Ride and Cut

Chapter 2 The Confrontation in the Noble Court

In the southern province, there is a powerful marquis named Calvin Orlando, who has a respected status and a vast land. His knights are invincible, and he is considered a famous figure in the entire Pompeii Empire.

Unfortunately, Li Cha's skin is the flirt left by him and his mistress.

It is even more unfortunate that in Pompeii illegitimate children, especially those of low-born mothers, were never considered true heirs.

Li Cha, who was still young when his mother was still alive, met Cavin several times, and was even picked up by the Marquis himself and asked "Who are you?" several times. Immediately after his mother died, he was expelled from the marquis's house and reduced to a poor life, and began to make a living by stealing and stealing in the streets.

Later, "doing business" missed for a while, and was beaten to death by the bitter master who came to the door and beat him to death. Just as he was about to stop breathing, a soul from another world took over the life of this street thief, along with the riding and hacking system.

The original Li Cha couldn't read those square characters, it was just an insignificant illusion, but how could the current Li Cha not understand.

He immediately coughed up blood and laughed, then passed out again.

After he recovered, Li Cha seemed to be reborn, and began to learn martial arts and fighting.

After all, the time in reality is far more abundant than in the game, so the daily training experience that was originally tasteless has been accumulated year after year, and it has become quite considerable.

Li Cha's martial skills and body are getting stronger at an unimaginable speed just by swinging a sword against a wooden target to gain training experience, and he has gradually gained a reputation in the martial arts arena. Although the start was flat, the victory was smooth. If it continues like this, it will be a breeze to gather a group of capable followers in the future and win the next knight position.

But, but.

In the unusually wet and cold winter last year, the biological father of this body, the Marquis of Calvin Orlando, who was entering his twilight years, gradually fell into madness, and made a feat that was enough to be missed by bards across the country for ten years——

After a hearty drunk, he decided on the spot to bestow the surname Orlando, which had been passed on for twelve generations, to his illegitimate son, Richard.

Calvin is too old to hold a sword, but he still holds the power firmly in his hands. He is still the uncompromising Iron-Blooded Marquis, and he is even more fearsome because of his growing madness.

Despite all the opposition from his wife and children, the absurd order was still forcefully carried out, even if Li Cha himself objected, it was useless.

This is a mistake that no ordinary merchant family will make.

The surname, which represents countless honors, brilliance and history, has thus been dusted and become a joke in the public. The entire southern province is talking about it, and the illegitimate son of the Orlando family has inherited the surname!

So Li Cha, who wandered around the streets, became Li Cha Orlando, and Li Cha Orlando became the heart disease of all Orlando people. Including a marquis, three earls, two viscounts, nine barons and twenty or thirty knights.

What can Li Cha do?

Of course he ran away immediately! If you don't run away, you are waiting for death.

Pack up some soft things for money, grab the Orlando tiger skin to get a baronial certificate, and hit the horse to go to the northeast province far away from Emperor Shangao.

But judging by the reaction of the green-eyed male servant, the news probably reached here long ago.

The dissemination of pure gossip and anecdotes depends on afternoon teas and hunting dinners, and the transmission speed is generally not very fast, so it is very likely that the arrangement of the Orlando people may have already come.

"Sir, your identity is certain." Green Eyes whispered, "But Count Augustus told me to take you to see him."

Count Augustus...

Li Cha tried his best to recall the aristocratic genealogy knowledge he memorized last night. Those things were really complicated enough to hurt his brain, but he still managed to remember them.

Sauron Augustus, a military aristocrat who rose up in the Glorious War thirty years ago, is now the "Akna" of the Noble Court, that is, the administrator. He was a member of the Augustus family and the younger brother of the Supreme Consul of the Northeast Province.

"Okay, lead the way."

Following the green eyes, Li Cha entered the gate of the Noble Court, only to realize what an exaggerated hall this magnificent building has.

The indoor space is as high as more than ten blades, and you can immediately feel your own insignificance when you look up. The overall design obviously follows an ingenious balance. I don't know whether it is self-confidence or arrogance, but such a wide hall only has a stone pillar in the center for support.

There are seven or eight wooden doors scattered on the surrounding stone walls, which may be different departments of the noble garden, and more than a dozen clerks and servants are busily shuttling back and forth between them.

"Sir, this way please." Green eyes stood beside a particularly finely carved cherry wood door, and leaned forward to push it open for Richard.

Compared with the complex and gorgeous retro style of the Noble Court, the furnishings of this room are plain and simple.

A heavy and wide mahogany desk, two high-backed chairs placed opposite the table, there is no extra decoration. At this time, an old man with gray hair was sitting on the armchair opposite the door, buried in writing.

"Sit down, please sit down." The old man put the quill pen in the ink bottle, squeezed the space between his brows, and looked very tired, "I'm Sauron."

Li Cha was a little surprised.

It is rumored that Sauron is a rising general in the Glorious War, known for his strict military management and brilliant record. He always took it for granted that he should be a tall and fierce figure, but he didn't expect that he was actually so thin and even with a kind face.

"Your sword skills are very famous." Li Cha didn't know much about Sauron, but he felt that any general would think he was good at sword skills.

"Please don't be polite."

"I have some very bad news, and I have to tell you." Sauron crossed his hands on the table, and got straight to the point, "Your father, that old ghost Calvin passed away last week, and the new successor is the same as you." Arsene Wenger, Arsene Wenger Orlando."

Li Cha frowned. Calvin's death was really bad news for him. This has nothing to do with the family relationship that does not exist between them, but out of very practical considerations.

"About giving you the surname Orlando, if the old ghost is still alive, little Wenger can only choose to endure it even if he doesn't want to."

"But now that Calvin is dead, little Wenger has long regarded you as a thorn in his side, and he is now the Marquis Wenger." Sauron tapped the table with four fingers in turn, making a sound like a horseshoe, "I heard you got it A pioneering baronial certificate? A very wise decision, but I am afraid it is still not enough to resist the hostility of a powerful Marquis, even if he is far away in the southern province, right?"

"That's true." Li Cha had to admit, speaking very earnestly.

Sauron is an old fox, a very skilled old fox. The Orlando family and Richard were in a state of confrontation. Sauron was clearly sending a message to the Orlando family, but Richard himself had to agree with the words.

The power represented by the words Marquis of Real Power cannot be resisted by personal bravery or recklessness.

Of course, if Marquis Wenger thought that his personal guards could resist Richard, it was just a daydream.

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