Ride and Cut

Chapter 32 Recalling the past

The sun has not yet come out in the morning, and the climate is very comfortable.

After a good night's sleep, walk out the door and stretch yourself. The gentle breeze brings the slightly astringent aroma of bitter thorn flowers in the distance. It is the most pleasant and comfortable time of the day.

However, the "Wild Wolf" tribe has no intention of enjoying this beauty, and has completely fallen into panic.

There was no news from the warriors who set out yesterday, and only a few sporadic people came back in a state of distress until early in the morning, trembling as if suffering from malaria and refusing to speak.

Their looks said it all, and news of their defeat spread like winter wildfire through the Horde.

Now even the women and children know that the warriors who followed the shaman were defeated. The men are arguing fiercely whether to run or wait, but no one can make up their minds to make a choice.

So they turned to each other's attacks on each other's immediate female relatives.

The loss of nearly 80% of the soldiers in one day was tantamount to cutting a major artery for the Gale Wolf tribe. No matter how they choose, the fate that awaits them next will be crueler than that of a hungry tiger.

Near noon, centaurs began to appear around the tribe, bending their bows from time to time and shooting two arrows into the camp, slowly shrinking to defend.

Careful and skillful they were, they were in no hurry to plunder the defenseless tribe.

This kind of performance is enough to show that they are all seasoned fighters, making the Gale Wolf tribe feel as if they have fallen into an ice cave.

And when the werewolf found out with his outstanding eyesight that there was a group of burly barbarians sneaking around and spying on the tribe, their determination to resist was instantly shattered into pieces.


Richard did not expect that the werewolf, who has always been known for his tenacity, would choose to surrender so easily.

"My lord, werewolves are not wild wolves after all, so why do they have to have the character of wild wolves?" Nehru, who was tied to a wooden stick and carried by two savages, was very aggrieved. "You Pompeii have too much prejudice and discrimination against the locals."

"But I think you, a kobold, clearly have the potential to be a dog." Li Cha took the lead into the tribe's resident angrily.

Folks in Pompeii always regard werewolves as monsters who grind their teeth and suck blood. Everyone can use magic, and they even think that they can transform into giant wolves on the night of the full moon.

But what Li Cha saw were only three or four hundred herdsmen, at most they were smaller and leaner. There were cattle and sheep in the livestock pen, and they also lived in leather tents, which was far from the legend.

As a territory, Alpine Castle is actually very imperfect. Everyone is a warrior and there are no civilians at all, just like a weapon with only a blade but no back.

Richard once thought about how to make the common people of Pompeii give up their warm and rich hometown and come to live in this desolate and cold land.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his vision was too narrow. Why stick to Pompeii? These werewolf herdsmen could also become the subjects of the Alpine Fort, farming the land, grazing cattle and sheep.

Li Cha asked Hutt to lead the centaur to drive away the werewolf tribe and relocate. Those women and children didn't know what was going to happen, and they cried loudly in fear, and they jumped up and down. According to the wilderness rules they are familiar with, it is very possible to be beheaded collectively!

Li Cha looked at all this with cold eyes, feeling uneasy in his heart. After all, it was the tribe that had fought against him, and it was his kindness not to degrade everyone into slaves.

"Boss, what are we doing?" Gunther put the throwing spear back into the holster on his back, feeling that there was nothing left to do.

"Turn around to see if there are any spoils." Li Cha was not sure if he could gain something, after all, this tribe seemed to be synonymous with backwardness.

"I know the tent of the chief of the Gale Wolf Tribe! There are generations of their savings in it! I know where it is hidden!" It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be hung upside down on a stick, and Nehru quickly seized the opportunity to explain loudly, hoping to get some attention so that he could be relieved.

"It's up to you!" Gunther raised his leg with a kick, and even barbarians looked down on such soft bones.

The two savage porters deliberately played tricks, and lightly lifted the stick, causing Gunther's toes to hit Nehru's liver area, causing his whole body to tense into a trembling shrimp in pain.

"What I said is true!" The kobold pinned his last hope on Li Cha. "Their chief died yesterday. Only I know that there is a big bull skull in the chief's tent, and there are gold nuggets in the box buried underneath."

"Stop, Gunther." Richard waved his hand to signal Gunther to stop.

"Let's go and have a look."

The chief's tent is easy to find, the best and most spacious one is.

After all, most wilderness people don't have the habit of maintaining hygiene, and there is a foul smell coming from the tent. Several savages went over and cut off the ropes tied to the ground, clasped the bottom edge of the tent together and turned it over.

The exposed internal furnishings are very messy, a bunk piled up with hay and furs, and several large mud urns with unknown uses. In the center there is a stone the size of a millstone, on which there is a particularly huge ox skull.

The barbarians hurriedly moved away the stones and skeletons, pulled out their spears and started digging.

Li Cha suddenly smelled a strange smell, which seemed to come from those big dusty mud urns not far away, so he kicked Nehru lightly and asked, "What's in there."

"I and the chief's own wine haven't had time to open it yet, so I don't know if it's successful or not."

"Wine?" Gunther's eyes sparkled, he rushed over and slapped the mud seal on the urn's mouth, looked down, and the excited expression on his face immediately collapsed.

The mud urn was full of a dark brown translucent liquid, with large lumps of small black pellets floating on it, and thick black residues were left on the urn wall due to the evaporation of water, and more importantly, there was no smell of wine at all.

"Boss, this guy must be lying. I think it's probably witchcraft material."

The moment he slapped the mud seal open, Li Cha's state suddenly became very strange. The whole person was loose, with his mouth half open and motionless as if he had lost his soul.

Gunther babbled about how to treat Nehru to relieve his hatred, and it took him a long time to realize that the atmosphere was not right, so he shut his mouth quickly.

Li Cha walked over, dipped his fingers in some of the dark brown liquid in the mud urn, put it in his mouth and sucked it.

He suddenly sighed.

So familiar, yet so strange.

I thought those distant things had long been forgotten, but I didn't expect that they had been hidden in the depths of memory and never faded.

His entire life: familiar friends, intimate lovers, tacit partners, magnificent sunsets, sunny winter nights... are extremely real, but they are like flowers in the mirror, and there is only nothingness outside the memories.

Sometimes Li Cha couldn't help wondering whether he was Zhuanggong Mengdie or Diemeng Zhuanggong in the two lives.

The sun shone on his face, feeling melancholy and calm, as if he had suddenly woken up from a deep dream.

"Boss, what is this?" Gunther asked cautiously.

"It's soy sauce."

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