Looking at Tang Qiu who came in, Chen Mo smiled slightly.

He is still very satisfied with this million-dollar lawyer.

After all, I don’t have much to do at ordinary times, so I can help with some formalities at work.

It is simply a typical example of high investment and low return.

"Sit down and say, there are indeed some things that need you to handle."

With a smile on his face, Tang Qiu pointed to the seat in front of his desk. This Tang Qiu was already one of the few trustworthy people in the entire group company.

After all, the other party has never done anything to make the company profitable since he joined the company.

Tang Qiu sat on the seat and looked at Mr. Chen with a smile on his face, wondering in his heart.

I always felt that Mr. Chen looked at her a little strangely.

After Tang Qiu took his seat, Chen Mo slowly spoke.

"It's like this. The company is planning to set up a game club. Some of the registration procedures still need to be handled by you. After all, you are more familiar with this aspect. If I leave it to others, I won't worry about it, so I can only leave it to you. ”

Listening to Mr. Chen's words, Tang Qiu's originally expectant expression suddenly fell.

I thought to myself,

What was she expecting? When did Mr. Chen give her an important task?

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I understand. This matter will be handled as soon as possible."

Tang Qiu nodded. No matter what, this job is much better than legal propaganda.

And what Mr. Chen said is absolutely correct.

She has handled so many company registration matters, and she is already familiar with people from the industrial and commercial side, and handling these matters is getting smoother and smoother.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, what name should we register for the game club this time?"

"Let's call it BL Game Club."

Chen Mo said without hesitation.

He had already thought of this name before calling Tang Qiu over. .



This is his most sincere wish for the upcoming gaming club.

The managers, coaches, and professional players of the club that he hopes to join all give him a hard time. This is the most perfect thing.

BL Game Club,

Tang Qiu thought silently in his mind and nodded secretly.

The name this time seems to be pretty good, and it doesn’t sound misleading like the names of the previous companies.

Nanhe - tastes bad.

Blue movie - bad movie.

Boring short video.

Although she knew that Mr. Chen didn't mean that, she still subconsciously thought of these names every time she heard them.

Just like Nanbei Coffee, in the eyes of passers-by, it is basically said that the coffee tastes bad.

The last time she took the elevator, she saw a person in the elevator chatting with another person, typing the word "bad coffee" instead of "Nan drinks coffee".

Of course, she didn't mean to peek, but the other person was standing in front of her, and she could see it as soon as she lowered her head.

I don’t know if Nanhe Coffee has been spread as bad coffee and has any impact on the performance of the coffee shop.

But this time, it’s finally different, BL Game Club.

She knew a little about gaming clubs. Many clubs had letters in their names, such as the most famous NNG club.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I've written down your name. I'll go and handle it right away."

Tang Qiu wrote down the name of the club, and after seeing that there was nothing else to do, he left the office to register the club.

After Tang Qiu left, Chen Mo directly called Shen Rou over.

"Let's do some statistics. The current management personnel, coaches, and professional players of all game clubs must have detailed information."

"Whether it's good or bad, sort it out for me. I need to see it."

Chen Mo looked at Shen Rou who came over and said slowly.

He needs to select some managers who are not so strong in business ability, but it is impossible to tell Shen Rou clearly and ask her to count some managers with poor business ability.

So she could only ask her to count all the relevant managers of the clubs.

At that time, he will filter through the statistical data bit by bit.

Find out all those with poor business abilities.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Shen Rou nodded. She knew that Mr. Chen was planning to set up a gaming club, so there was no surprise that Mr. Chen wanted to collect information about those club members.

Mr. Chen probably wants to poach people from other clubs.

Shen Rou leaves,

Chen Mo fell into thinking. Just setting up a game club would consume more than 140 million system funds.

However, I heard that poaching some professional players requires a lot of funds. Some powerful professional players may be worth tens of millions, but recruiting these powerful professional players can consume a lot of system funds.

However, considering that these powerful professional players may help the club achieve good results in the competition, for the sake of safety, these powerful players are still excluded from recruitment.

There are some water cooler players that you can consider. The transfer fees for these players are not as high as those of the top professions, but they are still available for hundreds of thousands or millions.

He just needs to recruit more of these water cooler players.

If one game is not enough, get a few more.

Chen Mo thought and began to record in his notebook.

[Extreme Survival], [Gun God], [Fire Dragon Island], [Mythical Beast]...

A total of 7 game names were recorded. These games were all mentioned by Chen Cong to him, and there are currently organized professional competitions.

Chen Cong’s suggestion is to choose three games to establish a professional team at the beginning, see the development of the club, and then consider whether to continue to expand.

Otherwise, it would be too risky to get involved in all the games at once, and it would also require a lot of funds.

Looking at the names of the seven games on the notebook,

Chen Mo curled his lips slightly and just chose 3 games. How could it be possible?

Only children make choices, and I want all seven games.

[Extreme Survival] has just been established not long ago. Except for the Tiange Club, which has a professional team, other clubs do not have professional teams, so [Extreme Survival] does not spend much money on recruiting professional players.

So if you want to spend more money on professional players, you can only make a fuss about other games.

However, these can only be made after Shen Rou investigates the information and then sifts through the information.


Jiangcheng City,

In a basement,

Zhang Lan and several studio partners were surrounding a simple square table with a steaming hot pot on the table.

Several people gathered around the hot pot, eating with excitement.

"Come on, let's all celebrate and have a drink together."

Zhang Lan poured a glass of beer and raised it towards the other people.

Since the end of the last sports meeting, there has been no problem confirming their songs.

She released the two new songs on the music platform when she returned. After this period of time, their songs were not as popular as they were.

But it has also been welcomed by many listeners.

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