Outside the pet park,

A big black G slowly stopped in front of the pet park office building.

Chen Mo opened the door and got out of the car.

"Mr. Chen!"

Pang Tao and Xu Zhengming rushed forward quickly.

"Well, what's going on over there?"

Chen Mo looked at the crowd gathering in the distance.

"Mr. Chen, there was an accident at the pet park today. During the pet competition, a golden retriever suddenly twitched and fell to the ground. It is currently being treated at our pet hospital. These people are waiting for the result of the golden retriever."

Pang Tao opened his mouth to explain.

When the golden retriever had a problem, he received the news and went to the pet hospital to take a look and confirmed that the rescue was underway. In addition, Mr. Chen would be here soon.

He and Xu Zhengming looked at each other and left, waiting here for Mr. Chen to come over.

"Then go and take a look!"

Chen Mo glanced at Pang Tao. He had come here to check on the situation at the pet hospital. Unexpectedly, he heard news about the pet hospital just after he arrived.

"Okay Mr. Chen."

Pang Tao nodded and then led the way.


Several people came to the pet hospital.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

As soon as Chen Mo approached, he saw Du Xiaoxiao walking over.

"Are you live streaming?"

"It has been downloaded."

Du Xiaoxiao raised her phone and soon after confirming that Golden Retriever was fine, she logged off the broadcast.


Chen Mo nodded and then asked.

"What's going on with Golden Retriever?"

"Mr. Chen, the golden retriever has been rescued. It was a heart problem. The owner of the golden retriever seems to have paid a high medical fee to express his gratitude."

Du Xiaoxiao smiled.

This time, the pet hospital successfully rescued the golden retriever, which put a reassurance in the hearts of tourists, so they can bring their pets over with more confidence.

The medical expenses are very high!

When Chen Mo heard this, his eyelids twitched slightly, and then he turned to look at Pang Tao.

"When pets have problems in our pet park, our pet park must bear a share of the responsibility. In this case, we actually accepted the tourists' high medical expenses. This is so impersonal."

"Notify the hospital and contact the tourist as soon as possible."

"Okay Mr. Chen, I will inform the person in charge here later to contact the tourist as soon as possible and refund the high medical expenses and only charge the normal medical expenses."

Pang Tao nodded.


Chen Mo shook his head.

"You don't understand what I mean. Instead of just charging the normal fees, you will refund all the fees without charging any fees."

"In addition, as long as some accidents occur to your pets while visiting the pet park, we will treat them free of charge."

Pang Tao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he soon thought of Mr. Chen's intention.

After following Wei Yan for a long time, he also knew that everything Mr. Chen did had potential significance.

But this time when pets playing in the pet park had problems, the pet hospital provided free treatment. This is completely trying to win people's hearts and increase the trust of tourists.

Now, this time the golden retriever suffered a sudden illness and was safe and sound under the hospital's emergency rescue, which has planted a seed of peace of mind in the hearts of tourists.

If the treatment fees for pet accidents are free when visiting a pet park, it will undoubtedly increase a certain amount of goodwill in the hearts of tourists.

After Mr. Chen does this, he believes that more tourists will like to bring their pets to play.

This has greatly increased the ticket revenue of the pet park, and as more tourists bring pets, the sales of some pet peripherals in pet park stores will also increase a lot.

Moreover, Mr. Chen's decision seems to be free and will be a huge loss. However, since the pet park has been opened, pets have had incidents similar to today's accidents while visiting the pet park. This is just one example.

Mr. Chen is indeed Mr. Chen!

Pang Tao secretly admired him.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will implement this order as soon as possible."


Chen Mo nodded and then started walking inside the hospital.

"How will the income be after the pet hospital opens?"

This was his biggest concern when he came here.

"Mr. Chen, the pet hospital has just opened and there is no publicity. So there are not many customers in the pet hospital at present. Most of them are still serving the pets in our pet park."

Pang Tao began to explain.

The pet park is originally on the edge of Jiangcheng. You can choose to rescue pets here, which is also nearby.

The surrounding areas are basically villages, and there are basically not many people who can come to the pet hospital for treatment.

It is impossible for tourists who come to the pet park to bring a sick pet to play.

So currently, pet hospitals basically don’t have many customers.

Is this so?

Chen Mo was slightly relieved when he heard this, but the pet hospital had just opened, so it was normal to have no customers.

He is not sure what the situation of the pet hospital will be in the future. All he can do is to reduce the income of the pet hospital as much as possible.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again.

"Focus more on the development of pet parks and the promotion of pet hospitals."

"Another point is that if any problems arise with the pets at home of all employees of Tomorrow Group, they can go to the pet hospital for treatment for free."

"Okay Mr. Chen."

Pang Tao responded.

Seeing that Pang Tao did not raise any objection, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Then he visited the hospital and the pet park again and left directly.

Judging from the current situation of the pet hospital, it will not have any impact on his plan.

At the entrance of the office building.

Pang Tao and Xu Zhengming waved and watched Mr. Chen leave.

"Just now a staff member sent a message, there is something to report."

Xu Zhengming said.

"Then let's go to the office."

Pang Tao turned and walked into the office building behind him.

After a while,

Pang Tao took a sip of tea and looked up at Xu Zhengming opposite.

"Brother Xu, what do you think of this matter?"

"I think this is a good thing. So many merchants want to sell their products on our pet live broadcast. For our pet park, it can increase the income of our pet park."

"However, the specific operation is more professional than us at the boring short video. We can consult."

Xu Zhengming touched his chin and spoke slowly.

"I think so too!"

Pang Tao smiled slightly. He didn't expect that the golden retriever incident in the pet park this time would have such a big impact.

Of course, this is also thanks to Du Xiaoxiao's live broadcast.

Since the heart problem of the golden retriever is affected by food, many pet owners have begun to worry about whether the cat and dog food they buy is up to standard.

However, the pet park has given them a foundation of trust. After all, there are so many pets in the pet park, so the selection of food must be very strict.

Therefore, many pet owners have threatened to buy cat and dog food, as well as some pet snacks from their pet park.

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