Ride and Cut

Chapter 53

Truth is relative, and experience that is perfectly applicable in tribal conflicts may be cancerous in more intense wars.

Sometimes this difference doesn't matter, and sometimes it can spell disaster.

Li Cha didn't intend to spend his whole life in the wilderness playing with the natives, so Nehru's original habit became a bad habit that had to be eradicated for Gao Shanbao, which was why Li Cha insisted not to use bloodthirsty thaumaturgy on his own people.

Nehru opened his mouth, speechless, and looked into the distance with bewildered eyes.

When he heard the concept of "double berserk" for the first time, his only reaction was that he was so powerful that he ran away quickly, compared with the lord who had a stomach full of gossip, he was in heaven and earth.

Since he came to Gaoshanbao, he has been constantly accepting negation, and this kind of negation has reached its peak today, making this poor frog in the well suspect that he is really an idiot, and at the same time, he also vaguely realizes that there is indeed a wider world outside the well.

All this made him feel both fear and expectation, and unspeakable emotions fermented in his heart.

Li Cha left Nehru to sit on the rock and continue to meditate, then slapped his butt and slipped away.

The dwarves originally had great respect for the friendly troops who came to help them. After the Minotaur was dealt with, this respect went up to a higher level, and they almost regarded him as the embodiment of wisdom and bravery. Several half-grown dwarf youths sneaked up to him and said that they hoped to become followers in the future, but they were all fooled by him.

Generally speaking, the more ambitious a person is, the less he will look down on poaching.

"My lord." Hurt yelled in the distance, and moved over step by step with a few of his fellow clansmen carrying the body of a Minotaur.

This body is only about two and a half blades tall, and it looks too thin compared to those Minotaur warriors who frequently have more than three blades. He was wearing a long jacket made of shredded sheepskin and rags, covered with mud and lice. Only the two short horns on the head are eye-catching translucent white, like fine jade.

A rough dagger made of hemp rope and iron was inserted between the third and fourth ribs on his chest, leading directly to the heart, and the vitality had already drained away along with the blood.

"Is this the Minotaur shaman?" Li Cha asked knowingly. He took off the feather crown on the opponent's head and played with it for a while, then put it back on.

Hutt nodded, "We wanted to capture him, but he committed suicide when we found him."

"Then bury it." Li Cha originally thought that shamans were almost as virtuous as Nehru, and planned to recruit them to expand the spell-casting team, but he didn't expect that there were still some hard-nosed people who would rather die than submit.

He wandered around the camp for a while with his hands behind his back, thinking about things, but no one dared to disturb him.

Both the Bear Man and the Minotaur were powerful in the wilderness, and they were defeated one after another in just one day, which was enough to slightly deter the rest of the bandits. According to Richard's estimate, the dwarves will usher in a precious period of calm in the next day or two.

But calm is not peace. It just allows time for both parties to sharpen their sharp knives. Naturally, there will be more violent storms after that, and before they fall into despair, the dark sunbearers will use every strength to counterattack.

It is of course the best result for everyone to make a fortune together if they can keep the iron mine, but if they can't keep it, Li Cha can actually accept it, provided that the wilderness who takes over will bleed to the point where they can only recuperate in the medium term.

This is the bottom line of the strategy, in order to avoid being directly crushed to death by the rapidly expanding wilderness, and to leave room and possibility for the future development of Alpine Fort.

With the system in hand, once the confrontation is dragged on for a longer period, they will not be afraid of any enemy, and Jieshi iron ore will eventually be in their pocket.

So—this battle can even be said to be a battle for the right to survive, and the next step is the Alpine Fort. Even if the enemy is outnumbered, there is no room for retreat.

The weather changes frequently in summer, and it is completely sunny at this time. Li Cha looked into the distance, the sky was high and the earth was far away, the shadows of the clouds under the sun shining on the grassland rolled and flowed. This wilderness is always changing, but it has never changed for anyone, it has always been like this before, and it will always be like this in the future.

In front of it, anyone will feel uncontrollably that my body is small and the world is vast.

He couldn't help being filled with a sense of pride, and he chanted to the oncoming wind: "The world is born of my generation, the world of great struggle."

"Li Cha, what are you talking about?"

Turning around, it turned out that Annie walked behind her at some point.

The lord had a poker face that was almost paralyzed, without any expression: "I said I want to eat steamed cheese, preferably a large piece. Why are you here?"

"What a strange dish... I wanted to find a place where there was no one to enjoy it, but I didn't expect you to be here." Annie smiled and brushed her hair that was blown away by the wind.

"Then blow it slowly, and I'll go have breakfast."

Annie stood where she was and watched the lord of Alpine Fort disappear in a flash, with a puzzled expression gradually appearing on her face. She may not know what the soul of the second child is, nor does she know that once this kind of thing is broken, it will make people have the urge to find a crack in the ground.


The great savior of the dwarves walked on the road with a serious face and hurried steps.

"Master Richard, good day." From time to time along the way, dwarves greeted him proactively, but they put their hot faces on their cold butts, and they didn't get any response at all. "Your Excellency must be thinking about the military situation. It's really hard work." They guessed like this, and immediately got the approval of their companions.

The lord realized that he really caught up with the dwarves who were eating breakfast, and several acquaintances were there.

Ordinary dwarves don't have a good diet and light food. They directly grab a large piece of barbecue and serve it with ale, and their faces are dripping with oil. Only Robbie was different. On his plate were candied fruit and a few bird's eggs, which were being carefully divided into small pieces with a knife and fork.

"Master Richard, come and drink a few cups to rinse your mouth, it will help keep your breath fresh." Sendak raised the oak wine glass to him, his gray beard was stained with grease, and he was smiling happily.

Li Cha moved a small stool and sat down beside him. Instead of touching his wine glass, he held down the wine glass of the dwarf old man, "Stop drinking, listen to me."

"Sendak, I suggest building a batch of crossbow arrows quickly." He pointed to the two archery towers not far behind him, "Your bed crossbows are very accurate and can be put to great use."

"This thing was created by the patriarch, Mr. Richard should tell the patriarch." Sendak is a very traditional dwarf.

Traditional dwarves mean that they have a headache for things other than blacksmithing, drinking and fighting. Pulling Robbie as a shield, he only focused on pouring ale.

Li Cha picked a berry from Robbie's plate and saw the core, said vaguely: "You are dwarves, it is not easy to make a few arrows."

"Brother Li Cha." Robbie called one brother after another diligently and naturally, "That bed crossbow... Forget it, you should come up and have a look yourself."

He didn't even eat, and took the lead into an arrow tower, followed by Li Cha curiously.

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