Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 228 I guess Cang Xue is in trouble

Take a sip of coffee to calm down.

Click on the game platform and look at the number of downloads of [Extreme Survival].

There are only a few downloads.

Chen Mo is completely relieved. These few downloads should be downloaded by employees of Cangxue Games.

Everything is the same as he thought. This game has not been promoted. Even if the game is online, no one will choose to download it.

However, Fang Chang's ability is already known, and the development of the next game cannot be left to Fang Chang.

Let Fang Chang be a manager to manage the company, and the new game will be left to other employees to develop.

But who will develop the new game?

Chen Mo fell into deep thought, but soon, he wrote down Wei Yan's name on the paper.

That's right, it's Wei Yan.

After thinking about it, the employees in the game company more or less know something about the game.

Only Wei Yan is different. He was transferred from the garment factory.

Originally a salesperson, he had no contact with games at all. Even if he worked in Cangxue for a while, it is impossible for him to know too much about games.

It is very reliable to let him be the planner of the third game. .Ь.

In addition, Fang Chang and Zhao Bowen also let them manage their own game projects and not interfere with Wei Yan's game projects.

Also, they cannot choose the games by themselves. They must choose a declining game category for them to develop.

Declining games, plus Wei Yan who does not understand games.

He does not believe that such a combination can not develop a game that loses money.

However, now that the office building has been rented, it has just been renovated. Even if you want to invest in new games, the office building renovation must be completed.

After all, the current employees of Cangxue Games need to maintain the two games of Tianlong and Extreme Survival, and they can't transfer more people to develop new projects.

If you want to develop new projects, you need to recruit new employees.

And now Cangxue Games' work location can no longer accommodate more new employees.

You can only wait until the office building renovation is completed and move some Cangxue employees to the group headquarters before recruiting more employees.

After thinking about these things clearly, I will temporarily ignore the new game.

Now there are 5.7 million in system funds left. There are still two weeks before settlement. Tianlong still has two weeks of weekly card income and two weeks of daily card income, which is about 8 million in income. .Ь.

Of which 5.3 million is employee wages and other expenses such as taxes.

So he still has 8.4 million in expenses.

If Li Shen had not saved 1.1 million in rent, plus the profit of the coffee shop during this period, he would have only about 7 million in system funds left.

However, 7 million in system funds can still be easily spent in his spending manual.

First of all, there is the employee restaurant next to the office building, which can allow him to spend a lot of money.

As for the house for the restaurant, he has asked Li Shen to look for it.

Then there is the employee group building dinner. It seems that it has been nearly two months since the last group building dinner. Now there is no problem holding an employee dinner.

These two things alone can almost spend all the system funds.

And even if he can't spend it, he still has other ways to spend money, so he is not very worried.


Tiange Game Club,

Chen Cong hung up the phone and turned to look at Du Ziteng.

"Cangxue called and said the game was launched today."

"Is it launched just like that? Why is there no news?"

Du Ziteng was a little surprised when he heard this. The trial was over two days ago. They thought that Cangxue would do some publicity before launching it.

Unexpectedly, it was launched quietly like this.

He clicked on the game platform with doubts and soon found the game of extreme survival.

Looking at the download of only a dozen games.

Du Ziteng's expression was even more puzzled. Why didn't he promote such a good game?

Chen Cong also noticed the situation of the game on the game platform at this time, but he didn't think too much and downloaded the game directly.

At the same time as downloading, he also sent the news of the game online to the group.

Now that the test is over, it is natural to have a good time.

And during the trial period, he finally found a way to play this game for a longer time, and he has won many first places.

That is to team up with people who play well.

"Du Ziteng, hurry up and download. I'll call Jiang Jiu and Su Yibo, and we'll team up to play a couple of games."

"Yeah, I want to play ghost mode."

Du Ziteng glanced at Chen Cong and spoke lightly.

Ever since he tried the game Extreme Survival, he discovered a problem with Chen Cong, that is, he is really bad at it but loves to play.

Playing with him in a team is really a burden.

That's easy to say, it's hard to kill someone, and this guy is more active than anyone else in looting.

"Don't, it's so fun to play together, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Chen Cong persuaded.

Without the protection of these guys, he will definitely die again.

After much persuasion and driven by interests, Du Ziteng finally agreed to play with Du Ziteng for two games.

But after downloading the game, the two found a problem.

Now this game is not promoted, so few gamers know about it. Just now, they formed a team and randomly matched with AI.

There is no challenge at all.

"This AI is too bad, so boring."

Chen Cong shot a volley of bullets and killed an AI, and said with some boredom.

Du Ziteng took off his headphones, his expression helpless.

"This game is not promoted. The download volume on the game platform is probably just ours. If it is randomly matched, 90% of them are AI. If you want to play against real people, I'm afraid you still need to customize the room."

"Really, I'll call Fang Chang to ask what's going on. Such a fun game, if it's not promoted, isn't it a waste."

Du Ziteng saw Chen Cong's action and stopped him from calling.

"It's better not to ask. Such a fun game, normally, it's impossible not to promote it. I guess Cang Xue must have encountered some difficulties."

"What difficulties can there be?"

Chen Cong looked puzzled.

Du Ziteng pondered for a moment and spoke slowly.

"I guess there is no money for promotion."

"No, Tianlong is very popular now, there shouldn't be a lack of funds!"

"Tianlong is very popular, but the boss of Cangxue has more than one game company. He also has several other companies. After signing the contract with Fang Chang and others last time, I learned about it. The situation of the companies under the boss's name, except Cangxue Games, is not very good. I guess the profit funds of Tianlong have been invested by the boss in other companies, but there is no money for promotion of the current game."

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