"I know, Mr. Chen."

Yao Beiguo looked at his phone and found that Mr. Chen had sent him a contact number.

He didn't think much about it. The decorator was probably Mr. Chen's friend or a partner.

After saving the contact number, he spoke.

"Mr. Chen, I found a deputy manager and I want to ask about his salary."

These two days, he and Tao Ze have been working on the club's affairs and have never found time to discuss this with Mr. Chen.

"Oh, is it the person on the list I gave you?"

Chen Mo glanced at Yao Beiguo warily.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, it's the person on the list you gave me."

"That's good. As for the salary, it's the same as yours."

Chen Mo said indifferently. Since it's the person on the list, there's nothing to worry about. .

The salary will be the highest salary.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Yao Beiguo nodded. He didn't feel unhappy because a deputy manager was treated the same as his manager. Instead, he was a little happy for Tao Ze.

Through the cooperation and contact in the past few days, he has learned more about Tao Ze's experience.

He felt that Tao Ze needed this job to find himself, instead of living under the sarcasm of that woman.

After discussing the matter of the game club, Yao Beiguo left the office directly.

Chen Mo looked at the remaining system funds in his mind and fell into thought.

The game club only consumed 70 million of his system funds, and he still had 30 million vacancies that needed to be spent urgently.

Chen Mo rubbed his eyebrows and thought about ways to spend 30 million.

In his mind, he went through all the industries he currently owned to see where he could still spend.


he thought of Cangxue Games. At present, only Cangxue Games can spend the 30 million.

After all, for that new project team, what problem can he have with adding some project investment.

Of course,

if Wei Yan said that the project funds for the new game were enough, he had already found some reasons.

Thinking of this, he pressed the call bell in Wei Yan's office.

There was no response for a long time,


Not in the office?

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and found Wei Yan's contact information.


Cangxue Game,

In the conference room,

Wei Yan sat at the conference table and looked through the information in his hand.

These days, the entire project team discussed and rectified, and finally summarized the latest plan.

Today they have to make an overall plan for this plan.

He just read it once. Although he couldn't evaluate the quality of this game, the completeness of this game was very complete at this time.

He slowly closed the game plan and looked up at Xu Yuan and Lu Ren.

"You can talk about it."

Xu Yuan and Lu Ren heard the words, took the plan to the podium, and a PPT appeared on the screen at the same time.

[Freedom War]

Xu Yuan turned to the first page of the PPT and began to tell the story.

"After rectification and adjustment, this game plan now has a prototype. Based on the last game plan, some vague places now have a definite plan."

"The first point is that we set up several mechanisms on the three paths of the map, called mechanism towers, which will help our heroes resist the enemy's attack. And the energy that provides energy to these defense towers is an energy crystal."

"And the way to win is to destroy at least one defense tower on the road, and finally destroy the defense crystal."

"The second point is the setting of wild monsters. After discussion, we set up small wild monsters, BUFF wild monsters, and BOSS wild monsters.".

"Killing small wild monsters will gain experience and gold coins. BUFF wild monsters will gain BUFF blessings while gaining experience and gold coins. At the same time, killing BOSS wild monsters will gain collective BUFF gains and gold coins."

"The original intention of the BOSS wild monster design is to become a strategic resource competition point for both teams. Once one side gets this resource, it will increase its own combat effectiveness, thereby increasing the winning rate. At the same time, The team is the weaker party. If they get this resource, they will have a chance to turn the disadvantage around and get a chance to turn the tables. "

"The third point is the equipment setting and the character's skills. We have set up output equipment, defense equipment, and auxiliary equipment. "

"Output equipment includes increasing magic power and physical attack. The same is true for defense equipment, which increases magic defense and physical defense, and auxiliary equipment is an equipment that can contribute to the team. Of course, each equipment will have different effects. "

"In this way, players can make targeted equipment according to different character characteristics and game situations. "

"Then there are the skills of various characters. Since our 5V5 battle game has a very high requirement for the number of characters, it is not advisable to design too many skills. If there are too many, it may cause players to forget the skills and increase the difficulty of the game. "

"After discussion, it was finally decided that the number of skills for each character is 4, three ordinary skills, and one big move. At the same time, the character's level cap is 15, and then every level up will add points to the skill. "


Xu Yuan stood on the podium and described the perfect game plan one by one.

At the same time,

Lu Ren would add some supplements in time.

Soon the PPT turned to the last page, and the entire game plan was fully described.

A round of applause rang out,

Xu Yuan and Lu Ren returned to their seats.

Wei Yan slowly closed the game plan in his hand. What Xu Yuan and Lu Ren had just described was very clear. Even if he was not familiar with the game, he had a general idea of ​​how to play this game.

It still sounded very interesting.

He looked up at the people in the conference room. There were not many people in this meeting. They were all team leaders and people above team leaders.

"Do you have anything else to say about this game plan?"

After waiting for a while, no one spoke.

"Since there is no problem, let's start the division of labor."

Wei Yan slowly spoke. The production of a game requires many links, which requires separating each link and then handing it over to each group to complete.

"Boss Wei, we have already done the division of labor, but there is a problem at present."

"This game requires a lot of modeling, skill effects, etc., so the current funds may be much less."

Lu Ren spoke carefully.

As the deputy director, he still knows the funds for this project.

If it is the previous turn-based game, it is definitely enough, but now it has become this mode, 3D modeling, skill effects, all need money.

But the game funds at this time are not enough if you want to complete this game.

Unless you design fewer game characters at the beginning, it will not be enough.

"Is the project fund not enough?"

Wei Yan frowned slightly when he heard this. Boss Chen has already made an additional investment once, but he didn't expect it to be insufficient.

Should I go to Boss Chen to apply for it?

Wei Yan was thinking in his heart. When he was considering whether to go to Boss Chen to apply, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He took it out and looked at the caller ID.

Boss Chen?

Wei Yan was surprised and didn't know why Boss Chen called him at this time.

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