Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 118 Replace all these wines for me

At every party, the employees drink about 20 cases of beer, and one case contains 12 bottles, which is about 240 bottles of beer.

If this were all replaced by a thousand yuan of beer, wouldn't it be inappropriate to spend more than 200,000 yuan?

If those employees there drank more, they might actually spend 300,000!

Chen Mo's eyes lit up and he looked at the hotel owner and said.

"Please ask the waiter to remove all the beers in the banquet hall, and then replace them with red wine that costs 1,000 yuan a bottle. Just put 300 bottles in first, and then refund more and make up for less, no problem."

"Mr. Chen, how many bottles are there?"

The hotel manager asked uncertainly, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

It should be 30 bottles, not 300 bottles.

"300 bottles."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll inform you right away."

The hotel manager confirmed that he heard correctly and quickly agreed. He quickly arranged for the waiters to remove the beer from the banquet hall and asked another wave of waiters to get the red wine.

"Mr. Chen, is this red wine a bit expensive?"

Shen Rou followed and whispered.

She had seen the price of the red wine. A bottle cost one thousand yuan. Mr. Chen actually ordered 300 bottles at once. This was too extravagant.

"Don't you understand this? Red wine has the function of beautifying and nourishing the skin, which is much better than beer."

"You will also drink later."

Chen Mo said with a serious face. He remembered that Shen Rou drank fruit wine last time. If she could drink fruit wine, it would be okay to drink some red wine.

"Ah, do I want to drink too?"

Shen Rou opened her mouth in surprise.

"Of course, the company will definitely get bigger and bigger in the future. As my assistant, you will definitely have to attend cocktail parties with me in the future. By then, you will know nothing about wine, how can you do it?"

Chen Mo looked at Shen Rou's surprised look and randomly found a reason to fool her.

Shen Rou was thoughtful when she heard Mr. Chen's words.


As Mr. Chen's assistant, I will definitely not have to go out to socialize with Mr. Chen in the future. Mr. Chen cannot drink, so if necessary, I will have to help Mr. Chen stop drinking!

Back to the banquet hall,

As soon as Chen Mo walked in, he saw Li Shen walking over.

"Mr. Chen, the waiters took all the beer away and said you arranged for them to replace it with other drinks."

"That's right, I've changed you to some good wine. I think you have a good drinking capacity. Drink more this time!"

Chen Mo reached out and patted Li Shen on the shoulder, then returned to his seat.


Several waiters walked in pushing red wine.


There were exclamations in the banquet hall. The employees were looking at the red wine on the table curiously. Some people could not wait to pour a glass and start drinking it.

Seeing this, Chen Mo nodded secretly and saw if these employees were quite satisfied with the red wine.

But as time went by, I realized something was wrong.

At first, the employees were drinking very vigorously and quickly drank up a bottle of red wine. However, after the second or third bottle, they gradually slowed down.

Some employees have even stopped drinking.

How can this be done?

Chen Mo couldn't sit still for a moment.

If he didn't drink all the red wine, how could he consume the 300,000 system funds.

Immediately he got up and walked around the tables.

"Well, you girls should drink as much as you can. Red wine is good for your beauty and skin."


"Women are not inferior to men. You are the Hua Mulan of our company."

"Hey, what's going on with you gentlemen? The girls have already drank a bottle, but you haven't finished half of the bottle yet."

"What? I want to raise fish. It's full, full."

"Yes, deep feelings, a stuffy mouth, iron feelings, and vomiting blood."

"Li Maocai, aren't you a good drinker? How come you stop drinking after three bottles?"

Chen Mo looked at Li Maocai sitting there. He hadn't drank for a while, so he opened a bottle of red wine and took it over.

Li Maocai looked at the red wine that Mr. Chen put on the table, stretched out his hand to rub his head, and spoke with some difficulty.

"Mr. Chen, it's not that I don't want to drink it. This red wine has a bit of a strong stamina. Let me take a break."

"Okay, then just take a moment and I'll leave this bottle of red wine to you."

Chen Mo looked at Li Maocai's resistant look and smiled secretly.

It’s finally my revenge, I made you toast the first two times.

After three rounds of wine, the five flavors of food are gone.

A celebration banquet ended quickly.

At the end of the day, I didn’t drink all the red wine, I only drank 236 bottles.

However, Chen Mo was not so anxious anymore. He suddenly thought of other ways to spend money. Since it was a celebration banquet, there must be recognition.

He can definitely reward the employees who participated in Tianlong's reform this time!

Chen Mo was thinking that Wei Yan and the others in the distance had already begun to arrange for the company's employees to leave one after another.

The entrance to the Royal Hotel.

"Lawyer Tang, I'll leave these two to you."

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Chen and Zhao Lingling beside Tang Qiu. Both of them were working from home. They had just drank half a bottle of red wine and were a little shaken when they walked there.

Fortunately, Tang Qiu didn't drink because he drove here, and took the initiative to take these two people home.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, what about Shen Rou?"

Tang Qiu looked at Shen Rou beside Chen Mo.

At this time, Shen Rou was being held firmly by Chen Mo, and she was already extremely drunk.

She didn't expect that this weak-looking Shen Rou would be so diligent in drinking and drank two bottles of red wine.

"Shen Rou, I have contacted her classmates and I will send her to school."

Chen Mo glanced at Shen Rou who was leaning on him and said calmly.


Tang Qiu nodded, and then stuffed Zhou Chen and Zhao Lingling into the car.

Chen Mo also helped Shen Rou walk to the company's business car and helped her in.

"Brother Yang, go to Jiangcheng University first."


At the entrance of Jiangcheng University.

Zhang Lan waited anxiously. After receiving Chen Mo's call, she came to the school gate and waited.

Before long,

A commercial vehicle stopped at the gate of the campus. She saw Chen Mo get out of the car and then carried Shen Rou on his back.

He ran over quickly.

"How is Shen Rou? Why do you drink so much?"

Zhang Lan looked at Shen Rou who was moving around Chen Mo and asked anxiously.

"It's nothing, I'm just drunk. Your dormitory is over there."

Chen Mo said with some embarrassment that he only asked Shen Rou and several female employees at the table to drink a little, but when he went out to persuade them to drink, he came back.

Just found out,

Except for Tang Qiu and a female employee who couldn't drink, all the other female employees at that table drank too much, including Zhou Chen and Zhao Lingling, who were taken away by Tang Qiu.

But Shen Rou was even more powerful. The female employees all drank one or half a bottle, but Shen Rou drank two full bottles.

Chen Mo was a little touched in his heart. Shen Rou understood him best. In order to help him spend money, she drank desperately.

Unlike those guys like Li Maocai, each one was more energetic than the other when toasting, and when it came time for them to drink, they started saying that the red wine had too much stamina.

Zhang Lan carefully checked Shen Rou's condition and confirmed that Shen Rou was fine. She was just drunk and finally relaxed.

He pointed in the direction of the dormitory building, looked at Chen Mo and asked curiously.

"Xiaorou, how much did she drink to get so drunk?"

"Two bottles."

Chen Mo carried Shen Rou on his back and walked in the direction pointed by Zhang Lan.

"That's not right. Xiaorou and I drank in the dormitory before. We drank more than two bottles at that time, but we weren't so drunk, were we?"

Zhang Lan spoke in confusion.

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