Ride and Cut

Chapter 10 Poor or Rich

"Crowd." On the roof of the carriage, Li Charen, who had no chance to throw the third spear, commented.

The barbarians wanted to continue chasing the defeated Gnolls, but their steps were blocked. Two rows of hobgoblin gun arrays were placed on the way forward, firmly nailing the position, and they were not prepared to retreat a step.

In the chaotic charge just now, the hobgoblin, who had kept his formation, fell to the end. Now that the entire army in front is defeated, they have become the only lucky ones left.

A well-trained spear formation is infinitely powerful, and can easily slaughter a mob several times its own number. Even against the king of land warfare like the cavalry, it is not without the power to fight.

The hobgoblins' gun formations are obviously like this-although their weapons are poor, although their physique is not strong. But just look at the neat line, the calm eyes, the silent soldiers.

No one would be so arrogant as to think they were fakes.

Facing such a fortified formation, the barbarians stopped twenty steps away, and they all raised their spears in unison.

The next moment, Qi Shushu threw it out.


"What about casualties?"

Li Cha can intuitively understand the casualties of his soldiers from the system panel, but he still has to ask.

"Only a few brothers accidentally suffered a little skin trauma." A small-scale battle was like the best warm-up for Gunther, and he was far more energetic at the moment than he was in Cologne.

The barbarians defeated twice as many enemies, but they didn't die. Gunther himself was surprised by this result.

Whether it's physique or discipline, the highland barbarians can only be said to be slightly stronger, and they can't reach the point of being crushed in all directions. The most important reason for such a disparity in battle damage ratio is the huge difference in equipment between the two sides.

Steel spears and spears paired with leather armor are only mercenary equipment by human standards, and they are simply not worth mentioning. But for wilderness people who still use wooden sticks, it is already an unimaginable magic weapon.

Li Cha looked at the corpses all over the floor and sighed infinitely. Facts have proved once again that fighting a war is fighting money, and it is an unshakable truth wherever it is placed.

"Boss, look what we found!"

Some idle savages are actually trying to find spoils on the impoverished bandits. What's even more surprising is that they actually found something.

"A bronze sword!"

The barbarians onlookers laughed wantonly. After all, even the highland barbarian tribe who lived in the snowfield for a long time had already entered the Iron Age.

Li Cha took over the greatsword, which was in a very different shape from today's, and recognized that it should be the weapon of the unlucky hobgoblin chief.

He tossed and fiddled with the long sword in his hand. After careful observation, he couldn't believe his eyes, "God! This is a beggar with a golden rice bowl. It is decorated with olive leaf patterns, and the color is almost pure gold. It is a bronze ware from Nero's era!" "

It's hard to imagine that an antiquity that should have been placed in the collection room and sought after by naturalists is still playing the role of a practical weapon in a certain corner of the world.

Gunther immediately burst out laughing—he had no idea what the boss was talking about, but that didn't stop him from making fun of his defeated opponent.

"It's worth more than silver of equal weight, at least a hundred gold coins in the Cologne antique market."

Li Cha didn't know how to evaluate this hobgoblin. The two contradictory characteristics of poverty and wealth blended wonderfully in him.

The onlookers heard that a broken bronze sword was worth a hundred gold coins, and immediately rushed to get a closer look. He was rewarded by Li Cha alone, and all of them were kicked aside.

"Boss, he's got a vambrace on his arm."

Gunther's eyes were sharp, and he lowered his head and tore off the bits and pieces of rags and clothes. On the blue-gray arm of the hobgoblin, there was a metal armour, with the same olive leaf pattern and the same color almost pure gold.

The hobgoblin leader may be the only one in the bandit with armor, but unfortunately, this arm armor did not play any role at the critical moment. A spear pierced the chest head-on, turning the ribs and internal organs into a ball of minced meat, and reaped the life of the unlucky guy neatly.

Li Cha held it in his hand and looked at it for a moment, then smiled helplessly, "This guy is still a hard worker."

The chief hobgoblin obviously maintained the habits of a qualified swordsman during his lifetime, and took good care of his equipment. Whether it is a big sword or arm armor, even if the conditions are simple, they have been maintained as much as possible. Remove the patina accumulated in the long history, revealing the original bright metallic luster.

It is a pity that this kind of maintenance is a huge irreparable damage to the historical value of an antique. Originally, it would not be a problem to sell the two pieces together for 300 gold coins, but now they are only worth 150 gold coins at most.

"Okay, it's quite profitable."

He suddenly felt that life was a bit strange—the southern province was known for its wealth, and he only saved one hundred gold coins in ten years there. The wilderness has always been recognized as a remote place, but it only takes one day here to earn ten years of savings.

Li Cha asked people to put these two bronze wares away. He now owed more than a thousand gold coins, and he didn't want to let go of any extra money.

"That, boss." A savage suddenly stopped Li Cha, with a rare shyness.


"I seem...as if I feel the effect of that medicine." He looked down at his hands with a puzzled expression.

The savages who had just dispersed gathered together again with a whimper.

Frankly speaking, in good conscience. Neither he nor the other savages believed that what they had just eaten was a magical potion—it was not unheard of for everyone to see how poor his boss was, but the armed fifty-man guard almost reduced him to selling his personal saber, no doubt it was The very poor of the nobility.

Is it possible to believe the boast of a down-and-out noble in Haikou?

The secret medicine to strengthen the human body may really exist, but with the heels of his feet, he knows that it is a precious treasure, let alone taking out 50 people at once.


The barbarian warrior closed his eyes and slowly clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his veins.

This strength came very suddenly, definitely different from the slow growth brought about by self-exercise. Thinking about it carefully, it suddenly appeared in the body after beheading a hobgoblin, exactly the same as the previous description.

——"This is the medicine of the devil from the depths of hell! If you eat it, you will fall into the most vicious way of Shura forever, and you will also gain unimaginable power in the killing!"

Thinking back carefully, they were all absent-minded at that time, Li Cha suddenly raised his voice almost alarmist, that kind of demeanor... like a demon!

Gunther waited for a long time and didn't wait for the next sentence. Looking at the painful expression on the faces of his fellows, as if he was constipated, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Why are you pretending to be a ghost with your eyes closed?"

"Boss, actually I seem to feel it too." Another barbarian warrior stood up.

He was much more straightforward. He picked up a long spear, brewed it for a while, and in an instant the gun fired like lightning. There is nothing fancy about the unpretentious gun skills, such as lunging straight, picking sideways, and retreating to defend. Only the dull sound of piercing the air makes one's heart skip a beat.

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