Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 97 Tianlong must be resurrected

"I understand, thank you for your advice."

"I have nothing to thank. Mr. Chen transferred me here just to let me work together."

Wei Yan waved his hand calmly.

"Yes, work together."

Fang Chang nodded in agreement, and then called Zhao Wenbo over. He was going to change Tianlong's situation.

Before long,

Zhao Bowen came to the office.

"Manager Fang, what are your orders?"

"I want to ask you about Tianlong's current situation. Haven't you been paying attention to Tianlong's affairs recently? Tell me everything you know."

Fang Chang said.

"Oh, this matter, I know about Tianlong."

When Zhao Bowen heard this, he became interested instantly. After get off work these two days, in order to understand the specific situation of Tianlong, he played every day, but the explosion rate was really low.

Then, he began to tell the story of Tianlong in detail.

"That's it. Almost all the people who come into the game now are selling equipment to buy money."

After listening to Zhao Bowen's story, Fang Chang fell into deep thought.

After a while,

He slowly raised his head.

"It seems that the key to completely bringing the game back to life is how to turn these players who earn money into real players."

Wei Yan also said thoughtfully.

"I don't know much about the game, but I do have some insights into collecting equipment in the game."

"Nowadays, the game can attract so many players into the game, all because some people are spending money to collect equipment. But if the people collecting equipment disappear, these people who buy equipment will probably not be finished."

"So I think we must always pay attention to the group of people who collect equipment. Once that group of people stops collecting equipment, we need to respond appropriately, such as spending our own money to recycle the equipment."

"Of course, the price we recycle doesn't need to be too high, just a few thousand. We just need to let those who mine gold know that there are still people collecting equipment, and the equipment they produce will still be purchased by others."

"This is also the reason why Mr. Chen asked to adjust the explosion rate of equipment to the lowest level. Only by adjusting the explosion rate of equipment to the lowest level will it be difficult for those who collect gold to obtain equipment, and those who collect equipment will not be able to obtain equipment easily. It’s not that easy to collect all the equipment.”

When Wei Yan said this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Mr. Chen had thought of this a long time ago!

Fang Chang nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"It just so happened that Mr. Chen invested a batch of money in the new project, which shows that the excess funds can be used in the operation of other games."

"If the people who collect equipment really stop collecting equipment, they can just use the excess funds to recycle the equipment."

"Moreover, the equipment's explosion rate can be adjusted again. It is already the lowest now, but some other settings can be made."

"For example, you can set a piece of equipment so that the explosion rate is zero within a certain period of time. No matter how you farm, it will not fall."

"This can also minimize the loss of equipment and extend the acquisition time for those who purchase equipment."

Speaking of which,

Several people looked at each other, and their thoughts became clearer and clearer.

Zhao Bowen also spoke at this time.

"Through playing games in the past two days, I have roughly learned that there are many old players who have quit playing. The reason for most quitting is that the phenomenon of krypton gold in later games is too serious. Some mid- and lower-tier players do not have any sense of gaming experience. ”

"If the issue of krypton gold is solved and the playability of some games is increased, I think there is a high probability that these old players will stay."

Fang Chang heard Zhao Bowen's words and echoed.

"Yes, this is the reason why Mr. Chen's last set of equipment was not set to be charged, but set to be dropped by wild monsters."

"If this is the case, I think a batch of free equipment can be developed, which can replace the equipment purchased with money."

"The explosion rate of these equipment will be increased a little, so that these players can obtain equipment as quickly as possible to increase their combat power."

"The same is true for the game level. Considering that the game character levels of retired players and some new players have dropped too much, the experience of low-level wild monsters in the early stage can be increased so that they can quickly improve their levels."

"If all the equipment and level differences are resolved, the game experience will be greatly improved."

After Fang Chang finished speaking, Wei Yan spoke at the right time.

"It is okay to set up some free equipment to replace the noble equipment, but I think we should also consider the feelings of the noble players who spend money."

"After all, there is a set of equipment worth 100,000 yuan. If it is replaced easily, it would be unjustifiable."

"I think the explosion rate of this 100,000-piece piece of equipment can be lowered so that players can't get it so easily."

Fang Chang heard this and nodded.

"That's right, you can't completely ignore the aristocratic players. You must give them a unique feeling. You can set up a few sets of more gorgeous clothes."

"These clothes cannot change the combat power of the game character, but they can change the appearance of the game character and some skill special effects."

"At that time, these equipments will be distributed to players' mailboxes one by one according to their noble level."

"This will not only ensure the balance of the game, but also ensure the uniqueness of noble players."

Zhao Bowen waited until Fang Chang finished speaking and then suggested.

"After playing the game for the past two days, I found that Tianlong's current game characters are too single. I think more characters can be added, such as warlocks, shooters... and other different professions."

"Each profession has a different positioning, and corresponding equipment and skill books can be set according to different professions."

"And these professions can cooperate with each other to exert stronger combat power."

"Then you can set up several very powerful super BOSSs. Only when these players work together can they be able to kill them, and then set some rewards on this BOSS that cannot be obtained on other wild monsters."

Fang Chang and Wei Yan heard Zhao Bowen's suggestion and nodded in agreement.

If designed this way, it would indeed make the game more interesting.

Then several people had a detailed discussion.

at last,

Fang Chang gently knocked on the table and said.

"Then it's settled. The first task is to solve the game balance issue. The replacement equipment is easy to change. Just make some changes to the modeling of the original noble equipment. Since it is a replacement, the values ​​​​will remain consistent. Can."

"Then there is the playability of the game. You can completely follow Zhao Bowen's suggestions."

"Considering that people who collect equipment may stop purchasing equipment at any time, this change must be quick."

"The company now has a total of more than 50 employees. I decided to keep only a few basic employees to maintain the operation of the new project, and the rest will devote themselves to Tianlong's reform."

Fang Chang stood up and stood in front of his desk, his eyes shining with unprecedented light.

This time he must make Tianlong return to his peak.


clothing factory,

Yang Dahai slowly parked his car in front of the company.

Chen Mo just got out of the car and sneezed twice unconsciously.

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