Chen Mo sat up, took out a piece of tissue paper, and started combing on it.

Pet Park, Cangxue Games, and Boring Short Videos, I just paid attention to them two days ago, and they haven’t changed much.

Then there is Cangxue Games. The BL team will participate in the Tiange Cup of [Extreme Survival] organized by Tiange. The championship reward is 10 million, which is not as much as what he gave out at the time, but it is still a lot.

However, the Tange Cup is held every one month, so no matter what the BL team's final results are, it will not affect his special settlement this time.


Law firm, security company still under construction, Nanhe Coffee, agricultural base targeted by Nari Coffee.

Basically, there is no hope of profit yet, so no accidents will happen.

There is also Blue Film Film and Television. The movie has just been filmed, and the news from Luo Xiao is that it is scheduled to be released on April 1st.

It will not affect the settlement of his special mission.

Chen Mo put down his pen and nodded with satisfaction. There was basically no problem with the settlement of this special mission.

Moreover, he still has an investment gap of 500 million yuan for real estate and 4.5 billion yuan for the competition base.

There is a total funding gap of RMB 5 billion.

Even if there is a sudden inflow of funds, he is not in a hurry and will completely invest the extra funds into these two funding gaps.

Unless there is suddenly an extra 5 billion in funds.

However, this is basically impossible. With the current strength of Tomorrow Group, it is not enough to achieve it.

Chen Mo sat comfortably on the boss's chair. He didn't know what kind of reward he would get after settling this special task.


On the second day,

Changfeng clothing,

"Mr. Jiang, all preparations for the celebration have been completed and the celebration can begin at any time."

Jiang Cheng listens

"I understand. Let them prepare and wait for my order before launching a celebration."

Jiang Cheng said and continued to wait at the entrance of the industrial park.

Mr. Chen will come over today. He must wait for Mr. Chen to come over before starting today’s celebration.


"Mr. Chen is already here, do you want to drive in?"

Yang Dahai looked at the layout at the entrance of the clothing factory and spoke hesitantly.

At this time, a long red carpet was spread in front of the door of the clothing factory, and the plaque above the door was covered with a thick red cloth.

"Well, let's drive in."

Chen Mo glanced at the door. He had already seen Jiang Cheng running towards the door and waving.

After hearing this, Yang Dahai slowly started the vehicle and rushed towards the garment factory.

When I walked to the door,

Several employees rushed out in an instant, twisting open the fireworks in their hands, and the glittering sequins filled the sky and slowly fell on the vehicle.

at the same time,

The roaring salutes sounded one after another.

The car was parked in the parking lot at the door. Jiang Cheng quickly ran over and opened the door.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

" was the celebration."

Chen Mo glanced at Jiang Cheng and slowly stepped out of the vehicle.

"Mr. Chen, the celebration hasn't started yet. I'm waiting for you to come over and unveil the red cloth."

Jiang Cheng spoke respectfully.

"Then let's get started."

Chen Mo glanced around and saw that many employees from the clothing factory had gathered at the door.

"Mr. Chen, please come this way."

Jiang Cheng led the way to the side of the garment factory gate and pointed at the hanging red rope.

"Mr. Chen, you can pull the red cloth here."


Chen Mo nodded, then raised his hand to pull down the red rope, and a piece of red cloth slowly fell down.

The brand new Changfeng Clothing plaque was revealed.

The salute sounded again, and the employees of the garment factory gave warm applause, marking the official start of the celebration.

After a while,

"Mr. Chen, the employees in the garment factory are all looking forward to you coming on stage to say a few words."

Jiang Cheng walked to Mr. Chen and spoke in a low voice.


Chen Mo nodded, walked to the high platform in front, looked at the more than a thousand garment factory employees who had gathered, and cleared his throat.

"Good morning everyone!"

This simple sentence instantly caused a round of warm applause.

This garment factory is where Mr. Chen first started his business. The current top management of the garment factory are all the same people from the original garment factory.

They watched the garment factory grow little by little, and had meals and drinks with Mr. Chen.

So when it comes to the sense of belonging, the garment factory has the strongest sense of belonging to the Tomorrow Group.

When the applause ended, Chen Mo continued to speak.

"I just want to say a few words so that I won't delay everyone's celebration and dinner time."

"First of all, the development of the garment factory to its current scale is the result of our joint efforts. But I have always emphasized people-oriented, and I hope everyone will not forget the original intention."

"We work to make money to please ourselves, not to work for me, or the boss. If you work, I will give you the salary you deserve."

"So you don't have to feel uneasy just because the benefits are good. You just have to be yourself."

"That's all I said today, and I hope everyone will remember it."

"Since it's a celebration, feel free to eat and drink tonight. The garment factory will have a three-day holiday."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he walked off the podium, and there was a burst of warm applause behind him.

He also paid attention to the status of those employees during this period. Basically, few of them fished during working hours.

Through side information, I found out that these employees are worried that with such good treatment, they will be replaced by others if they don't work well.

So the words he just said were telling them from the side, feel free to be yourself and fish if you want.

He has already told the managers of each company that as long as employees' behavior is not excessive, they are not allowed to be fired at will and replaced by other employees.

He will not participate in the next celebration. He has another important task here today, which is to open a branch of the clothing factory.

"Mr. Chen, drink tea."

in the office,

Jiang Cheng poured a cup of tea and placed it on the table in front of Mr. Chen.


Chen Mo picked up the tea and took a sip, then looked up at Jiang Cheng.

"I have another thing to do here today, and that is the Changfeng Garment Branch Factory."

"Branch factory?"

Jiang Cheng had some doubts in his heart.

The garment factory has just been built, and we don’t know the follow-up results yet, so we will directly set up a branch factory.

"Yes, the clothing factory here has been expanded now, but our clothing factory is still far behind those popular brand clothing factories. So we need to open a branch of the clothing factory."

Chen Mo nodded.

"As for

"You can discuss the specific location among yourselves. Also, several employees will definitely be needed to handle this matter. It's up to you to decide on the candidates."

"Those who have gone before will be treated as business trips. After the branch factory is built, they can stay there as leaders, or they can apply for a callback. The branch factory manager can also be selected from the past batch of people."

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