
Chen Mo thought of the first dumpling he ate last year, and he got a coin directly. Then, the settlement for this year was not fully converted.


I must not get a coin this time.

More than 10 minutes passed.

Both parents came out of the kitchen with two plates of dumplings.

"The dumplings are cooked, it's time to eat them."

The mother shouted.

Chen Mo got up and walked to the dining table.

"Xiao Mo, this plate is for you, see if you can get a coin this year."

The mother pushed a plate of dumplings in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the dumplings in front of him, thought about it, and then raised his hand to change a plate of dumplings.

Last year, it was the dumplings pushed to him by his mother.

Seeing that his parents had already started eating, Chen Mo also silently picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth.


Based on last year's experience, he knew that

he had eaten a coin again.

After a while,

a coin was spit on the table.

The parents looked happy,

and Chen Mo felt bitter in his heart.

"It seems that Xiao Mo is very lucky this year. He got a coin in the first dumpling."

Mother said with a smile.

Chen Mo looked at the coins on the table with mixed feelings. He also lost his appetite when he looked at the dumplings on the plate.

He simply ate a few dumplings and put down his bowl and chopsticks.

"Don't you want to eat a few more?"

Mother asked.

"Well, I ate a little too much at noon."

Chen Mo nodded, but did not go back to the bedroom directly. Instead, he sat on the sofa and continued to watch the TV in the living room.

Although the party now is boring, it is New Year's Eve today, and it is better for the family to sit together and chat.

Looking at the narrow living room, he asked casually.

"Mom, we have lived in this house for many years. It's good to change to a new one."

"What's there to change? We have lived in this house for many years and we are used to it."

Mother said.

Chen Mo sighed when he heard it. After he went home, he talked to his parents about changing houses twice.

But his parents always gave this answer, and it was difficult for him to convince them.

But they have lived in this house for a long time, and the environment is not very good. If they don't agree, it will be very difficult for their parents to go up and down the stairs when they get old.

So he wants to change a house now.

But the ideas of his parents, the older generation, really give him a headache.

What should he do!

Chen Mo fell into thinking, and after a while, he suddenly thought of a way.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Mom, you two must be used to living in this house. What if I get married and have children in the future and go home?"

"There are only two rooms at present, and we can't live in them, so we won't come back."

"How can that be possible? If you don't come back, how can we see our grandchildren?"

The mother immediately refused.

The father also put down his bowl and chopsticks. Although he didn't say anything, he was obviously unwilling.

"Look, there are only two rooms. Are we going to squeeze into one room? We have nothing to do with each other, but your grandson or granddaughter is used to living in a big house. If they don't want to come back, it's not my problem."

"Also, you keep asking me to find a girlfriend. If I really find one and bring her home, it won't be good if the room is so small."

Chen Mo looked at his parents seriously.

After hearing this, his parents didn't say anything and fell into silence.

After a long while,

the mother slowly spoke.

"What you said makes sense, but you have to meet one of the girls in my notebook after the New Year. Otherwise, you don't even have a girlfriend, and you're talking to me about this."


Chen Mo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his mother to use this trick on him.

Do you still want to go on a blind date?

Chen Mo hesitated a little, but looking at the crowded living room in front of him, he finally nodded.

"Then I'll go after I buy the house."

"Okay! Don't regret it then."

"No regrets."


Soon it was past 12 o'clock, and the new year began.

It's New Year's Eve.

Chen Mo yawned and went to the bedroom to rest.

In the other bedroom, the lights were still on.

Two figures sat on the bed, with an iron box in the middle, discussing in a low voice.

"Old Chen, my son is right. If we really marry a daughter-in-law, this house is so shabby that it's not a good idea."

"Well, when we get married and have children, our grandchildren will have no place to live when they come back."

"Then let's buy a house. There are three passbooks here. This one has 150,000, this one has 80,000, and this one has 110,000. The total is 340,000."

Yang Xiulian took out three passbooks from the iron box and calculated.

"If we buy a better house here, that is, the newly built communities, it seems to cost more than 4,000 per square meter. And at least we have to buy a three-bedroom house, which is about 100 square meters, and it will cost more than 400,000. We have to take out a loan."

Chen Jingrui analyzed it.

"Then take 200,000 yuan, and I'll keep 140,000 yuan for my son's wedding."

"Well, that's settled."

"Then wait until the bank opens, and we'll go to the bank to withdraw the money."



early morning,

Chen Mo got up early and dressed neatly.

Had a simple breakfast.

"Mom, I'm going out first."

"Go out and stay safe."

Mother's voice came from inside the room.


Chen Mo replied, opened the door and walked out.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year,

He is going to visit some relatives' houses to pay New Year's greetings.

Go downstairs,

When I walked around a corner, I saw a very ugly snowman piled downstairs.

The technology of this snowman is also very poor.

After complaining for a while, we came to the parking lot.

Get in the car,

I drove to the grain and oil market, bought some rice, flour, grain and oil, and put them in the trunk of the car.

First, I came to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings and left a bag of rice, flour, grain and oil.

Just left directly.

Then he went straight to his second aunt's house.

"Xiao Mo is here, come upstairs and sit down."

Second aunt Yang Xiuhe said with enthusiasm.

"I won't go upstairs. There are some things at home."

Chen Mo shook his head directly. Going upstairs was nothing more than accepting all kinds of petty questions from parents.

"The food is ready. Just take a bite and go. It won't take long."

The second aunt continued to persuade.

"I still have some things to do at home. I'll come over some other time when I have time."

Chen Mo said politely, then got in the car, started the vehicle and left.

Go back downstairs.

When I walked to the corner, I saw the ugly snowman in the morning. I don’t know who kicked it, and it had turned into two snowdrifts.

Go upstairs and get home,

"Xiao Mo, you're back. Come sit here."

As soon as he entered the house, he found his mother sitting in the living room, waving to him.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Chen Mo walked over doubtfully.

"Didn't we agree last night that we would buy a house and you would go on a blind date for me?"

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