"First of all, the main purpose of the investigation team is to conduct research and record the contact information, names and addresses of the poor people in various places. After investigating each place, make a summary and send it to me."

"I will make a targeted funding plan based on the information you send back, and then send another funding team to provide funding according to the funding plan."

Chen Mo spoke slowly.

He thought about this plan for a long time before making a decision.

After all, poverty is also divided into different levels of poverty.

Some people may not even have a shelter from the wind and rain, and some people may only face the problem of food and clothing.

Charitable funds are limited,

In order to help more people in need.

He must make a targeted plan.

For those who have no shelter, find a way to make a shelter from the wind and rain. For those who have no money to eat, you can subsidize some food and money.

Solving the poverty of the masses is a long-term problem and it cannot be achieved overnight.

It requires a systematic, organized, planned, step-by-step approach.

The most important task at hand is to solve the survival problems of the needy. Only after all the survival problems are solved can we consider the spiritual entertainment problems in the future.

"I understand, Mr. Chen."

Yang Xingguo heard Mr. Chen's story and understood what he meant.

Their investigation team is just a vanguard.

"Well, the team has been established. You can start the investigation at any time. At present, it may be very hard for only five of you, but the number of members will increase slowly in the future."

"In addition, if you encounter special people who are in urgent need of funding, you can also contact me immediately."

Chen Mo watched Yang Xingguo and others leave. The foundation team has a foundation.

After handling the affairs of the foundation,

Chen Mo rubbed his head, leaned back in the chair, and immersed his consciousness in the system panel.

At the beginning of the month,

Tianlong Game has been credited.

A total of more than 12 million, including the remaining funds before, the system funds are now more than 13 million.

Of course, this is only the beginning of the month, and there will be continuous weekly and daily card income in the future.

4 million yuan is needed for next month's salary, purchases, taxes, and other daily expenses.

He directly transferred more than 2.3 million yuan of charity funds to the foundation's account.

So now there is 6.7 million yuan of system funds to spend.

If you invest in a pet park, you can only invest 5 million yuan at most, so you can consider it later.

Then the rest is to invest in new industries and coffee shops.

As for new industries, I haven't found a suitable one yet, so I won't consider it for now.

Then there is only the coffee shop. Including rent, decoration, and purchase of equipment, it will cost about 2 million yuan to open a coffee shop.

As for employee wages and operating costs, they need to be calculated separately.

So this 6.7 million yuan of funds can open three money-losing coffee shops.

By the way,

Why are you looking for a money-losing industry?

Isn't this coffee shop a proven successful money-losing industry? In the future, as long as you have funds in your account, you can just open a branch.

This is simply perfect.

Chen Mo was secretly delighted. This is really a good idea!

[Remind the host that the number of unopened stores of a direct-operated chain store such as a coffee shop cannot exceed five. ]

Chen Mo:.........

Listening to the voice of the system, Chen Mo knew that the loophole he had just thought of was ruthlessly filled.

It did not restrict his expansion, but limited the number of his expansions.

According to the system's regulations, if he invested in three coffee shops in total, plus the branch he invested in before, there would be a total of four unopened coffee shops.

In other words, he could open another branch.

If he wanted to open another branch, he could only wait until these five coffee shops were completed and opened.

But the earliest branch had only just begun to be renovated, and if he wanted to open it, he would have to wait until the end of the month.

So he could open at most one more branch this month.

But Tianlong's continuous income this month must be at least more than 10 million.

Calculated in this way, excluding the 5 million for the pet park and the 200 budget for the sports meeting, there would still be 1 to 2 million left.

It seems that we still need to find a money-losing project!

After all, if he wants to convert the 15 million system funds in full, he must always keep the system funds at a very low state.


What industry should I choose? There are indeed some industries that burn money, such as scientific research, but with his current tens of millions of funds, he can't form a scientific research team at all.

Forget it,

The project can be put aside for now.

First, arrange the coffee shop, open a branch earlier, and open it earlier, so that he can continue to open branches earlier.


Nanhe Coffee,

Song Xia was discussing the decoration of the cat cafe with Lin Zhu.

Suddenly, he received a call from Mr. Chen.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any arrangements?"

Song Xia answered the phone and asked.

"It's nothing big, it's just that our Nanhe Coffee has not been well-known. I think it's because there are too few branches, so I decided to open three more branches."

"What, open more branches."

Song Xia couldn't help but exclaimed when listening to the content on the phone.

And this exclamation instantly attracted the attention of others.

Sudan listened to Song Xia's exclamation, pondered for a moment, and then walked over.

Song Xia realized that her voice was a little loud, but fortunately, there were no customers in the store at this time.

Chen Mo, who was on the other side of the phone, was also shocked when he heard Song Xia's exclamation.

This girl is not a big deal, isn't it just opening three branches? What's the fuss.

But on second thought,

Isn't this exactly what he needs? He has to be impatient when encountering anything. Isn't such a person the most reliable candidate to manage a coffee shop?

Thinking of this, he smiled.

"That's right, we have to open three more branches, and the requirements for the branches are still the same as before."

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Song Xia looked at the hung up phone, stunned.

The first branch has just started to be renovated, and now we have to open three more branches.

More importantly,

Currently, Nanhe Coffee has been in a state of loss.

Mr. Chen is expanding so fast, isn't he really afraid of losing money?

"Mr. Chen, do you want to open another branch?"

Lin Zhu sat opposite and asked in a low voice.

Sudan, who came over, also looked at Song Xia.

Song Xia noticed the two people's sight and nodded slowly.


"Mr. Chen, this action is a bit risky. Now the first branch is still under renovation, and it's a bit anxious to open another branch!"

Sudan frowned, she felt that Mr. Chen was a bit impulsive to expand like this.

Song Xia heard Sudan's words and reminded him in a low voice.

"Teacher Su, Mr. Chen just asked not to open one branch, but to open three branches."

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