"The second project is Tianlong, which has been profitable for a long time. Tianlong has created a lot of revenue for the company, and Mr. Chen paid a year-end project bonus for this."

"The conditions of these two projects are different, and the project bonuses received by each are also different."

"Also, some people participated in the research and development of two projects at the same time, so they received bonuses from both projects at the same time."

As Fang Chang's voice fell, the studio employees looked at each other, and everyone saw the horrified expression in each other's eyes.

It turns out that these money are project bonuses from two games!

But this is too much.

A team member carefully opened his transfer record and looked at the 180,000 project bonus on it. He was so excited that he was speechless.

He is a team member who participated in two projects at the same time.

The bonus of 180,000 yuan, plus Mr. Chen’s monthly salary after taking over Cangxue Games. He also exchanged the rewards he received from the two sports meets for money of equal value.

So so far, his total income is almost 300,000.

Three hundred thousand!

This was his previous salary for three years of work.

In the entire studio, most employees were looking at the transfer records in their hands with various expressions.

Happy, excited, surprised, excited......xь.

Xu Yuan also looked at the transfer records on his phone with a look of disbelief.

100,000 yuan.

He is not a veteran of the company, he joined the company later, and he is a newcomer who has just worked for a year.

When he was in college, he studied computers.

After graduation, he was looking for jobs as a software programmer, but those companies saw him as a fresh graduate with no work experience.

No matter how high his academic qualifications are or how many awards he has won in school, he will still be paid according to the salary of an intern after entering the company.

Moreover, the wages are low, but the work they do is no less than those of older employees.

He was also young and energetic, and had moved through several companies, but he always faced the same result.

And just when he was disappointed with this career, he saw the recruitment of Cangxue Games.

After looking at the benefits provided by the recruitment agency, he contacted the recruiter, and then rushed from the Imperial Capital to Jiangcheng with doubts.

After coming over,

He was also worried whether the person recruiting him would change his mind at the last moment and lower the welfare benefits provided by the recruitment.

He has encountered this kind of thing before.

However, what he imagined did not happen, and he was granted all the promised benefits.

He also successfully signed a contract and became an employee of the game company.

While working, he discovered what made this company unique.

In this company, there is no overtime.

But he secretly observed that although there was no overtime work, everyone's work efficiency was very high. XiuShu.com

In the past, he basically had to work three or four hours of overtime to complete similar work tasks in his previous company.

But here, everything can be completed on time before getting off work.

In the past, most companies had the phenomenon of fishing, but here, it is basically invisible.

Even if you want to catch fish, the people around you are working seriously, so you will naturally follow suit.

Moreover, the employees of this company are very united. If one person encounters a problem, many people will come to help.

This company is simply the best place to work.

The reason why these employees are so dedicated is closely related to the welfare benefits Mr. Chen provides everyone.

Dinners are held at high-end restaurants, everyone will receive rewards at sports meets, and there are various other benefits...

He thought these benefits were enough, but after seeing the 100,000 project bonus, he changed his mind.


This is higher than the salary he has received in the past few months.

The New Year is coming soon,

When I go home and put 100,000 yuan directly in front of my parents, they should be very happy.

Their son has a future.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan laughed unconsciously. When he graduated last year, he didn't dare to say how much salary he earned per month.

This time, he could finally straighten his back and tell his salary without any scruples.


Fang Chang watched the reactions of many employees quietly, and after a while, continued to speak.

"The bonuses for these projects are very generous and are impossible to get in other companies."

"So, I hope you will cherish your work here. Mr. Chen actually gave us such a high bonus. We have nothing else to repay. We can only work hard and conscientiously complete the work in our hands, and complete the assigned tasks efficiently." 's completion.

"I don't want anyone to try to fish in troubled waters with such a high salary and affect the company's working atmosphere."

"Did you hear everything clearly?"

Fang Chang looked at the many employees seriously.

"Listen clearly."

"Don't worry, Manager Fang Fang, we will all supervise each other. If anyone dares to be lazy and not work, we will not agree to it first."

"That's right, several of my friends who study computer science want to work in the company, but unfortunately there are no spare positions. Can any brother be so merciful as to be lazy and make room for my friends?"

"I also have a few friends here who have been begging me for a long time to get me a position."


Fang Chang looked at the employees' reactions and nodded with satisfaction.

"I am leaking a message. Mr. Chen intends to develop a third game project, and a group of new employees will be recruited at that time. Those of you who have just joined the company can make preparations in advance.

"Also, with the entry of new employees, a group of team leaders will definitely be announced as acting. The candidates for team leaders will definitely be selected from among you employees."

"As for the basis for selection, it is based on your performance."

New employee,

Team leader,

These words fell into the ears of many employees, like a heavy bomb, and everyone's face showed an excited expression.

Not to mention the salary increase of the team leader, the bonus for this project alone is twice as high as that of ordinary employees!

How can they not yearn for this.


You must perform well and strive to get a position as a team leader.


Time passed little by little,

and soon it was the end of January.

"Mr. Chen, the employees have already boarded the bus, and it's time for us to set off. "

Shen Rou came to the desk, looked at the tired Mr. Chen, and spoke softly.

After hearing Shen Rou's words, Chen Mo came back to his senses and slowly stood up.

"Then let's go."

Today is the day for the company's annual meeting, and the location and program have been arranged.

He got up and went downstairs with Shen Rou.

Yang Dahai had parked the car at the door of the office building.

After getting in the car,

he rushed straight to the venue of the annual meeting.


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