On the second day,

It's approaching noon.

Chen Mo was sitting in the living room watching TV when the doorbell suddenly rang.

After taking a look at the time, he knew that Song Xia should be here.

Song Xia had a phone call with him last night and wanted to report something to him.

Since the company had not officially started work yet, he was too lazy to go to the company, so he asked Song Xia to come directly to his residence.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't disturb you." i.c

open the door,

Song Xia said carefully.

"No, come in and talk."

Go into the house,

He poured Song Xia a glass of water and asked casually.

"Tell me, do you have anything to report?"

Song Xia took the water glass, thought for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"Mr. Chen, it's about Nanhe Coffee."

"What happened to Nanhe Coffee?"

Chen Mo's expression became serious. He inspected it yesterday and found that everything was normal.

"That's it, Mr. Chen. With the popularity of cat cafes and maid coffees, other coffee shops have begun to imitate them, especially cat cafes. Teacher Su and I have inspected these days and found that there are already five cat cafes. The cafes are being renovated, and two of them are almost finished and will be open for business soon.”

"If we wait for these cat cafes to open, they will inevitably divert the customer traffic from our cat cafes, resulting in a decrease in the cat cafe's income."


And this is a good thing.

Listening to Song Xia's words, Chen Mo felt happy.

Originally, the cat cafe and maid coffee were accidents in the coffee shop's money-losing plan. It would be great if the income of these two coffee shops was reduced as a result.

"Mr. Chen, should we do some activities before those cat cafes open to retain cat cafe customers."

"For example, set up some lottery activities. As long as you come and pick up the lottery next time, you can get some discounts. There are also some..."

Song Xia said carefully.

She, Teacher Su, and several store managers came up with this activity plan overnight.

The purpose is to retain customers after those cat cafes open.

After all, their cat cafe has been open for a long time. If they do some activities, I believe most customers will choose to stay.

“Forget it about the activities.”

Chen Mo directly rejected Song Xia's proposal without even thinking about it.

If you also want to use activities to retain customers, don’t even think about it.

"However, if we don't do some activities, we will probably lose a large number of customers."

Song Xia looked a little anxious.

"No, even if you do some activities, you will still lose customers. And the customers you retain through activities, are they really staying because of the coffee shop?"

"They stayed because of the price of the activity, but will this activity continue?"

Chen Mo looked up at Song Xia.

Song Xia thought for a while and shook her head. How could she continue doing the activity?

"Is this right? These customers who choose to stay because of the event will still choose to leave once the event disappears."

"So from the beginning, there will be no activities. Those who can stay are our real customers."

Listening to Mr. Chen's words, Song Xia nodded subconsciously, feeling that what Mr. Chen said made sense.

But she soon thought of the second question.

"But Mr. Chen, if the revenue of Cat Cafe and Maid Coffee decreases, our Nanhe Coffee will suffer even more losses!"

"There are many employees now who are worried that Nanhe Coffee will continue to lose money. Mr. Chen, you will give up Nanhe Coffee."

After Song Xia finished speaking, she looked at Mr. Chen carefully, wanting to see what Mr. Chen's expression would be like after listening to her words.

But what surprised him was that Mr. Chen was actually smiling.

She expected many kinds of reactions from Mr. Chen after hearing her words, but she never thought that Mr. Chen would laugh.

"You don't have to think too much about this. As long as Tomorrow Group doesn't collapse, I will definitely stick to this coffee shop."

Chen Mo looked at Song Xia with a smile.

This talented person who opened and closed a milk tea shop made the right choice.

Nanhe Coffee has always maintained a loss under Song Xia's management. Although two alternative coffee shops have appeared, the flaws cannot be concealed, and overall they are going in the expected direction.

As for giving up Nanhe Coffee, how is that possible?

How can we just give up on such a good money-losing industry? .Ь.

If you want to give up, you have to give up Cangxue Games.

Of all his businesses, Cangxue Games was the most rebellious. If the system hadn't allowed it, he would have removed Cangxue Games long ago.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we will definitely work hard to make Nanhe Coffee profitable."

When Song Xia heard Mr. Chen's assurance, she quickly stood up, bent down and thanked him.

"This effort must be moderate and not too tiring. The issue of coffee shop profitability is a long-term problem."

"So don't worry about it happening overnight, and don't be in a hurry, just take your time."

Seeing Song Xia's sworn expression, Chen Mo was a little scared. He really wanted Nanhe Coffee to make a profit.

He was ready to cry to death.

He quickly opened his mouth to make up for it, making Song Xia relax, and then continued to speak.

"It's just right for you to come here today. I also have some arrangements for Nanhe Coffee."

"Mr. Chen, please speak."

Song Xia said seriously.

"Nanhe Coffee is now saturated in Jiangcheng City, but our expansion speed cannot slow down."

"So we need to open Nanhe Coffee in other cities. For this, we need to set up regional management, and then report to the Jiangcheng headquarters through the regional office."

"As for the candidates for regional management personnel, you can select them yourself."

Chen Mo spoke slowly.

"Mr. Chen, Teacher Su and I have also discussed this, but we haven't decided which city to choose."

She and Teacher Su discussed the matter of outward expansion before the New Year.

The overall idea has been formed, but they are a little undecided about the choice of city.

If they choose a big city with high consumption, their boutique coffee will definitely have more audiences than Jiangcheng.

After all, the wages in big cities are generally higher, and more people will be willing to pay for a 50-yuan cup of boutique coffee.

But there is a problem in big cities, that is, the cost is too high. The rent for renting a house alone is estimated to be two or three times higher than that in Jiangcheng.

And even if there are many consumers of boutique coffee in big cities, there will be a lot more competition, and Nanhe Coffee is still famous. .Ь.

If Nanhe Coffee opens in a big city, the chance of losing money is estimated to be more than 90%.

It may even lose more because of the increase in capital.

But if you choose a city with low consumption, such as Jiangcheng, or a city with lower consumption than Jiangcheng.

Then you will face the problem that Nanhe Coffee is facing now, the price of boutique coffee is too high, and few people will pay for it.

The choice of city?

Chen Mo thought thoughtfully.

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