Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 285 I want to taste how bad it tastes

"Brothers, there are several small trucks coming over there. I guess they are also here to donate supplies. Let's see who is so generous to donate so many supplies."

Du Xiaoxiao said to the live broadcast room, looking at the small trucks approaching from a distance, with curiosity in her eyes.

She has come to the rescue station so many times, but this is the first time she has seen so many supplies donated at one time.

"Damn, these are 5 small trucks, this is a big boss."

"Xiaoxiao is just a small truck, these 5 trucks are five times more than Xiaoxiao."

"Xiaoxiao, you are suppressed!"

"Xiaoxiao wife, hurry up and order a few trucks of dog food, we support you."


When Du Xiaoxiao aimed the camera of his mobile phone at the trucks approaching from a distance, the barrage rolled again.

Not long after,

several trucks slowly stopped at the door of the rescue station, and two young women got off the trucks.

The person in charge of the rescue station has already greeted them.

Soon, the two sides had a brief communication, and then the person in charge of the rescue station, with the two women, walked into the rescue station with a smile on his face.

Seeing the person in charge of the rescue station like this, Du Xiaoxiao was sure that the truck was loaded with donated materials.

After thinking about it, he walked over with his mobile phone.

"Xiaoxiao, let me introduce you, these two beauties are from Nanhe Coffee, and they donated 500,000 materials to the rescue station."

The person in charge of the rescue station saw Du Xiaoxiao coming over and smiled and introduced.

He was very familiar with this Du Xiaoxiao, and he often came to donate materials every few months.

"Hello, I'm Du Xiaoxiao, an online anchor. I'm live streaming. You don't mind, do you?"

Du Xiaoxiao smiled and looked at the two women.

"No, we also play live streaming, but we are not very popular."

"My name is Liu Meng, her name is Liu Xiang, also my sister, we are both employees of Nanhe Coffee, and today we are here to donate materials on behalf of Nanhe Coffee."

Liu Meng waved his hand and said.

She and her sister are twins, and they were the first to be transferred to Kyoto to handle the affairs of the office.

Two days ago, they received news from Jiangcheng that Mr. Chen had transferred 500,000 yuan to the account of the Kyoto Nanhe Coffee Office to support the stray cat and dog rescue station in Kyoto.

After two days of preparation, they finally prepared the donated materials.

Today, they directly found a few trucks and pulled them over.

"Undrinkable coffee?"

Du Xiaoxiao asked in confusion.

Is there really a coffee called Undrinkable Coffee?

Liu Meng saw Du Xiaoxiao's expression and knew that the other party had misunderstood. However, he did not express dissatisfaction with this. After all, the pronunciations of Nanhe and Undrinkable are very similar, so there are not a few people who misunderstand this name.

He explained with a smile.

"It's Nan in the south, He in peace, Nanhe Coffee."

Hearing Liu Meng's explanation, Du Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, I misunderstood."

"It doesn't matter, this name is indeed easy to be misunderstood."

Liu Meng shook his head.

"Xiao Xiao, you are all the same age, so you can help me take care of these two guests and take them to the place where the cats live. These two need to select some cats to adopt."

"I'll go arrange for the people over there to unload the goods."

The person in charge of the rescue station said apologetically when he saw that the two sides were chatting happily.


Du Xiaoxiao nodded, then looked at Liu Meng and Liu Xiang.

"Come with me, I have been to this rescue station many times and I am very familiar with it."

"I don't know, how many cats do you plan to adopt?"

Du Xiaoxiao held up her mobile phone and walked into the rescue station while live streaming.

"About 20, about 25, we will select them first, and then adopt them out in about a month."

Liu Meng followed Du Xiaoxiao and looked around the environment of the rescue station.

"More than 20? Are you two raising them?"

Du Xiaoxiao exclaimed when she heard Liu Meng's answer.

She thought these two people liked cats and planned to adopt a few to take home, but she didn't expect that they would raise more than 20. How could they raise them?

"Oh, it's not us who are raising cats, but our coffee shop. Have you heard of cat cafes?"

"I have heard of this. It seems to be very popular in Jiangcheng. I plan to go to Jiangcheng to take a look recently."

"The first cat cafe in Jiangcheng is our Nanhe Coffee. The other cat cafes that came later all started to make profits because of our popularity."

Hearing Du Xiaoxiao mention Jiangcheng cat cafes, Liu Meng unconsciously straightened her chest with a proud expression.

"But I heard that there are many precious cat breeds in those cat cafes. If you adopt from the rescue station, there are not many precious cats."

Du Xiaoxiao was confused about the news she received during this period.

All the cat cafes were popular, and the cat breeds in them were very rare and beautiful.

I have never heard of the topic of adopting cats from rescue stations!

Liu Meng listened to Du Xiaoxiao's words and sighed helplessly. xь.

"Our first cat cafe was cats from rescue stations, not rare cat breeds. Our original goal was to reduce the burden on the rescue station and help more stray cats."

"But then competition emerged, and in order to increase the appeal of cat cafes, many precious cat breeds appeared."

"But despite this, our boss decided to choose stray cats from the rescue station."

Du Xiaoxiao sighed and nodded, and couldn't help but feel curious about the cat cafe in Jiangcheng, and also curious about the boss behind the scenes.

What kind of person would give up the interests of the store and choose to help stray cats?

And the donation was 500,000 in supplies.

More importantly, if she hadn't encountered it by coincidence, I'm afraid no one would know about this matter.

While Du Xiaoxiao sighed, the live broadcast room was boiling again.

"Oh my god, I'm from Jiangcheng. I've been to Nanhe Coffee once. The lowest price was fifty-one cups, which was very expensive. I went in and didn't want to leave, so I ordered a cup. It tasted good, much better than Starbucks. But because it was too expensive, I haven't been there again. But the owner of this shop is so kind, I occasionally go to support it, which is not bad."

"Hahaha, my boyfriend and I have been to that cat cafe, it's pretty good. Later, because of the emergence of new cat cafes and the precious cat breeds, we went to other cat cafes. But since the owner of this cat cafe is so kind, I will go to Nanhe Coffee's cat cafe next time."

"I'm not interested in cats, but after listening to you, I'm interested in this unpalatable coffee. I want to try it and see how unpalatable it is."

"Yes, this boss is also a talent. Isn't he afraid that the name will discourage customers? But I'm born with a rebellious nature, so I want to try it."


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