Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 112 Li Maode's Surprise

Poor management?

Losing too much money?

Chen Mo listened to Li Maude's words with a face full of envy.

How much he wanted his own clothing factory to be poorly managed.

Unfortunately, things did not go as he wished, and the company's employees did not give him a chance at all.


Chen Mo sighed secretly in his heart. He felt bitter, but he could not say it out loud!

He looked up at Li Maude.

"Let's talk about the price of the workshop, but this time I may only pay you a part of the advance payment, and the rest will be given to you later."

"Mr. Chen, this is easy to say. If you want to talk about other bosses in the entire industrial park, I won't say it, but you must believe it."

Li Maude said with a smile.

In this entire industrial park, Mr. Chen's employee cafeteria has long been known throughout the park, and the food inside is not comparable to the small restaurants outside.

He has eaten it twice, and the taste is really good.

However, there are only a limited number of 20 or 30 boxes every day, and he, a park manager, is embarrassed to compete with the employees of those workshops every day.

So he ate it twice and didn't go again.

Moreover, he knew that Mr. Chen had also built a staff dormitory. With so much investment, he was not worried at all that Chen Mo would run away halfway.

So when Chen Mo said that he would pay a part of the deposit first this time, he had no hesitation at all.

"Mr. Chen, the last boss I rented this factory for was 500,000 yuan a year, but if you sign a five-year contract, there will be a discount price."

"But Mr. Chen, since you want to rent it, as long as you sign a three-year contract, you can enjoy the discount price, a total of 1.4 million yuan for three years."

Chen Mo was speechless after hearing this. Li Maode's words directly saved him 100,000 yuan, but 1.4 million yuan was almost enough to support the settlement.

He had already made up his mind that the time to pay Li Maode could be postponed, and all the system funds would be directly paid to Li Maode the day before the company's settlement.

He could spend the extra system funds in one fell swoop, and he didn't have to worry about the sudden profit.

Chen Mo secretly thought that in this way, he would have a place to spend money at any time, as long as the sudden profit of the system funds did not exceed 1 million, he could deal with it completely.

And there were only a few days left before the settlement.

He doesn't believe that he can make a profit of more than 1 million in these few days?

"By the way, Mr. Chen, I have another good news to inform you."

Li Maude suddenly said.

Good news?

Chen Mo was a little confused when he heard this. If Li Shen and his friends said this, he would have been alert long ago, but he was not very familiar with Li Maude and didn't know this good news.

Is it really good news.

"Manager Li, what is the good news?"

"Oh, it's like this. Didn't your garment factory make a batch of work clothes for us last time? The boss was very satisfied."

"It's almost the beginning of October, and the weather is getting cooler. The boss plans to ask you to make a set of autumn work clothes. This time he wants to order 2,000 pieces."

"How is it, is it a surprise?"

Li Maude looked at Li Shuo with a smile.

Chen Mo heard Li Maude's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

It was still a surprise,

It was more like a shock.

At the same time, he was very glad that he didn't let Li Shen come over.

Li Shen's old man nature, he definitely can't bear the temptation of Li Maude, and will definitely take this order, and then he will happily go to his office to tell him the good news.

But this time he met him, naturally he would not let this happen.

"That Manager Li, this autumn work clothes may have to be sorry. Our workshop is ready to transform, not to go the crowdsourcing route, and start to go the self-production and self-sales model to create our own clothing brand."

"Is that so? That's a pity. I still want to get some orders for you."

Li Maude sighed, he still wanted to use this matter to get close to Chen Mo.

"But since Mr. Chen is going the brand route, then I would like to congratulate Mr. Chen here, to become bigger and stronger, and create more glory."

While speaking, he also clasped his fist in a formal manner.

Chen Mo looked at Li Maude's congratulations, and he was no longer able to complain in his heart.

Then the two discussed the signing of the contract and left separately.


Three days later, at night.


Inside the game.

In the wild,

Two groups of people confronted each other.

Looking at the names of the guilds above the heads of both sides.

They are:

[Haoshangtian] and [Lingyan Pavilion]

"King Teng, you are still like this after a long time."

"You are the same."

In front of the team, Chen Cong and Du Ziteng confronted each other.

The two guilds had old grudges in the past, and they often had frictions over grabbing wild monsters recently.

As the anger of both sides grew, it finally developed to the point of the current team battle.

"Brother Tuhao, don't think that I am afraid of you just because you have eight sets of dragon slayer suits. Eight pieces of dragon slayer equipment can't bring out the power of dragon slayer suits at all, so you can't control the situation alone, it still depends on the strength of the brothers."

"Just now I have drawn five sets of 100,000 equipment in a row, plus the previous five sets, I have 10 sets of 100,000 equipment here, can you compare?"

Chen Cong looked at the subtitles typed by Du Ziteng, smiled disdainfully, and also typed a paragraph of text and sent it out.

"You know how to recharge money, but I can't. I also bought five sets of equipment worth 100,000 yuan today. Counting the previous ones, there are eight sets in total. However, I still have a few spare parts of the Dragon Slaying Pass set, so I will share them with you. "

"This team battle will definitely defeat you all."

The team battle was about to break out, and members of both unions fought together instantly.

This time, the union's team battle also attracted the attention of players who were passing by to watch the battle.

This team battle scene is really spectacular, I really want to participate.


early morning,

"Brother Fang, good news."

Cangxue Games,

Zhao Bowen burst into Fang Chang's office excitedly.

"What a good thing, so happy."

Fang Chang looked up at Zhao Bowen's excited expression and asked in confusion.

"Brother Fang, this is about Tianlong. There was a team fight between two unions in Tianlong last night. The presidents of the two unions each invested 500,000 into the game."

"Today Tianlong's revenue has reached a record high, reaching more than 1 million yuan."

Fang Chang was a little stunned when he heard this. The single-day sales of this game, even when Tianlong was at its peak, were not so terrifying!

At that time, there were also union team battles in Tianlong, but at that time, the equipment could be purchased with a guaranteed price of 2,000 yuan.

Those local tycoons with a hundred or eighty thousand dollars can take out a lot of equipment to arm the members of their own unions.

But it's different now,

The most expensive equipment costs 100,000 yuan per set, and if you sell a few sets, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Fang Chang couldn't help feeling a little emotional. At that time, Mr. Chen designed this 100,000 set of equipment, and he thought no one would buy it.

But now it seems that what I thought at the time was really wrong.

Mr. Chen probably designed this 100,000 set of equipment for rich people who are not short of money.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang once showed an expression of admiration.

He looked at Zhao Bowen and said.

"Write a report on this matter and send it to Mr. Chen together with the report."

1 million,

It can be considered a surprise.

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