Ride and Cut

Chapter 438 First Arrive in Wennai

A few days later, Du Pont's student and assistant rushed to Gaoshanbao.

They are all mature mages in their prime, and they can work very fast. Descending to the bottom of the stepwell with Dupont, it didn't take long to declare success.

Li Cha witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, watching the blazing red magma surge up the stairwell with heat waves, it was inevitable that he had the illusion of going straight to the abyss.

Since the success of guiding the magma, the people who originally lived in the castle moved out within a few days. Because it is hot now, and the castle is like a stove, and the inside is hotter than the outside like a steamer.

Master Du Pont also warned that it is best to find a way to suppress the magma as soon as possible.

Because according to the current most cutting-edge magic theory, the seemingly solid and unshakable land under his feet is actually in motion all the time. Over time, the currently stable magma may produce new changes.

The lord naturally agreed. When the time comes, he will place goblin steam balls in the stepwell for endless energy.

"By the way, Richard." Du Pont seemed a little hesitant, but finally made up his mind and said, "Sinclair told me that she wants to learn the way of the half-orc's ancestral spirit. What do you think?"

"The Way of the Ancestral Spirit?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, "I don't know much about half-orcs, can you explain it to me carefully?"

"Half-orcs have a primitive religion of worshiping ancestor spirits. The way of ancestor spirits is to gradually gain the power of ancestor spirits by continuously strengthening their belief in ancestor spirits."

In the end, Du Pont still couldn't hold back his occupational disease, and added a sentence of his own understanding: "However, in my opinion, there are no ancestors at all. They just use the purest spiritual power to exercise themselves."

"Sounds like holy light magic."

"You boy, you are really daring." Du Peng cursed with a smile. When Li Cha said this, he clearly meant that the Holy Light God also did not exist.

But he looked left and right to see if there was no one there, and still nodded indistinctly.

Magicians are all atheists, let alone those who can be promoted to the highest level.

"I have done some research on the way of ancestral spirits, so it's not a problem to teach Sinclaire to get started." Du Pont said with some hesitation, "But this way requires extraordinary perseverance and unimaginable pain for ordinary people. Even in the half-orc kingdom, generally only men can practice. I'm a little worried that the child won't be able to bear it."

"Let her go." Ever since coaxing Anne, the lord has been a little depressed, and it is rare to smile, "In terms of perseverance, Sinclair is definitely the best among her peers, not inferior to men at all."

"All right."


It's time for Li Cha to get ready to leave.

On this trip to crusade against the forest elves, he only brought a core team. Including Gunther, Hurt, Carlos, and a twelve-member flying dragon team led by Higuain, it can be described as extremely streamlined.

Because Alpine Castle is located in the northeast corner of the entire Pompeii Kingdom, while Hengduan Forest is located in the far southwest, separated by a distance that cannot be accommodated on a map, let alone mountains and rivers.

If you travel a long distance with a large army, just thinking about eating, drinking and lazing along the way will make people hurt.

Besides, the world is not peaceful now, and Gaoshanbao needs enough left-behind personnel to ensure its own safety.

Annie also insisted on following along at one point, but was flatly rejected by Li Cha on the grounds that she was too weak. So the half-elf made a compromise, but inserted another Elizabeth as a concession condition, and the lord had no choice but to accept it.

"Why should I go? I'm also very weak now." Ye Yu sat on the dragon's back and complained endlessly, the harsh air current generated by flying at high altitude was very uncomfortable for her.

"Because you are the chief magic advisor of Gaoshan Castle, since you have to do personnel work for your salary, why would you use gold coins to make your bed." Li Cha said without looking up at the map.

According to the plan, they will first fly to Wennai, the capital of San Jose, and then transfer to the border city of Seren. There, join the army, ready to launch a thunderous blow to the kingdom of the elves.

In fact, it was okay to fly directly to Seren, but the lord received a communication magic stone from the court of San Jose, saying that His Majesty Neo wanted to meet him.

Li Cha didn't know why, but he happened to be very curious about Neo, so he readily agreed.

Long-distance flights are undoubtedly torture, both for riders and passengers. After a full six-day journey, they finally saw Wen Nai emerging from the horizon. It was a silhouette that was at least half the size of Furis!

“As expected of the most prosperous San Jose.”

Under the guidance of a griffin rider, more than ten flying behemoths landed on a wide and flat turf in the city.

"You actually set up a place in the city for the flying mounts to land?" Li Cha couldn't understand the white lines with bends on the ground, but he felt that they should be landmarks to guide the landing.

He tasted it, and found this small detail a bit interesting - this at least shows that the frequency of flying mounts landing in Wennai City is not low, otherwise a special landing field would not be created.

"Yes, my lord," said the Griffin Knight as a whole very polite, but he couldn't help but glance at Elizabeth secretly from the corner of his eye, and thought he was hiding it.

Li Cha discovered it early in the morning, but he felt that asking this young man to resist Elizabeth's beauty was too forceful.

"Oh my god, this city is really too big!" Gunther grinned in shock, causing a reserved and contented smile to appear on Griffon Knight's face.

But that smile disappeared quickly, because Gang Manzi's next sentence was: "If I can bring my brothers in to grab a ticket, then... um..."

Hurt silently covered Gunther's mouth.

"I really wanted to grab a ticket back then, but unfortunately the city defense was really sharp and I didn't succeed." Ye Yu came down from the dragon's back along the rope ladder.

The Griffin Knight was so angry that he wanted to sarcastically, but when he saw the pair of exquisite dragon horns on Yeyu's forehead, his throat was tight with cold sweat and he couldn't speak a word.

This is... the legendary ancient dragon?

Looking at the halo on the back of the visitor's head, I thought it was just a decoration at first, but now it seems that it is not the case at all.

"Shut up, I didn't tell you to pay attention to etiquette when going out?" Li Cha didn't even think about it, he raised his hand and "dangdangdang" gave Ye Yu three shudders, knocking her almost to tears on the spot.

Clenching his small fists and looking at the lord of the Alpine Fort bitterly, he gritted his white teeth, but he was completely helpless, with a very humiliated expression on his face.

"Please guide us." Li Cha's mouth curved slightly, showing what he thought was the most approachable smile.

"Uh...okay..." Griffon Knight turned around slowly and stiffly, his legs were trembling.

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