Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 205 You are the manager of the new company

Now that the limit on the number of companies to be established has been unlocked, he can completely build a short video platform by himself.

He just needs to find a way to prevent the short video platform from having so many people.

But Li Shen wanted to live broadcast, so he just broadcast live on the new short video platform. The platform has no traffic, and no matter how good the live broadcast is, no one will watch it.

Yes, this method is feasible.

Moreover, he also took the opportunity to get these two guys away, Wu Yu and Li Shen, so that they could not continue to cause trouble in the clothing factory.

The more Chen Mo thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

"Li Shen, live streaming is indeed a good way. I just recently want to get involved in the short video industry and develop a short video platform."

"I see that you are so interested in the live broadcast, so I will leave it to you to take charge of this matter, and take Wu Yu with you."

Li Shen was stunned when he heard Mr. Chen's words. He just wanted to live broadcast, but he had never thought about developing a short video platform!

Thinking of this, he quickly waved his hand and refused.

"Mr. Chen, it's okay for you to ask me to live broadcast, but it's inappropriate for you to ask me to manage the research and development of the short video platform. I don't know much about the short video platform at all. I think Liu Jie, the head of the live broadcast team, is good. He If you know more about this aspect, let him do it.”

Chen Mo looked at Li Shen's refusal and sneered in his heart.

What I want is that you don’t know anything. If you know too much, I won’t dare to use you.

"You said Liu Jie, he is indeed good, but he is a new employee after all, and I don't know much about him. But you and Wu Yu are different. You are both old employees of the company. When you took over the garment factory, , already here, already at the senior level.”

"This short video platform is very important. Only if you old employees take over can I rest assured!"

"It doesn't matter. You can learn slowly. Didn't Wei Yan do well at Cangxue Games? When he went there, he didn't understand anything."

"So just do it with confidence, I will support you from behind."

Li Shen looked hesitant when he heard Mr. Chen's words.

He was touched that Mr. Chen trusted him so much, but he was really worried about messing up the matter.

"Okay, the matter is settled. You can go back and discuss with Wu Yu. You will be the manager of the new company, and Wu Yu will be the deputy manager. As for platform registration and software development, you can handle it yourself."

"But Mr. Chen..."

"Nothing but, I need you to come up with a project plan as soon as possible. I'll give you 5 days."

Seeing Mr. Chen's firm attitude, Li Shen couldn't help but retort: ​​"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Watch Li Shen leave.

Chen Mo began to take out a notebook and start his own plan.

Li Shen and others are responsible for building the platform, but the development direction of the platform still needs to be customized by themselves.

The first point is the issue of publicity. After the platform is successfully established, publicity must not be promoted.

As long as there is no publicity, not many people will know about a short video platform that has been quietly launched.

If no one knows, it means there is no traffic. If a short video platform has no traffic, there will be no income.

Isn’t this a complete loss of money?

Then Li Shen wanted to live broadcast to promote the company, so he would live broadcast on his own platform.

On a platform without traffic, even if you make live broadcasts, it will be of no use.

Also, the live content on short video platforms must not be too interesting or attractive.

So this aspect must be carefully considered.

Without publicity and unattractive content, if you develop according to this plan, there should be no problems.

And we can also take the opportunity to transfer Li Shen and Wu Yu.

He is really unreliable if he continues to keep these two guys in the garment factory!


"What, Mr. Chen asked us to develop a short video platform? Brother Shen, are you kidding me?"

Wu Yu couldn't believe it when he heard the news brought by Li Shen.

He just graduated from college not long ago!

Mr. Chen directly promoted him from a salesman to the deputy manager of a company. This span was too big.

"How could I make a joke about this kind of thing? If you don't believe it, ask Mr. Chen."

Li Shen smiled helplessly.

"No, I don't know anything. I can't be the deputy manager."

Wu Yu looked anxious, then found Mr. Chen's phone number and dialed it.

Although the position of deputy manager is very tempting, he knows very well that he is only a few pounds and can still run the business. But if he is asked to manage a company, he will definitely not be able to manage it.

He has no experience in this area at all!

When Li Shen saw Wu Yu making the call, he didn't stop him. He just sat aside and waited quietly.

After a while.

Wu Yu slowly hung up the phone, looking a little dazed.

"Mr. Chen, what do you say?"

Looking at Wu Yu's expression, Li Shen asked curiously.

Wu Yu turned to look at Li Shen.

"Mr. Chen said that I am a veteran employee, and he can rest assured only if I become the deputy manager. He also said that he would learn from my master. When my master went to Cangxue, he didn't understand anything."


Listening to Wu Yu's description, Li Shen was a little stunned.

Why is this rhetoric so similar to what I just said to him?

"So, what's the final result?"

"Mr. Chen, you just decided on the matter, and didn't give me a chance to say more, and just hung up the phone."

Wu Yu's tone was helpless. If possible, he really didn't want to be the deputy manager.

"What should we do?"

"Mr. Chen values ​​us so much, it would be a bit ungrateful for us to refuse again and again. Mr. Chen is right. Since we don't understand, we can learn slowly. Besides, if we don't understand, we can consult someone who knows!"

Li Shen spoke slowly.

"That's the only way."

Wu Yu nodded.


A barbecue restaurant.

"Brother Fang, I toast you a glass."

Li Shen stood up and raised his glass, and drank it in one gulp.

"Brother Fang, I toast you a glass too."

Wu Yu also drank a glass of wine.

Fang Chang saw this and smiled and drank a glass.

"Since you want to establish a short video platform, you must have a short video platform APP. As for this short video APP, you can outsource it and spend money to customize it. You can also recruit a team and develop it yourself."

"Then after the APP is produced, it will need a series of personnel such as maintenance, operation, planning, etc."

"As long as these are done, the initial stage of the short video platform will be completed. The next step is the problem of traffic diversion. Basically, some new live broadcast platforms or short video platforms will spend a lot of money to dig some famous anchors to dig traffic."


Fang Chang slowly began to explain.

Wu Yu and Li Shen, who were sitting opposite, took their notebooks and began to record.

The two asked Wei Yan to invite Fang Chang out in order to ask questions. At this time, Fang Chang's narration was crucial to them, and they dared not leave out any of it.

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