"That's good!"

Wei Yan saw that Luo Yuan had noticed this problem, so he didn't say anything more.

After Luo Yuan left,

he called Fang Chang, Zhao Bowen, and several team leaders together.

"Director Wei, what happened?"

Fang Chang saw Wei Yan calling all the leaders of the company together, thinking that something had happened.

Wei Yan smiled and raised his hand.

"Nothing, don't be nervous. It's just that the clothing factory..."

Wei Yan briefly recounted the agency. 琇书蛧

"So it's this matter, I thought something big had happened."

Fang Chang breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was the first time that Wei Yan had called all the leaders together since he came to Cangxue Game.

It's inevitable that he would be a little nervous.

"Since it's Mr. Chen's clothing brand, I, Fang Chang, joined it. It just so happens that my niece in my hometown is unemployed at home, so it's not bad to let her look after the store."

Fang Chang said happily.

Since it's Mr. Chen's clothing factory, as a senior leader, it's natural to express his opinion.

He can also afford the agency fee of 100,000 yuan. Not counting the monthly salary, he has 100,000 yuan in bonus from the last project.

Joining Mr. Chen's clothing brand is also an investment.

"Count me in, I want to join too."

Zhao Bowen raised his hand actively.

Fang Chang and Wei Yan have both joined, so he will follow suit.

Wei Yan nodded when he saw this, and finally turned to look at the other team leaders and spoke lightly.

"I called you here to talk about this matter, and then spread it to every team member. If you want to join the clothing brand, you can sign up with me."

"But you must do it within your means. If you don't have the financial strength for the time being, don't sign up. Mr. Chen's clothing brand is there. It won't be too late to sign up when you have the financial strength in the future."

"Okay, everything has been said. Let's go back to work."

He didn't let these team leaders express their opinions on whether they want to be agents for Mr. Chen's clothing brand. He was worried that these people would feel embarrassed when they saw that several of their leaders had joined. They would join the clothing brand even though they didn't have the financial strength.

Letting them go back also gives them space to think independently.


Chenglin Decoration,

In a conference room.

Supervisor Qi Bu stood at the front of the conference room, looking at the many employees in the conference room, with a bright smile on his face.

"The main reason why I called everyone here today is to announce something."

"It is already late January, and the performance evaluation of the previous year has come out. First of all, we have won the quarterly performance evaluation, and we have directly won the quarterly champion and quarterly runner-up."

"Quarterly champion Wang Yang, quarterly runner-up Chen Jun, let us welcome the two to the stage to receive the award."

Supervisor Qi Bu announced loudly, and then took the lead in applauding.

Other employees in the conference room saw this and applauded.

Wang Yang and Chen Jun looked at each other and walked to the front of the conference room together.

Supervisor Qi Bu handed the award certificate to the two with a smile on his face, as well as the prize money for the two.

The champion is 5,000, and the runner-up is 3,000.

Wang Yang and Chen Jun took the prize money and thanked them, and were about to leave, but they were stopped by Qi Bu.

"Don't leave yet, there is still the annual performance evaluation, and you have to come back after you go back, which is too troublesome."

Wang Yang and Chen Jun stopped when they heard this.

Listening to the words of Supervisor Qi Bu, they also understood that they also had a share in the annual performance evaluation.

After stopping the two, Supervisor Qi Bu continued to speak.

"Next is the annual performance evaluation. We have won the annual champion and the annual third place."

"The winner of the annual sales champion is still our new star Wang Yang, and the third place is Chen Jun. Let's applaud and congratulate him."

After the fierce applause, Supervisor Qi Bu distributed the annual evaluation bonuses.

Champion Wang Yang received a bonus of 20,000 yuan, and the third place Chen Jun received a bonus of 5,000 yuan.

Wang Yang looked at the bonus in his hand. Counting the 5,000 just now, he received 25,000 yuan in bonuses alone. Such a gain was something he had never thought of before entering the decoration company.

He thought that he would make a lot of money through design, but he never thought that he would make so much money so quickly.

However, the one who brought him all this was because of one person, that is, Mr. Chen.

Without Mr. Chen, he would not be who he is now.

Wang Yang was grateful and thought about how to thank Mr. Chen.

Supervisor Qi Bu spoke again.

"Let's take advantage of today to let our sales champion Wang Yang talk about his experience in getting orders."

While speaking, the supervisor Qi Bu handed the microphone to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang subconsciously took the microphone, but was stunned when he thought of sales experience. What sales experience did he have?

Could it be that he was lucky to get the sales champion?

Say it,

Turning his head to Chen Jun, hoping that Chen Jun would help him think of a solution.

Seeing this, Chen Jun turned his head silently. How could he help?

As for Wang Yang's order-taking method, if he saw it with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

If it weren't for Mr. Chen's young age, he would have thought that Wang Yang was Mr. Chen's illegitimate son.

Just a few days ago,

Wang Yang received another renovation order for five coffee shops and a five-story office building. Without a doubt, they were all from Mr. Chen.

Of course, Wang Yang was a little too busy this time, so he was assigned the renovation task of three coffee shops, but he did not take it all. He promised that after the renovation was completed, he would only take 50% of the performance commission, and the remaining half would be given to Wang Yang.

He was already very satisfied with half, after all, if he took the order in advance, it would take a long time to negotiate.

Although these orders also have some requirements and occasional modifications, basically as long as the other party's requirements are met, they are basically very smooth.

The most important thing is that,

the renovation fees for these orders will be transferred to their company account as soon as the contract is signed, and there is no arrears at all.

However, they did not slack off on the renovation because the renovation fees were transferred to the company account in advance.

Every time, the best workers are arranged to complete the work with all their heart and soul.

After so many renovations, whether it is Wang Yang, him, or the supervisor Qi Bu, they all know that Mr. Chen is a stable big customer. As long as this customer is well served, there will be no shortage of orders. .Ь.

"Manager Qi, you also know my orders, there's really nothing to say!"

Wang Yang saw Chen Yang nodded, turned around helplessly to look at the manager Qi Bu, and spoke softly.

Qi Bu heard the words, thinking of Wang Yang's orders, and the corners of his mouth trembled twice.

It seemed that there was really nothing to share.

But just as he was about to speak, he heard the phone in Wang Yang's pocket suddenly ring.

Wang Yang looked up at the manager Qi Bu.

"Answer the phone first."

Qi Bu also heard the ring of Wang Yang's phone, stretched out his hand and smiled.

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