"There is indeed a mission, and there is a game that needs internal testing. You know a lot of players there, please help contact me."

Chen Cong directly explained his purpose of coming.

"What game?"

Mei Youqian looked curious.

"The name is [Freedom Battle]. The specific gameplay is not the gameplay of those games on the market now. It is a brand new game. You will know it when you download it and play it."

"But this game was developed by Cangxue Games. You should know what it means."

Developed by Cangxue Games!

Mei Youqian was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he also realized the difference of this game and his expression became serious.

"How many places are there for internal testing?"

"There are 5,000 places for internal testing, but I have reserved 20 here. You need to find people for the rest."

"After the official closed beta test ends, players in the closed beta test will be given a skin for the closed beta test. This skin will be out of print in the future."

"In addition, during the game, if you find a bug or something that affects the balance of the game, if you report it, you will receive rewards ranging from hundreds to thousands."

"Of course, this is an official reward from Cangxue. I will also give certain rewards here. I will pay bonuses based on the game time of the players in the internal beta test. They will pay 6 yuan per hour and will be settled once a month."

"Please be careful, I want those beta testers to actively play the game, so don't be too cruel, you know."

Chen Cong said a reminder at the end.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. I understand this kind of thing, and I will be measured."

Mei Youqian understood.

"It's good to know. I will send you the account for the closed beta test and the download link for the game later. You can get it done as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, everything will be done smoothly today."




In an office.

Mei Youqian hung up the phone, looked at the employees in the studio outside who were giving him money, and gave up the plan of letting his employees participate in the internal beta after thinking about it.

6 yuan an hour,

Even if you play 20 hours a day, it only costs 120 yuan. You might as well earn gold.

In this case, we can only find those gamers.


I turned on my phone, entered several group chats, edited a message and sent it.

[Recruiting closed beta players, issuing out-of-print closed beta skins after the closed beta, and finding bugs during the game, as well as things that affect the game balance, there will be hundreds to thousands of rewards. 】

[In addition, there will be a reward for the paid time of the game, which is 5 yuan per hour. The internal testing period is two months in total, and the settlement is once a month. 】

[If you want a spot for internal testing, please join the group (group account)]

After Mei Youqian finished posting, he ignored the feedback from his friends in the group. Instead, he directly contacted several players who had cooperated with him for a long time and brought them into the group first.

The rules of the internal test were explained, and a certain amount of compensation was paid to help manage the group chat.

This group can accommodate exactly 5,000 people.

It’s enough for this internal test.

After everything was arranged, we saw the number of people in the two groups growing rapidly. People kept entering the group chat, and soon the number of people in the group reached a thousand.

This kind of thing was something he expected.

These people are basically all kinds of gamers, and they also like to experience various new games. Even if they don't give you anything, many people will choose to participate in this kind of closed beta opportunity, not to mention the various benefits.

Being able to play games and make money in games would be perfect.

As the number of people in the group increases.

Many people have already started sending messages in the group chat.

[What kind of game is it and how to participate in the closed beta. 】

[You get 5 yuan for playing for an hour, it’s true. 】

[How to download the game and where is the beta account? 】

[As for people, do you have management? Tell us about the situation! 】

[You can also make money by playing games. It costs 5 yuan an hour. If I play for more than 10 hours a day, wouldn’t it be more than 50 yuan? 】

[Isn’t this 50 per day? He can’t be a liar. 】

[The tasks released by Mei Papi will not be bad, and the money will definitely be given. I just don’t know how many kickbacks I received from this old boy. 】


Mei Youqian looked at the messages in the group and touched his nose awkwardly.

I thought to myself,

What an injustice!

This time he only received a 1 yuan kickback. If Mr. Chen hadn't emphasized it, he would have received a 2 yuan kickback.

after all,

Regarding the internal testing, even if there were no benefits, he could still find 10,000 internal testing quotas.

But considering the enthusiasm of the closed beta players and Mr. Chen’s reminder, he restrained himself a little this time.

After all, he still had to pay attention to Mr. Chen's matters.

This is a big customer. If it is not handled well and the other party is dissatisfied, losing this big customer will not be worth the loss.

And this time even if he takes a cut of one dollar, he will make a lot of money.

Do people need to be content?

Mei Youqian smiled.

At this time, the managers he was looking for also began to speak in the group.

[Don’t worry about money. Mr. Mei is in charge. People who know about it should know that there will be no shortage of money. Don’t worry. 】

[To download the game, you can check it in the group file, which contains the download link. 】

[As for the internal account, our management will privately message you and give it to you when the time comes. Also, please note that only a few of our management will contact you, and the others are all scammers. ]


Soon after,

the group chat of 5,000 people had more than 4,900 people, and the few empty positions were reserved for Chen Shao and himself.

At this time, the earliest players who entered the group had already started downloading, and some with fast internet speeds had already downloaded the game and started registering.

Group message:

[I have downloaded it, and the novice tutorial has been completed. I haven't started playing yet, but it feels very different. I have never played this type of game before. [Picture of the game after downloading]]

[I have also downloaded it, and now I am playing with AI. This game is very interesting. But I am not very skilled at playing it, and I have never even played AI. I was even killed by a soldier just now. It's a shame. 】

【Hahahaha, I'm playing it too. This is a new type of game. There has never been such a game on the market. I'm also playing against the AI. Maybe I'm more talented. The AI ​​can't beat me at all. It feels very fun. When the AI ​​is finished, if anyone has finished downloading, we can customize it together. It will be more interesting to play 5V5 with real people. 】

【Add me, I'll finish downloading soon. 】

【Is it really that fun? I just started downloading, I'm curious! ! ! 】

【It's fun. I just looked at the game manufacturer. Do you know who it is? It's Cang Xue. Hahahaha, I'm lucky. The internal beta is a new game developed by Cang Xue. 】

【Cang Xue, no way, such a big game company has made such a game, how can there be no publicity at all! 】

【Is it really Cang Xue? I'm lucky. Hahahaha, the game released by Cang Xue is worth it even if you don't pay for it, just the limited-edition skin in the internal beta is worth it. 】

【Is it the Cang Xue who developed [Tianlong] and [Extreme Survival]? 】

【It's not that Cangxue, is there any other game company? 】

【I have to show off to my roommates later that I have an internal test account for Cangxue's new game, hahahaha. 】

【I have already posted it to the game group. Those players who didn't join the internal test are already regretting it. They are crying in the group to increase the number of internal testers, hahahaha. 】


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