Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 166 Is this the treatment a store clerk deserves?

Sudan knew what Zhou Mei was doing instantly. It was clearly the spy that has become popular this year. He had only seen it in short videos before, but he didn't expect that there was a spa fan among the students.

Looking at Zhou Mei's cartoon look, Sudan spoke softly.

"Zhou Mei, if they don't want to wear it, don't force them."

"I know, teacher, I'm just teasing them."

Zhou Mei stuck out her tongue and turned back to her room. She took a few photos in front of the mirror and posted them on her short video account.


the people who commented were all spy fans like her.


The next day,

around nine o'clock.

Chen Mo brought Shen Rou to the coffee shop. As long as the contract was signed today, the coffee shop could be put into business immediately.

"Good morning, Mr. Chen!"

As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Song Xia standing at the door waiting, with a row of people standing behind him, obviously the shop assistants hired by Song Xia.

Chen Mo took a quick look and smiled and spoke.

"Thank you for choosing Nanhe Coffee. I came here today to discuss benefits and signing employment contracts with you."

A simple greeting.

Chen Mo, led by Song Xia, came to a seat.

He arranged for the other people to find chairs and sit nearby, and then continued to speak.

"I won't say any more nonsense. Let's talk about benefits and benefits first."

"Everyone should know about the salary. 6,000 a month and 0.1% of the net profit share, plus full five insurances and one housing fund."

All the students breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Although Song Xia also mentioned this treatment before coming, who can guarantee that they will not regret changing it after arriving here?

This is also the problem they have been worried about. At this time, the boss personally admitted this treatment, and it was when the contract was about to be signed. Obviously, this treatment is true.

The heart that has been hanging has finally been put down.

However, the next words of Mr. Chen made their hearts hang again.

"Of course, there is a slight change."

"I thought we were recruiting students, but I didn't expect to recruit a professional teacher. Since he is a professional teacher, it is obviously unreasonable to give the students the same salary and benefits."

"So, Teacher Su's salary and benefits will be the same as those of Manager Song Xia."

"Teacher Su, is there any problem with this?"

Chen Mo looked up at Sudan.

"No... no problem."

Sudan shook her head hurriedly. She was very surprised that Mr. Chen raised her salary to the level of store manager. After all, Song Xia had never mentioned this to her before.

She turned her head and glanced at Song Xia, and found that Song Xia also had a surprised expression on her face, and obviously didn't know about this in advance.

So this was Mr. Chen's temporary decision.

Thinking of this,

Sudan was moved. Although she didn't care about salary in order to run a boutique coffee shop, it was still a bit awkward to have the same salary and benefits as these students.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"You're welcome. This is the remuneration you deserve as a senior barista."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

After listening to the lecture, the other students present were relieved of their worries.

It turned out that the slight change had nothing to do with them!

"Then there are benefits. The money promised to reimburse the training fee will be paid together with the salary."

"Then there are food allowance and housing allowance. The housing allowance is 1,000 yuan per person and the food allowance is 1,500 yuan per person. Then there is a 500 yuan shopping card, which will increase to 1,000 yuan after three months of employment."

"There is also the issue of rest. Since it is a catering industry, it basically needs to be open every day, so the rest system is changed to a rotation system. Everyone has two days off per week. As for how to rest, it is up to you to discuss it yourself."

"Of course, if you don't want to rest, you can also pay double wages."

Chen Mo slowly explained the benefits of the coffee shop.

As for the rest plan, he hesitated for a long time between mandatory two days of rest per week and voluntary rest.

Finally, he chose the voluntary rest plan.

Although mandatory breaks can reduce employees' work efficiency, if the coffee shop doesn't have many customers, reducing work efficiency will be useless.

If they take voluntary breaks, he will have the opportunity to pay more wages.

When the students heard what Mr. Chen said about the treatment, they opened their mouths wide. This treatment is too good.

Housing allowance, meal allowance, plus shopping cards, this is 3,000 yuan.

Add 6,000 yuan salary, their actual monthly salary is 9,000 yuan.

And if they choose not to rest and work overtime, double overtime pay, their monthly salary may be more than 10,000 yuan.

Is this really the salary a clerk should have?

Not to mention these students, even the most experienced teacher Su was shocked.

With this treatment, even civil servants should be no more than this.

Chen Mo looked at the shocked expressions of the crowd and smiled slightly.

"Okay, that's about it. Do you have any questions? If not, you can sign the contract."

Everyone nodded quickly after hearing what Mr. Chen said.


With such treatment, there is no doubt.

Seeing that no one raised any questions, Chen Mo turned to look at Shen Rou.

"You come and arrange for them to sign the contract."

After handing all the matters over to Shen Rou, he walked around in the coffee shop and found that the coffee machine and other machines had been installed. In this way, tomorrow the business can be officially opened.

After a while,

everyone had signed the labor contract.

Chen Mo called Teacher Su and Song Xia over.

"Teacher Su, what is the general price of boutique coffee?"

Since it is ready to open, of course the price must be set.

"Mr. Chen, the price of coffee beans from different estates is different. Generally, a cup of American coffee is about 30-75. Of course, some more precious beans will definitely be more expensive, such as Blue Mountain coffee and Geisha coffee. If they are good coffee beans, they can be sold for hundreds or hundreds of dollars."

"So different beans will have different prices, and they will not be fixed."

Sudan explained briefly.

Chen Mo frowned when he heard this. If this is the case, it will be difficult for him to set the price.

But he soon figured it out. He didn't need to worry about the price of the good coffee. He just needed to raise the price of the lowest-priced coffee.

Raising the minimum consumption would be enough to dissuade a large number of customers.

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