Ride and Cut

Chapter 41 Departure

"Li Cha, are you sure!" Annie's voice was trembling, and sweat was dripping from both sides of her delicate nose.

"10% dare not say, 30% is true." Li Cha boasted that he never drafted drafts, because drafting drafts would be inferior, which would hinder the masters from displaying their true level.

Annie held her forehead. The behavior style of the lord of the Alpine Castle always made her feel that she was gambling, but in fact... She herself likes people who are small and big.

In other words, this is the nature of businessmen, as long as they are profitable enough, they cannot take risks.

"Li Cha, I am joining this operation on behalf of Voya Company." Annie understood that her mentality at the moment was distorted, greedy, and a natural portrayal of death for money.

She struggled, but was relieved immediately. A businessman's pursuit of profit is just like a soldier's pursuit of honor, which is justified and beyond reproach.

The lord turned his back to Anne and looked into the distance, leaving a calm and calm back, "It's a happy cooperation."

He had to turn around, because if he didn't, Annie would see the scheming snicker on his face.

The whole cast of Gaoshanbao played with great enthusiasm all morning, but Yu'er finally took the bait. There has always been only one kind of miracle in this world, that is, after hard preparation, it will be a matter of course.

For the lord, it is of great significance for the Lavoya firm to join the occupation. The mercenary team of more than 100 people is an important reason, but it is still second. The truly indispensable factor is actually Annie——

"If we don't coax her here, how can we get on line with the dwarves." Before leaving, Li Cha secretly called the leaders of the territorial guards for a regular meeting, which was to give them a breath before the big battle and unify their thoughts.

The leaders of the guards who sat around the table hurriedly nodded vigorously, acting as if they had suddenly realized.

"Everyone needs to figure out, what is our purpose?" Li Cha sat on the table, looking around at the faces of Xun Shuo.

"Occupying mines." Gunther hastened to say that he knew.

"Then what do you think of this idea?" The light in the den was rather dim, and the lord lowered his head and poured himself a cup of tea.

He lowered his head very low, so others couldn't see the Lord Lord's expression at the moment.

The savages quickly seized the opportunity to flatter wildly. The centaur was reluctant to let go at first, but soon followed suit, and it seemed like the latecomers would take the lead.

What "has both the cunning of the snow fox and the courage of the ice bear", what "has both the courage of the emperor and the strategy of the emperor", what "is farsighted and has a unique long-term vision", and there is a happy atmosphere in the den.

The lord held the teacup and listened to the sycophants for half an hour, and then gave each of these sycophants a kick.

"A bunch of idiots!" Li Cha slammed the cup on the table vigorously, causing the tea to splash.

"Think you're all gods of war descending to earth? Still occupying mines, let's see what chances we have of winning if you can fill in all of our high mountain castles?" The lord didn't wait for their answer, he raised his index finger and shook it.

"Ten percent, at most ten percent, or even less!"

The head-to-head and face-to-face scolding made the guard leaders collectively silent.

They are not fools, of course they know that participating in this melee like a meat grinder with their own troops is too big a disadvantage to describe it.

The reason why he seemed to be full of confidence before was because he firmly believed that the invincible lord must have a way. Now that the soap bubble was punctured by the lord himself, they also inevitably felt heavy.

It was Hurt who would judge the situation, and took the opportunity at the right time, "My lord, why do we have to go with so few of us?"

"Strategic vision, I have emphasized strategic vision many times." Li Cha took the opportunity to give these future officers a lesson, "It is precisely because we have few people that we have to go to the muddy water. If there are a thousand soldiers in the mountain fort, you can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but the truth is that there are only a hundred, so you have to go in and go for it yourself."

"I told Gunther before that when a large tribe goes south, a dog carp is thrown into the pond. If a small tribe has to reshuffle the cards, that's just going south." Richard patted Gunther on the shoulder, and the latter was stroking the back of his head with a confused expression.

"My lord did say so." Hurt's expression was convincing at first glance, and he calmly pulled Gunther's hand from behind his head that was touching the back of his head.

"Once there is iron ore, as long as any tribe is not a fool, the scale will grow as fast as if it has wings." Li Cha folded his arms around his chest, and his eyes seemed to be glowing in the dark room. "He is too close to us."

"It's fine for dwarves who like to live by themselves behind closed doors, but if a tyrannical tribe like the bearmen expands. It's no different from setting up a net of extinct households in a pond. How can we survive?"

Li Cha's eyes scanned the faces, the leaders straightened their backs and clenched their fists.

The stronger the person, the stronger the sense of territory. Coincidentally, they happen to be all of them.

Faced with a sudden threat, their first reaction is definitely to break through the south wall, rather than shrink back and find another way.

"It doesn't matter whether the mountain castle can occupy the mine or not. The important thing is that they can't win so comfortably." Li Cha slapped his chest hard, and every word resounded loudly, "To be honest, we are going this time to be a shit-stirring stick, a loud shit-stirring stick! Turn this muddy water upside down again!"

Li Cha's voice was almost roaring: "Whoever wants to occupy the iron mine, I will let him shed the last drop of blood! Make him heartbroken! Don't even think about letting it go in twenty years!"

"Yes! My lord!"

Standing up in unison, there was a chaotic sound of tables and chairs being overturned, and the leaders suddenly agreed.

"Set off!"

The Alpine Fort Guards had already assembled outside the house, and the equipment was neatly assembled and ready to go at any time.

Time is not plentiful for them, if they can't arrive before the dwarf tribe is shattered, all tactical ideas will be meaningless.

"Annie, it's enough for you to be with us." Li Cha pointed in the direction of the mercenary and said, "Let your people protect the civilians on the hills and keep the robbers away."

The fearful mercenaries collectively breathed a sigh of relief. They were just taking money to eat, and how many of them were still waiting to go home and get married after the battle, and they didn't want to take part in any gambles at all.

"Li Cha, even a little force is very valuable at this time." Even Annie herself was carrying a soft bow and a pot of light arrows.

However, if her target is a bear man known for its rough skin and thick flesh, it can be predicted that the combination of soft bow and light arrow will not pose any threat at all.

"The military strength has been carefully calculated. At most, you will be brought along, and no one more person will do." Li Cha did not explain how precise this precise calculation is.

Anyway, looking at his serious appearance, Annie can only believe that he is really precise to single digits.

"So now we are grasshoppers on the same rope again?" The half-elf stretched out his palm to Li Cha, "This is really a special bond. Let me know again, my name is Anne Margaret, and I am the descendant of Mr. Lynch, the owner of Voya Company, and Ms. Leah, the grassland elf."

Li Cha shook hands with her.

Just counting the various magic items and holy water that he took out before, he felt that Anne's identity must be more than a simple caravan steward, but he did not expect that she was really the second generation of the business.

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