zhao Bowen saw Wei Yan shaking his head and spoke quickly.

"Director Wei, you are too humble. Although you are not yet proficient in the field of games, the question you raised before about the game explosion rate is still very critical."

"Through observations during this period, I found that those players are very enthusiastic about grinding equipment."

"So Director Wei, you can still help with some problems."

"Okay, if you have any questions, I can express my opinions, and you can adopt them as you see fit."

Wei Yan had no choice but to nod when Zhao Bowen said this.

Fang Chang saw that the two had already discussed it, and looked at Wei Yan and asked.

"Director Wei, now that Tianlong has been preliminarily updated, should we inform Mr. Chen?"

After hearing Fang Chang's inquiry, Wei Yan thought about it.

"Let's observe for a few days. The third update has just been updated, and we don't know what the specific reactions of those players are. If there are no problems, it won't be too late to notify Mr. Chen."

Fang Chang heard this and felt that Wei Yan's words made some sense.

"Tianlong is not stable now. It is not safe to notify Mr. Chen now. If Tianlong has a stable user group and its profits are stable or on the rise, it will be good news to notify Mr. Chen now."

"And we can just observe for a few days. There is no need to be so anxious."

The three of them discussed in the conference room for a while and then adjourned.

Wei Yan left the conference room and went directly to the staff studio. He still had a lot of knowledge about games to learn.

Don't waste time.

As soon as he walked into the staff studio, he saw an employee yawning, looking like he hadn't woken up yet.

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