Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 24 The best materials are needed for decoration

On the second day,


"Mr. Chen, the people taking the measurements are already here. I need you to go over and tell me what your requirements are for the decoration."

Shen Rou walked closer, looked at Chen Mo who was sleeping and said softly.

"Oh, is anyone here? Come over and have a look."

Chen Mo became much more energetic after hearing this. This renovation affects how much system funds he can spend, and he must personally supervise it.

You can't rest assured if you leave it to others.

Especially Wei Yan.

"Mr. Chen, this is our newly rented workshop."

Shen Rou brought Chen Mo to the new workshop with a strange expression. Mr. Chen rented the house yesterday and didn't even come over to take a look.

So much so that when we just came here, we still needed her to lead the way.

Chen Mo took a moment to look at the appearance of the new house. It was a two-story cement brick building just like the company's workshop, but it was smaller than the company's workshop.

Push the door and enter,

The interior of the house is very empty, with no extra buildings except the necessary supporting columns.

"This house was used as a warehouse before, so no decoration or modification was done."

Shen Rou walked aside, looked at the empty house, and explained.

She had already learned all the information about the new workshop last night.

"Hello, I am the designer of Shangmei Decoration, and you must be Mr. Chen."

A woman suddenly came over and said politely.

At the same time, designers from other homes in the house also came over.

Chen Mo nodded in response and looked up at the people gathered around him. There were actually more than ten people.

"Why are there so many people?"

He thought there was only one decoration one.

"That's what the decoration software is like. As long as you upload information, many decoration companies will get the information at the same time."

Shen Rou answered truthfully, her expression a little embarrassed.

She just found out about this last night. After uploading the information yesterday afternoon, she didn't know how many decoration companies called her after get off work, so much so that she was criticized by her boss even when she was working part-time.

After going back, I learned that the uploaded information was shared. Any decoration company that registers as a member of that software will get the uploaded information.

And the dozen people in front of her were the result of her screening, otherwise there would be more.

"Well, it's better to have more people, so you can choose the one with the highest price."

Chen Mo muttered unconsciously, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

The most expensive one?

I must have heard wrong, it should be considered the lowest price.

Shen Rou listened to Chen Mo's muttering, with a puzzled expression, and then shook her head.

"Mr. Chen, if you have any decoration requirements, you can tell us, and then we will have a direction when we make the design drawings."

The female designer spoke again.


Chen Mo nodded and started walking around the room.

"This floor is built as a canteen. For the safety of employees, the first point is the issue of paint. Safe and environmentally friendly paint must be used. Price is not an issue, but paint must be used that is less harmful to the human body. "

"The second point is ceramic tiles. The canteen is also the company's front, so the ceramic tiles must be from big brands."

“The above points are the primary requirements and must be remembered.”

Chen Mo emphasized, then walked to the innermost part and stretched out his hand to make gestures.

"This area is used for cooking and cooking. As for the specific details required, the chef will communicate with you later."

Keep moving.

"The remaining area is the dining area for employees. There are no requirements for this, but the two walls can leave corresponding positions. I plan to put in two large screens. Employees can watch TV and relax while dining."

"By the way, central air conditioning needs to be installed, both on the first and second floors."

Chen Mo suddenly said that he had almost forgotten about the air conditioner, which was a big expense.

"As for the basic facilities of the bathroom and sink, I won't go into details. The only thing is that you must use the brand name. I don't want things to break after not using them for a long time."

A group of designers followed Chen Mo, holding sketches in their hands, constantly recording Chen Mo's requirements, but everyone's eyes were filled with wonder.

This is the first time they have encountered a boss who is so considerate to his employees.

Wang Yang was also mixed in the crowd, and the sketch at this time was already covered with annotations.

Thinking about the request just now, I couldn't help but admire that this boss is really kind to his employees.

Even the canteen is equipped with air conditioners. You should know that their design department does not have air conditioners and they work with fans blowing every day.

Chen Mo ignored the expressions of others and came to the stairs.

"I plan to pack this staircase and cover it with a layer of solid wood so that it will be safer if someone falls."

"As for the upstairs, I plan to build a leisure and entertainment room for employees. Employees can come here to relax and have fun after get off work."

Come to the second floor.

The layout is the same as on the first floor.

"The entertainment room must have entertainment facilities. I plan to put in two billiard tables, table tennis tables, game consoles, and several massage chairs. When employees are tired, they can come here for a massage and relax."

"As for how these facilities are arranged, that is your business."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he went downstairs and left.

All the requirements have been said, and all that is left is to choose the one with the highest price among these designers.

Shen Rou followed behind him, her eyes flickering. She knew that Chen Mo's employees were very good, but she didn't expect them to be so good.

The facilities just mentioned in the entertainment room alone are already a huge expense.


Two days later,

Chenglin Decoration,

Wang Yang sat in front of the computer, and heaved a sigh of relief. The finished floor plan and quotation sheet were finally sent over.

"It's done, let me see how it goes."

A designer came to the computer desk.

"It's OK. This floor plan is well done. There is nothing wrong with it."

"What about the quotation sheet? The quotation for a canteen decoration should not be too high."

The designer curiously clicked on the quotation sheet, and then frowned.


A simple canteen decoration actually came up with a quotation of 450,000. I'm afraid it's crazy.

Then he opened the quotation list and took a look.

He finally figured out why the quotation was so high. All the paints, tiles, lights and other supplies were actually big brands, and the prices were very expensive.

These alone are not enough to reach 450,000 yuan.

The most ridiculous thing is that they actually provided a central air conditioner worth more than 100,000 yuan.

He has done company orders. Generally, companies require the installation of central air conditioners, which are almost for decoration. For an area of ​​several hundred square meters, only a small-power air conditioner is provided, and the price is less than 10,000 yuan. There is no difference between turning on the air conditioner and not turning it on.

"Xiao Yang, your quotation is too high. You should change it, otherwise you will not be selected."

The designer said earnestly.

"But I have already sent it."

Wang Yang said.

"And this quotation is all made according to the requirements of the boss over there."

The designer sighed and patted Wang Yang on the shoulder.

"Boy, you are still too young. Although the customer has said so many requirements, the price still has to be considered in the end."

This kind of thing is the experience he has summed up step by step. The customer swears to use a big brand for decoration, but changes his mind when he sees the quotation, and chooses the cheap quoted materials without hesitation.

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