Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 283 Rebuilding the Factory

Changfeng Garment Factory,


A business car slowly stopped at the door of the office building.

Chen Mo opened the door and walked slowly, then went straight into the office building.

This is the first time he has returned to the garment factory since moving to the headquarters.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"


Some passing garment factory employees greeted him respectfully after seeing him.

Chen Mo responded with a smile. As soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Jiang Cheng approaching, followed by Li Maode.

After saying hello, he entered the office directly. .Ь.

"Mr. Chen, have some tea."

Jiang Cheng quickly made a cup of tea and handed it over.

At the same time, Li Maode poured a glass.

"Mr. Chen, you are really blessed with good fortune. The group company that was established in less than a year is really enviable!"

Li Maode took the tea handed over by Jiang Cheng and complimented.

I was also very emotional in my heart,

At that time, Mr. Chen just took over a loss-making garment factory. At that time, he also ordered a batch of work clothes for the garment factory.

But who would have thought that in more than half a year, he would transform from a small clothing factory owner to the president of a group.

This rate of development is truly terrifying!

"This group company is just an accident, so don't mention it."

Chen Mo glanced at Li Maode indifferently and thought to himself, do you think I want to set up some kind of group company?

Even though I have good fortune, I said I am poorer than my employees. Do you believe me?

"Mr. Chen, you are so humble!"

Li Maode laughed.

Chen Mo did not respond this time, but looked down at the map on the table.

At this time, there are many areas planned on the map, which are distinguished by pens of different colors.

"This is the floor plan of the industrial park."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Jiang Cheng heard Mr. Chen's question and hurriedly spoke.

At the same time, he reached out and explained in detail different areas of the floor plan.

"The current blue areas are our currently operating workshops. The red areas are companies that have canceled their leases and can move out in the next few days. The black areas are companies inside that are still looking for new ones. It’s probably impossible to move the workshop in a short period of time.”

Chen Momo really observed the area divisions on the floor plan.

He came here today mainly to deal with this matter.

Now the system funds for this month have almost been planned by him, but there is still next month, and the next month.

He wants to spend more than 100 million yuan every month, but he needs to spend it outside.

The reconstruction plan of this garment factory, if planned well, will definitely be a very large investment.

So he had to come and take charge personally.

After a while

He reached out and pointed at a red area.

"This area will be used to build staff dormitories, this area will be used to build a staff canteen, and this area will be used to build a recreation room."

"Staff dormitories and staff canteens must be large and can be built on multiple floors. As the clothing grows, there will definitely be more and more employees, so the canteens and dormitories are all built according to the standards of 10,000 people."

“To prevent the dormitories and canteens from being insufficient in the future.”

The dormitory is enough to accommodate 10,000 people.

Even if the number of employees in the garment factory has exceeded 10,000 in the future, some employees who get married and have children will definitely not be able to live in staff dormitories forever. They will definitely have to buy their own houses and live outside.

After all, a staff dormitory of about 20 square meters is fine for a couple to live in, but it seems too crowded for a family to live in. .Ь.

"There is also a recreation room, which must be large. The first floor can be set up as a basketball court. This is a collective activity. Employees can play basketball after get off work, which can increase employee cohesion."

"It's okay to have other entertainment facilities upstairs, such as billiards, table tennis, etc., but the only requirement is that it must be large enough to accommodate many people. There is also a bathtub."

"All of these things must be present, but you can contact the construction team on how to plan."

Jiang Cheng listened to Mr. Chen's narration, holding a notebook and writing down quickly.

A good memory is worse than a bad pen.

He didn't want to make any mistakes due to his sloppiness or failure to remember the tasks assigned by Mr. Chen.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, what about other parts of the construction?"

After Jiang Cheng memorized the content, he looked up at Mr. Chen.

Chen Mo observed it carefully again, and finally clicked on a red and black transition area.

"This area can be planned into an office building. The office building will be built larger this time. As the number of employees increases, the number of employees in leadership positions will definitely increase accordingly."

"However, there are still companies in this area without accompaniment, so there is no need to rush when you arrive. The staff dormitories, staff canteens, and recreation rooms will be built later. The renovation of the garment factory can be done slowly, and there is no need to build it all at once."

Chen Mo spoke slowly.

To complete the construction of this entire industrial park, it will take not 100 million, but 200 million.

With his current assets, if he wants to plan and build it together, the funds are not enough.

So he needs a little planning, which can perfectly consume his monthly income.

Li Maode was listening to Chen Mo's story, and he was shocked and speechless.

Not to mention the employee dormitories and employee canteens, the arrangement of the recreation room alone is enough to defeat many large factories.

Listening to this, he wished he could become Mr. Chen's employee.

"Mr. Chen, I will contact the construction company next and put the staff canteen and staff dormitories into construction first."

Jiang Cheng looked at the recorded notes and spoke softly.

"You can first contact the construction unit to demolish the unnecessary workshops, but the construction unit you find must be reliable. Whether it is a canteen or a dormitory, it must be built with quality assurance."

"There is no problem with the price being expensive, but there is no need for a shoddy project. After all, it is related to the life safety of many employees."

Chen Mo said with a serious expression.

Even if he cannot spend more funds, he will make this request.

Although he has a system, he is just an ordinary person. He considers himself not a noble person.

I like money and enjoyment.

But at least there is a trace of conscience in my heart, and I don't want to do things that endanger the lives of tens of millions of people because of my own selfishness.

Jiang Cheng was moved when he heard Mr. Chen's words.

Even if he was uneducated, he knew that Mr. Chen did this for the sake of employees like them.

Just when he was about to say something, Li Maode on the side suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Chen, if you want to contact the construction company, I know someone. You can rest assured that the construction is safe. Their construction team is very responsible. But if you don't worry, you can also ask professional people to supervise the work."

"They have also cooperated with a decoration company. If you hire them to build it, you will get a certain discount from this decoration company in the future."

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