Ride and Cut

Chapter 34

In order to welcome new members, a grand bonfire dinner was held in Alpine Fort after nightfall.

Of course, this place is just a desolate and remote wilderness, a lone moon overlooks the earth, and it is hard to find people in the surrounding tens of miles. But at least at this moment, there is enough popularity to make it lively.

The entire head of cattle and sheep was tied to the grill, and drops of fat were splashed by the orange flame. The large barrels of ale were opened and poured into the stomachs of the soldiers of the Alpine Castle, which could hold more than the barrels.

Li Cha used some soy sauce when he was grilling meat, and finally let those stubborn and reckless people reluctantly admit that this seems to be an edible seasoning.

Surprisingly, centaur women rated it very highly. After all, women have more delicate tastes, and they like this kind of salty and delicious taste that can cover up the smell of cattle and sheep.

They begged for some from the lord of the Alpine Fort, and in return a dozen centaurs played the motouqin and danced the most traditional tap dance of the centaur clan in the open space.

Yearning for beauty is a language that can be passed without translation. There is also tap dancing in the Pompeii Opera House and it is very popular. Richard has seen it in the southern provinces before.

But the centaur dances and hits the ground with its four hooves in turn, which can make the gravel on the ground tremble together. This is a natural and inimitable racial advantage. Compared with such a powerful and shocking sense of rhythm, the performance of human dancers seems like a poor and unsuccessful imitation.

Li Cha took the lead and responded with thunderous applause.

"When we were on the ice field before, we would have fun together in the summer." Gunther grinned foolishly, pouring ale into his mouth like pouring water.

"Boss, do you know that the summer solstice is an important festival for us highlanders?"

There are only two seasons on the ice sheet, winter and summer. Winter is covered with ice and snow everywhere, and the cold wind is howling, while summer is shorter and more precious than in the south, so the barbarians regard the arrival of summer as the most celebrated day of the year.

Li Cha still knew this kind of common sense content, and nodded.

"Gunther, were you captured in Pompeii by the slave team?" Li Cha was very curious about why the barbarians became slave fighters.

The slave trade has never been really banned in Pompeii. Some big slave merchants will form slave hunting teams to capture natives as slaves, but such third-rate armed organizations are logically impossible to be opponents of barbarians.

"Slave catchers? I saw them when I first started hunting." Gunther smirked and began to recall the past. "They are not very strong, but to be honest, they are often abundant."

"That's for sure, whoever is a master will do this kind of thing." Nehru sneaked over and interjected.

He was supposed to stay with the slaves, but the slaves in Alpine Castle were all slaves thanks to him, so he was squeezed out there very badly, and all he got was uncleaned roast intestines.

"So the Great Elder quickly figured out one thing - there was no need to hunt dangerous mammoths and saber-toothed tigers at all, as long as they attacked the slave hunting team, they could live well. So for several years, the tribe did not die to fill their stomachs, gave birth to more children than in previous years, and captured a lot of people to sell for money."

Gunther lay back on the ground and let out a long sigh of relief, "Thinking about it now, that was really the most carefree time of my youth."

Nehru's brow was covered with sweat, and he suddenly felt that the slaves were still friendly, so he slipped back at a faster speed.

"And then." Annie also joined the conversation, and she was slowly sipping a cup of hot beer mixed with spices.

A classic combination of hot beer, night, bonfire, and storytelling.

"Later... well, the number of slave catchers became smaller and smaller." Gunther shook his head and sighed, his tone sounded like he was describing an old farmer whose potato production had decreased.

"Everyone wondered why there were still as many elks, snow bears, and mammoths as in previous years, but the number of slave catchers was getting smaller and smaller? So the Great Elder asked me to take my brothers south to see if I could organize a slave catcher team to go to the ice field."

Gunther took a gulp of beer, "I ended up entering the arena for some reason, saying that I signed a fighter contract."

"A group of barbarians organized a slave hunting team to catch the barbarians!" Li Cha laughed with his belly in his arms. It was really rare for a barbarian's elm brain to come up with the idea of ​​self-produced and sold.

"You both regard each other as fools." Annie concluded quietly.

The bonfire dinner lasted until the mid-heaven of the moon, and the excited citizens gradually got tired. Li Cha's face was a little red, but one of the soldiers who tried to compete with him was carried back by his companions.

When the show was about to end, Annie suddenly said to him: "My lord Richard, please take care of me during this time, I may be able to go back soon."

"Well, remember to settle the food expenses." Li Cha was clutching a beef stick bone and desperately sucking the marrow, so he had no time to care about him.

"..." Annie looked at his greasy face, but couldn't help but smile slightly, "Is there anything you need, Mr. Li Cha, maybe I can drop by the next time I pass by."

"Wait a minute..." Li Cha finally devoured two mouthfuls of barbecue, and waved his hand to let the servants clean up the stall.

He rolled his eyes choking on the roast meat in his mouth, and quickly picked up the ale glass and took two more gulps, "Hire two halfling cooks for me, cooking with barbarians and these centaurs is really terrible!"

"A few more white crystals, at least the size of a fist, the purer the better."

The use of crystals in the wilderness is very limited, and Anne felt that she had guessed what the other party was thinking, "You want to use white crystals as expensive gems to trick the natives?"

Li Cha had never heard of this kind of wicked method, so he silently wrote it down in his heart, but said: "I usually just grab what I like, and don't need to try hard to deceive."

He went to the warehouse to take out the box dug up by the Gale Wolf Tribe and gave it to Annie. It contained various shapes of gold and silver, and it was roughly estimated to be worth 300 to 500 gold coins.

"If it's not enough, you can make up for it, but please remember to bring my cook and crystal."

The half-elf didn't understand why a developer who was in the developing stage would ask to buy these things, but based on what she knew about Li Cha these days, it must be useless to ask.

This guy has a bad personality, he doesn't look like a nobleman at all, and he likes to look down on people more than a rascal in the market.

Annie said angrily: "It is said that women are more unpredictable than the ocean, but I think you are even more unpredictable than women, my good lord."

"Just think you're praising me." Li Cha waved his hands and walked towards the room without looking back.

Annie stood there looking at his back, and suddenly made a grimace of squinting her eyes, curling her lips and sticking out her tongue.

"I thought about it again. There are a lot of people in Gaoshanbao, and at least five halfling cooks are enough, five." Li Cha suddenly turned around and opened his palms to emphasize again.

Under the moonlight, Annie smiled, her dignified appearance could not be faulted even by the strictest etiquette teacher, "Okay, my lord."

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