"This...Mr. Chen, it's very obvious. It's not difficult to guess."

Wei Yan said with confidence after hearing Fang Chang's story.

"Is it obvious? Why don't I know what Mr. Chen wants to say?"

Fang Chang looked confused.

Wei Yan nodded, looking confident.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't know you told me that the authorization of [Extreme Survival] cannot be made too cheap, and things are rare and valuable."

"It's already obvious. Mr. Chen doesn't want to license [Extreme Survival] to too many live streaming platforms. He's just thinking about the future."

Thinking about it for the future?

Fang Chang's head couldn't turn around. What did he mean by thinking about the future?

Looking at Fang Chang's appearance, Wei Yan shook his head and smiled.

"Of course, we are considering it after [Extreme Survival] becomes a big hit. Think about how high the price of the license should be after [Extreme Survival] becomes a big hit."

He looked up at Fang Chang with questioning eyes.

“After [Extreme Survival] becomes popular, the price will definitely rise to a very high price.”

Fang Chang said matter-of-factly.

"How much exactly is that?"

Wei Yan continued to ask, but when Fang Chang couldn't answer, he continued to speak.

"So the key to Mr. Chen's doing this is revealed. At that time, we will still only authorize four live broadcast platforms. I will set a price and then conduct an auction based on this price."

"Only the four companies with the highest prices can obtain the live broadcast permission of [Extreme Survival]. Do you think that at that time, those live broadcast platforms will compete to increase their prices in order to obtain the live broadcast authorization of [Extreme Survival]?"

Wei Yan said this with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Mr. Chen is indeed Mr. Chen.

If he hadn't heard Fang Chang's story, he wouldn't have thought of this.

Fang Chang also looked thoughtful.

If [Extreme Survival] is really popular, then those live broadcast platforms will definitely compete.

After all, there are only four live broadcast platforms that can broadcast [Extreme Survival] content, so [Extreme Survival] players and cloud players are basically concentrated on these four live broadcast platforms.

A popular game can drive a lot of traffic.

Large platforms can stabilize the traffic of their own platforms by obtaining live broadcast permissions.

If a small platform obtains the live broadcast permission of [Extreme Survival], it will seize part of the traffic of [Extreme Survival]. If it is operated well, it is entirely possible for its platform to be promoted to the leading live broadcast platform.

Therefore, when [Extreme Survival] becomes a big hit, these live broadcast platforms will definitely try their best to compete for the rights to live broadcast. .

It is hard to imagine to what extent the licensing fee can be increased by then.

It turns out that this is what Mr. Chen meant by doing this.

Thank you for coming to Wei Yan to ask, otherwise I would never have thought of it.


President's Office.

Chen Mosheng leaned on his seat helplessly and suddenly sneezed twice uncontrollably.

He sat up from his seat and wiped it with a piece of paper.

The authorization fee of 100 million caught him off guard. The end of May was the settlement date for the special task. He needed to spend 30 million system funds below 15 million to complete the task.

According to the original plan, he invested most of the money in the construction of the garment factory, and he could basically complete this special task.

But the appearance of 100 million completely broke his plan.

Fang Chang is the sixth child!

I had so much trust in him before, but stabbing him failed, so I stabbed him again.

The more I think about it, the more unhappy I feel.

He took out a small notebook and wrote heavily under Fang Chang's name.

But how to spend the extra 100 million? Now the places where we can spend money have been arranged.

If you want to spend more money, you can only look for other industries.

However, the plans received by investment companies in recent days are not very reliable. It seems that we need to urge the investment companies to collect more project plans.

Cast a wide net,

He believes that one day, he will find a very "reliable" investment project.



Film and Television City.

In a shooting location.


Luo Xiao looked at the filming scene in the camera and frowned slightly.

"This won't work. Your expression should be more natural. It's true that you are scared when you see a monster, but does it mean you are scared when you stare at it? Be natural and do it again."

"Okay, Director Luo."

Wang Bin was not angry after hearing Luo Xiao's words. He nodded seriously and devoted himself to filming again.

The scene he shot this time was the scene where he came out of the village and encountered the monster for the first time.

As the leading actor, he was only an extra before. When he was actually filming, he would often make mistakes, and he was much worse than the students at the drama school.

Soon the crew adjusted the camera position and started filming again.

Luo Xiao observed Wang Bin's movements and expressions through the camera.

Wang Bin's acting skills are not mature enough. In order to shoot a perfect light shot, he can only keep reshooting.

Wang Bin, who had always been laughing and joking, seemed to be a different person after joining the crew. He was extremely serious about filming. He never complained about the shortcomings he pointed out and the request for reshoots.

And Wang Bin's acting skills were somewhat beyond his expectations.

From the beginning, he was ignorant and had to reshoot a shot dozens of times. Now, for some simple shots, he only needs to remind twice and they can basically pass.

Of course, some complex shots still need to be reshot more than ten times.

But such a speed of improvement is shocking enough. He believes that as long as Wang Bin continues to improve, he can definitely become a qualified actor.


"The expression is still not in place, do it again."

Luo Xiao looked at the content in the camera and shook his head and shouted.




After reshooting about 10 times.

Luo Xiao looked at the content in the camera and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, this one is passed. Take a break for ten minutes and then start shooting the next one."

Hearing Luo Xiao's words, all the staff breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over.

"Brother Xiao, let me see what the effect is."

Wang Bin ran over quickly, his eyes fell on the camera, and looked at the shooting content inside.

"Why, you still don't trust me!"

Looking at Wang Bin's actions, Luo Xiao said unhappily.

Wang Bin scratched his head embarrassedly.

"How is that possible? I just want to see how the effect of my own filming is."

In the distance.

Jiang Xue and Su Tang sat together.

"Su Tang, this Director Luo doesn't look very old, but he is very strict when filming!"

Jiang Xue looked at Luo Xiao who was talking to Wang Bin in front and said with emotion.

After she started filming, she realized that Wang Bin and Luo Xiao were actually classmates. Even her classmates were so strict, let alone others.

During the filming during this period, even if there was a small flaw in the scene, it had to be re-filmed.

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