Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 162 We also work from home

"Don't worry, Teacher Su, I will definitely agree."

Song Xia looked at Teacher Su's worried expression and assured her.

Although she didn't have much contact with Chen Mo, the feeling Chen Mo gave her was just two words.


Donated to the cat and dog rescue station without hesitation, and donated 500,000 cat and dog food directly.

At this time, there must be no problem with the purchase plan of hundreds of thousands.

"Teacher Su, if Mr. Chen agrees to the purchase plan, you have to go back with me to open a coffee shop."

Song Xia looked at Teacher Su with a smile on her face.

After her persistent invitation during this period of time, Teacher Su finally agreed to go back with her to open a coffee shop, but there was a requirement that the purchase plan must be in accordance with her requirements.

So there was the scene where she just called Mr. Chen.

"As long as your Mr. Chen agrees to any of the plans, I can go back with you."

Sudan smiled and nodded.

What Song Xia said was undoubtedly very attractive, but it was just a verbal agreement after all. If she went back and the coffee shop was not set up according to her idea, it would be a bit troublesome.

So she made the above request, after all, this would ensure that the coffee shop she operated was in accordance with her idea.

At this time, Song Xia's mobile phone rang again. Song Xia answered the call, and then about ten seconds later, the call was hung up again.

"Teacher Su, Mr. Chen has agreed, and it is the procurement plan of 800,000."

"The budget funds will be transferred to my account later, and I can go to purchase at any time."

Sudan listened to Song Xia's words and opened his mouth in surprise.

Just agreed, and it was the highest-end procurement plan, which was too easy.

But Song Xia had already said this, it was impossible to deceive her.

After thinking about it, he finally made up his mind.

"Okay, after your training is over, I will go back with you."


Three days later,

The office building of the garment factory was officially completed.

Xu Yaning and three people from the dormitory came to the company early. Today was their first time to work in the company, and everyone was very excited.

But when they came to the previous office building, they found that the office building had been empty. They searched all the offices and didn't see anyone.

"Sister Yaning, where is the new office building?"

Zhou Yu stood at the door of the old office building and looked around blankly. The industrial park was so big, where could they find a new office building.

"Go to the workshop and ask the people in the workshop."

Xu Yaning sighed. She knew that their studio was in the new office building, but she didn't know where the new office building was.

She thought about coming to the office building here to ask, but she didn't expect that there was no one here.

"Hey, those two people are wearing the work badges of the garment factory. They should also be people from the garment factory. Let's ask them."

Zhou Yu looked around and suddenly saw two women coming from not far away, wearing the work badges of Changfeng Garment Factory on their chests.

At this time, they were almost close.

Hearing this, Xu Yaning also noticed the two women wearing work badges.

Since there are people from the garment factory here to ask, there is no need to go to the workshop to ask.

When the two women approached, Xu Yaning stepped forward to ask.

"Hello, can I ask where the new office building of the garment factory is?"

"Who are you?"

Zhao Lingling looked at Xu Yaning and the others.

"We are the garment factory designers of the garment factory. We have been working from home before."

Xu Yaning hurriedly explained.

"Oh, I know you."

Zhao Lingling suddenly realized that although she had never seen these four people, she was the company's finance and knew that the company had hired four new garment designers.

Obviously, the four people in front of her were the four garment designers.

"However, we have also been working from home, and we don't know where the new office building is."

Xu Yaning was surprised. She thought that only the four of them were working from home, but she didn't expect that the two people in front of her were also working from home.

"Then let's go to the workshop and ask. There's no one in this office building."

"No need to go to the workshop. I'll take you there now."

Li Shen walked out of the workshop next to the office building and saw several people gathered at the door of the office building.

He came here because he was worried that these employees working from home could not find the location of the new office building, so he came here to lead the way. However, he came early and walked around the workshop.


"Okay, this is the new office building. The clothing design studio is on the first floor, and the financial office is on the second floor. You can find it by yourself."

Li Shen stood at the door of the new office building, and after talking for a while, he took the lead to walk in.

In this new office building, General Manager Chen also prepared an office for him, and he also had to arrange it well.

"Let's go in too."

Xu Yaning and Zhao Lingling said hello, and then took Zhou Yu and others into the office building.

Soon they found their studio on the first floor.

Pushing the door and walking in, after seeing the layout inside, all four people were stunned.

The studio covers an area of ​​more than 80 square meters and is luxuriously decorated. It is fully equipped with the items they requested, such as sewing machines, large desktops, hangers, etc.

There is even a shelf in the corner with various fabrics on it.

It can be said that after they enter the studio, they can make sample clothes from the plan they designed during this period.

"Okay, everything is ready for us. Let's get started. We can make samples as soon as possible so that we can put them into production in the workshop."

Xu Yaning clapped her hands and said excitedly.

Zhou Yu and others also nodded.


boss's office,

Chen Mo sat comfortably at the large desk, looking at the office that was several times larger than before, feeling comfortable.

Is this the office a boss should have?

He turned to look at the cubicle on the side of the office, which was Shen Rou's office.

"Shen Rou, go and inform Jiang Cheng, Li Shen... and several others. We will gather in the conference room in ten minutes. I have a meeting."

After these two days of observation, he discovered many areas where the garment factory needed to spend money. It happened that the new office building also had a conference room, so he called everyone together to make unified arrangements.

"Okay Mr. Chen."

Shen Rou heard Mr. Chen's greeting, then walked out of the compartment to inform Li Shen and others.

Ten minutes later,

Chen Mo came to the conference room. The conference room was very large with a long conference table in the middle. Li Shen, Jiang Cheng and others were sitting on both sides of the conference table.

Seeing him walking in at this time, everyone stood up together.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Everyone, sit down."

When Chen Mo saw this, he waved his hand with a smile and motioned for everyone to take a seat. He also walked to the front of the conference table and sat down.

"I'm calling everyone here this time, mainly to arrange the next tasks."

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