Modu Drama Academy,

In a classroom,

Luo Xiao and Wang Bin sat in front of two desks, and in front of them was a signboard with an advertisement for recruiting actors.

"Brother Xiao, is it really okay to change the script like this?"

Wang Bin looked at the script in his hand and said with some concern.

At this time, this version of the script can no longer be said to be a change from the original script. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is not even a script.

Even the name has been changed.

Originally, it was a plot of exorcising demons, but now it has become a fantasy world where humans and demons coexist.

"No problem."

Luo Xiao nodded confidently. Since he changed the script, he found that he fell in love with rewriting the script.

He went back to find some books about scripts and read them. He found that the previous script was really rubbish.

A real script needs interesting twists and turns, but the previous script had nothing, it was just very bland.

And the two bad movies he shot before were the same.

So this time he directly changed the script, and at this time he was very confident in his revised script.

Wang Bin looked at Luo Xiao's confident look and knew that there was no way to change the script.

Then he pleaded.

"Brother Xiao, it's okay not to change the script, but can you delete the part about my pregnancy, or change it to another one? I'm a man, and you let me, a man, get pregnant, and it's a monster, this is too abnormal."

Ever since he read Luo Xiao's new script, he has been fighting for this matter.

This story is bizarre and tortuous, but it's a bit unreasonable to let a man give birth to a little monster king at the beginning.

Luo Xiao looked at Wang Bin's pleading expression and was unmoved.

"What's unreasonable? It's already a fantasy monster world. It's not surprising that you're pregnant. What's more, it's a cute little monster king. This is so dramatic that it will definitely attract many viewers to watch."


Wang Bin saw that he couldn't convince Luo Xiao, so he had to give up.

Anyway, he has already played the leading role, so if he gave birth to a demon king, he would give birth to a demon king. Maybe it is really as Luo Xiao said, this will attract the audience.

Seeing Wang Bin calm down, Luo Xiao also reached out and picked up the script on the table, flipping through it to see if there are any changes that can be made.

As for their coming to the Magic City Drama Academy, they are naturally here to select actors.

After all, Mr. Chen has required that the actors of the movie must be amateur actors.

After his thinking, amateurs can undoubtedly be divided into three types. One is the personnel who have never been exposed to acting, and one is the extras, such as Wang Bin. The other is the students of the drama academy.

After careful consideration, he first set his sights on these students of the drama academy. Although many of these students have never acted, they have all undergone systematic learning and are no longer unfamiliar with acting.

So choosing these students as actors is always much better than those who have never been exposed to acting, and it can also be smoother during filming.

And he graduated from the Magic City Drama Academy, but he studied directing, but he also got a room in the academy through his former teacher.

"Brother Xiao, why haven't any people come yet? Could it be that those students don't want to come because they see that our company is not famous?".Ь.

Wang Bin looked at the empty door and said with some concern.

"Don't worry, they will come soon."

Luo Xiao glanced at the time and smiled and shook his head. The get out of class was almost over, and it was estimated that students would come soon.

As for the situation where no students came back, he was not worried at all.

After all, those students learned to act in order to become actors.

And at this time, a crew was recruiting actors, how could they miss it?

Even if it was a supporting role with not much role, they were willing to try it. After all, they were filming while they were in school. After graduation, this filming experience could be written on their resume and become their business card.

If they filmed well, they would be easily selected by other crews, and there might be no situation where they would not have no roles to shoot in the future.


"Tangtang, let's go quickly. This is a good opportunity to film. It would be better if we could get a supporting role with more scenes."

A hot woman pulled another woman dressed in simple and elegant clothes and trotted forward quickly.

"But the class is not over yet."

Su Tang pulled the woman in front of her and said worriedly.

At this time, there were still more than ten minutes before the end of the get out of class, and they sneaked out from the back door. She was a little worried that the teacher would be angry.

"What class? Do you think we didn't see it except the teacher? We saw it a long time ago.".Ь.

Jiang Xue said quickly, and her pace could not help but speed up a bit.

"Ah, why didn't the teacher stop us?"

Su Tang exclaimed.

Jiang Xue rolled her eyes at Su Tang unhappily.

"You are stupid, the teacher has acquiesced. Let's go quickly. We don't know how many actors the crew will recruit. If we go there early, we can also choose roles with more scenes."


Su Tang nodded and followed quickly.


the two came to the classroom where the crew was recruiting people. When they saw the situation inside, they were stunned.

This time, the crew recruited only two people, and more importantly, these two people are still very young.

Could it be that they walked into the wrong room?

Jiang Xue glanced at the classroom and found that she had not walked into the wrong room, so she walked in.

"Hello, we are here for an audition."

Jiang Xue said in a low voice.

Luo Xiao looked at the two people who came in and took a serious look. Not to mention their acting skills, the two people's external conditions were still in line with the roles he chose in the script.

Especially the plain-dressed woman, who was very consistent with his idea of ​​the heroine.

"Well, here is a small script with a short plot for each character. You can take a look. If you want to try any one, just act out that scene."

Luo Xiao said, and handed the prepared script to the two.

Jiang Xue and Su Tang heard this and hurriedly took the script and took a look.

After seeing the content clearly, both of them were stunned.

"Excuse me, can all the roles above be selected?"

Jiang Xue looked up at Luo Xiao.

She saw the heroine's plot clips in this script, and there were also several plot clips marked as important supporting roles.

How is this possible?

Generally, even if a crew comes to the school to cast, they will not choose the protagonist.

Such important roles are generally selected by popular stars or powerful veteran actors.

She has never seen such a thing as choosing a student with no experience to play the protagonist in the school.

These important roles should have been selected, but they were not used. They should choose the supporting roles with less roles in the back.

Jiang Xue thought secretly in her heart.

Su Tang looked at the script in her hand and thought so in her heart.

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