Looking at the people coming in and out of the door, listening to the other party's words, she also knew that these people were here for the interview just like her.

Linda walked to the door, checked in with the doorman, and walked in.

Since the last time she chatted with Shen Rou, she has been paying attention to the Tomorrow Group, including the Tomorrow Group sports meeting.

This can't help but make her like the Tomorrow Group very much. What she likes is not the treatment of the Tomorrow Group, but the atmosphere of the Tomorrow Group.

Of course, she came here just to see if Changfeng Clothing has expanded the field of high-end customization. If so, she wanted to come over and give it a try.

After all, communicating with those rigid old men about design in Yusheng is really boring. It might be more interesting to change to a new environment.

Asked about it

Arrive at the location,

Looking at the dozens of people queuing in front, Linda consciously lined up at the back.

As time goes by, the number of interviewers in front of us decreases little by little.

next person,

Linda listened to the sounds inside, opened the door and walked in.

"Your profile."

Listening to the interviewer's words, Linda handed over the information in her hand.

"Sorry Ms. Linda, you are a tailor-made suit. Your work experience is too rich, so we can't accept you here."

The interviewer looked at Linda's information and said apologetically.

I couldn't help but feel a little regretful. It was such a pity that I couldn't be hired with such good personal information.

"I remember that women who are of marriageable age and don't have children also have priority in hiring."

Linda looked at the interviewers and spoke slowly.

"Is that so, then there is no problem, then you meet the recruitment conditions. However, the employees we recruit here are all paid according to their new salary. We don't talk about job-hopping here, so there is no way I’ll give you your original salary.”

The interviewer explained the salary package.

The other party is a professional tailor-made suit, and it is Yusheng Suit, which is a very famous brand.

The high-end designers there must have an annual income of at least 1 million yuan. And although the treatment for new employees in the clothing factory is not bad, the salary will definitely not reach the annual income of more than 1 million yuan.

"The salary is good. I would like to ask if your company has developed the field of suit customization. If not, I don't plan to join."

Linda looked at the other person and spoke slowly.


The interviewer was stunned. She didn't know much about the field of customized suits.

"We really want to develop customized suits here. We can change the place to chat alone."

Xu Yaning looked at Linda sitting opposite and spoke slowly.

When she heard the interviewer say that the other person's major was suit customization, she started to pay attention and picked up the other person's profile to look at it.

After seeing the other party's qualifications, I felt happy.

Their garment factory is developing the field of customized suits, and Linda is definitely the best candidate.

Have extensive work experience and meet the recruitment requirements.

It's simply too hard to come across.

"Who are you?"

Linda looked at Xu Yaning with confusion.

"My name is Xu Yaning, currently the director of Changfeng Fashion Design Department. The decision to develop customized suits was just made today, and we are looking for suitable candidates."

Xu Yaning opened his mouth to explain.

"Is that so? Then please ask Minister Xu to find a place."

Linda smiled.

Looking at Xu Yaning's appearance, he should be in his 20s. At this age, he is actually the director of the design department.


This situation is basically impossible to happen in other companies.

She was looking forward to joining Changfeng Clothing more and more. Finally, she was no longer dealing with those rigid old guys.

"plz follow me."

Xu Yaning stood up and walked outside, while instructing the interviewer to continue the interview.

Linda saw this and followed behind.


"Tea or coffee?"

Enter the office,

Xu Yaning looked at Linda and asked.

"Coffee bar."

Linda looked at the environment of the office and said casually.

After hearing this, Xu Yaning went to the coffee machine, made two cups of coffee and came back.


Linda reached for the coffee.

Xu Yaning also sat opposite Linda with a cup of coffee.

"Yusheng is a very big brand. If you work as a designer there, the salary should be very good. Why would you want to come to Changfeng Clothing?"

This was a question that puzzled her very much.

“Can you imagine that the people you discuss design issues with all the time are a bunch of stuffy old people?”

Linda asked rhetorically.

If they were just simple old people, she wouldn't have any ideas. The key is that those old people are too rigid and stick to the same design concept before. Without any innovation, it is too boring.

"If so, it is indeed not a pleasant thing."

Xu Yaning smiled slightly, and then continued to speak.

"In that case, let me first explain the current situation of our Changfeng Garments."

"We, Changfeng Clothing, have just been established for more than a year, and the brand has not yet been launched. The current sales of Changfeng Clothing are not very optimistic."

"So after setting up the suit customization department, the business situation may not be very good."

"Also, due to the recruitment rules of our garment factory, there may not be any other strong designers in the suit customization department except you, and we may even need your guidance."

"Finally, it's the issue of salary. You just heard it, it's true. But I can give you a guarantee here. If you join Changfeng Garments, you will be in charge of this suit customization department. As long as you don't do anything that harms the interests of the garment factory, I won't interfere, and the salary and benefits will be increased accordingly."

"What do you think?"

After Xu Yaning finished speaking, he looked at Linda with some expectation.

She valued the other party's ability very much. If the other party joined Changfeng Garments and entered the suit customization department, the speed of the suit customization department would definitely be much faster.

Hearing this, Linda took a sip of coffee and didn't care about the problems Xu Yaning said at all.

"I knew all you said before I came here. Business issues are no problem for me. I have been doing private customization for so many years, so I still have some connections."

"Some of these people only know me. If I come to Changfeng Clothing, they will definitely come."

"As for the salary, I know the salary of Tomorrow Group. It is not high at present, but it does not mean it will be high in the future."

"But I still have to deal with Yusheng's affairs, so I have to postpone my joining for a while."

"It doesn't matter. We can still wait for this period of time. Then welcome you to join Changfeng Clothing in advance."

Hearing this, Xu Yaning stood up and stretched out a hand.

"I am looking forward to coming to Changfeng Clothing."

Linda also stood up and shook hands with Xu Yaning with a smile.

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