"We are all happy together, and I am here to congratulate you in advance on the success of your movie."

Yu Zheng opened his mouth to congratulate.

"Then I'll borrow Dao Jiyan."

Luo Xiao smiled faintly, and then continued to speak.

"Director Yu, what kind of script is [Chinese Detective]? Filming is about to start. Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

"It's okay to say it. It's mainly a suspenseful detective movie. A young man who is obsessed with detectives is sent by his family to live with his uncle in Chinatown abroad. By chance, the young man and his uncle are involved in a case, and then the two People start to solve the case together, and the character played by Wang Qiang is the uncle. "

Yu Zheng briefly talked about the main plot of the movie.

Luo Xiao nodded when he heard this. Through Yu Zheng's few words, he felt that this movie still had some meaning.

Half a while passed,

After drinking a cup of coffee, Luo Xiao stood up and left.

"Director Yu, since the contract has been signed, I will stay soon. I have other things to deal with."

"Okay, Mr. Luo, just go about your business."

Yu Zheng nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang stood up and wanted to leave with Luo Xiao.

"You don't have to follow me. You can talk to Director Yu about the movie. After all, the filming will start in about 20 days."

Luo Xiao saw Wang Qiang getting up and said something.

"Okay Mr. Luo."

When Wang Qiang heard this, he knew that what Mr. Luo said made sense, so he stopped.


Time passes,

Soon the time came to February 15th, and today is the day when the group goes to work.

Chen Mo did not drive back to the group today, but drove to Jiuhan Agricultural Base.

Some time ago, he arranged for Qin Hong to build a smart greenhouse. Today, he planned to fully implement this project.


Jiuhan Agricultural Base.

Temporary office building.

"Don't be crowded, bring your own information, line up in order, and you will be registered."

"Let me tell you more about the documents you need to prepare. A copy of your ID card and a copy of your land certificate. If you don't bring it with you, you won't be able to register it later."

"Another point is that although everything has been registered this time, only 100 acres of land will be contracted this time. It is impossible to contract all your land, so don't have high hopes."

Wang Xilong looked at the long team, holding a loudspeaker, maintaining order and reminding them of the materials that needed to be prepared.

"Brother Long, our land is in a very good location. How about renting our land? I can do it cheaply."

When a middle-aged man saw Wang Xilong walking by, he quickly grabbed Wang Xilong's arm and spoke quickly.

Others nearby heard the middle-aged man's words and spoke one after another.

"Brother Long, our land is very good, you can take a look."

"Brother Long, take a look at our land. I know that it is your daughter who is in charge of registering it. For the sake of our relationship, let's find out more about it."

"Brother Long, we are all from the same village."


Since the Jiuhan Agricultural Base was established here and the orchard was leased, all the surrounding villages gradually became aware of the treatment given to the employees of the Jiuhan Agricultural Base.

The orchard is rented out at a high price, and then the villagers in the orchard can also enter the Jiuhan Agricultural Base to work.

The annual income is much more than what they earn from farming on their own every year, and it is very stable. Whether there is a drought or not, it has nothing to do with them.

The key is,

The content of the work is still the same farm work as they do every year, but it is more professional. But the working hours are short, from 8 a.m. to 5 a.m. every day, and there are free meals.

This kind of treatment is better than them working outside the home.

So when they heard that Jiuhan Agricultural Base wanted to collect their land information and want to contract a piece of land, they rushed over eagerly to get their land contracted.

The words of people around Wang Xilong gave him a headache.

If it was his own matter, he would definitely be helping his village or someone he knew well.

But this is a company, and he cannot use his power for personal gain.

Looking at the chattering villagers, Wang Xilong raised his horn and spoke seriously.

"Everyone, be quiet. I know you all want your land to be contracted, but this is not what I say. You must know that this time the land is contracted to build a smart greenhouse. So it is not based on whose land is better. decided.”

"The construction of smart greenhouses must be connected together. It cannot be one piece or another. As for which piece of land to choose, it is decided by the company's technical personnel."

"So don't talk about the location. Anyone who wants to register should queue up for me seriously."

As Wang Xilong's voice came out, the noisy voices in the team couldn't help but dissipate.

Outside Jiuhan Agricultural Base, a car slowly parked in the parking lot.

Chen Mo opened the door and got out of the car, and soon noticed the long queue at the entrance of the agricultural base in the distance.

What's going on!

Chen Mo was confused and didn't know what these people were doing.

Curiously, I walked towards the agricultural base.

Listening to the low-spirited discussions among those waiting in line, I knew that these people were here to register land information.

Continuing to walk inside, I saw Wang Xilong managing the order of the team and at the front of the team.

Wang Siyu took several women to register the villagers respectively.

After a brief glance, Chen Mo didn't pay much attention and walked directly inside to find Qin Hong's office.

Knocked on the door and walked in.

Qin Hong sat at his desk, looked up at the office door, and found that it was Mr. Chen who came in.

His expression was stunned, and then he quickly stood up and went to greet him.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down quickly."

He didn't expect Mr. Chen to come here today, and he was not prepared at all.

"Well, I see the land is being registered outside. What's that going on?"

Chen Mo sat down on the chair in front of his desk and looked up at Qin Hong.

"Mr. Chen, didn't you arrange a smart greenhouse project to grow southern fruits? 100 acres of land definitely requires a site selection, so we collected the land conditions of nearby villagers to see which piece of land is more suitable."

"But I didn't expect that this news was just sent out the day before yesterday, and so many villagers came this morning, some from far away villages."

Qin Hong poured a cup of tea and carefully placed it in front of Mr. Chen's table, with a hint of helplessness on his face. He had never expected the scene of queuing outside.

"That's it!"

Chen Mo picked up the tea Qin Hong poured and took a sip.

"How is the smart greenhouse project going?"

"Mr. Chen, I have come up with two solutions for smart greenhouses. One is lower cost and the smart greenhouse is made of transparent hard plastic. The other is more expensive and uses explosion-proof glass."

"This is a data report and a budget report."

Qin Hong said, pulling out a piece of information from the bookshelf on his desk and handing it over.

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