Ride and Cut

Chapter 57 Underwater

They finally came to Bayeux Lake.

The high-concentration and toxic salt makes it impossible for all microbes and algae to exist, so even in midsummer, it is impossible to see the magnificent scene of blue waves and reeds around Bayeux Lake. The sea of ​​grass that can be seen everywhere has become nothing at the lakeside.

Except for a few blades of grass and ladybugs brought by the wind, the lake water under my feet was as pure as a huge spar. It can be clearly seen that the water waves distort the sunlight slightly, and the shadows sway slowly on the snow-white sand bed several blades deep. And the lake surface farther away is like a finely polished silver mirror, reflecting the clouds and clouds in the sky. It's an emptiness that's hard to see elsewhere.

"That seems to be the body of Minotaur? Li Cha pointed to a few pieces of dead wood floating on the lake. The distance was too far, and he could barely make out the outline.

"Throwing the corpse into the lake can prevent corruption and cause plague." Sendak explained to him.

"Oh." Li Cha nodded clearly.

Salt water is very dense, so these bodies will be floating on the surface of the lake for a long time, constantly exposed to wind and sun. Over time, the salt in the water is analyzed and adhered to the surface of the corpse, forming a shell of snow-white salt crystals. Only when this layer of salt crystals become thick enough to sink the corpse to the bottom of the lake can they obtain the final eternal peace.

The whole process may take years.

The dwarf's throwing the enemy's corpse into Bayeux Lake will definitely play a role in epidemic prevention, but Richard also has to suspect that there is also an element of venting anger. For any kind of intelligent life, such treatment of the body after death is cruel.

"Master Richard, good day." A few old dwarves had been waiting by the lake for a long time.

Li Cha almost couldn't hold back his laughter, they each had a long soup pot, it looked like they were going to marry halflings together. Speaking of which, dwarves and halflings are about the same size, if they are willing to shave off their proud beards, it would be quite a thing.

The reason why he could hold back was because the elders didn't seem to be joking at all. Most of the dwarves usually have a sparse expression on their faces, but even by dwarf standards, they are too solemn.

"Good day, elders." Li Cha noticed that there were three more soup pots beside them, which seemed to be for himself, Robbie and Sendak.

In addition, there were several pieces of chain mail on the ground. The front and back of these chain mails had iron bumps like big cakes on their hearts.

Sendak patted Li Cha's hip bones, "You should know that there is an iron mine at the bottom of this lake. The tribe usually relies on the ore fished out for forging."

"I heard from Annie." Li Cha simply squatted down so that he could look at the dwarf at the same level.

Sendak picked up a chain mail with iron lumps and handed it to Richard, motioning him to put it on. The lord weighed it, and it weighed forty to fifty pounds, and it seemed that it was a large size specially prepared for himself.

Then Sendak and the others began to put on the unusually heavy chain mail.

The more Li Cha looked at it, the more frightened he felt - they were wearing deformed armor and carrying a soup pot in their hands. They looked as funny as they could, but the expressions on their faces became more serious than the other.

The lord swears silently in his heart that if Ao Dunzi can't say one, two, three, he will use local materials in a soup pot to stew all these crazy people.

"One time when we were prospecting, we accidentally discovered that it might be an earthquake or something else. In short, there is a gap between the ores at the bottom of the lake that is big enough for people to enter." Sendak grinned.

"In the beginning, in order to spy on the ore reserves, we sent people to try to sneak in. But the results we got never expected. For dwarves, it is a unique treasure in the world."

It could be seen that Sendak was trying his best to restrain himself, but his lips were still trembling uncontrollably. He, not just him, the breathing rate of all the dwarves present became disordered at this moment.

"Gold mine?" Li Cha's imagination immediately began to fly, and he gritted his teeth with jealousy. The dwarf's luck was a bit too good, he didn't dare to expect such a pie in the sky, because the only thing that fell on his head was hail and no pie.

"It's not worldly property." Sendak, who has a bold temper, hesitated at this moment and refused to make it clear.

"Brother Richard, let's go and see for yourself." Robbie led the way to the water's edge.

The lake water is clear enough that one can see that the salt crystals and gravel on the lake bed have been cleared away, forming a wide pit with at least ten blades on the left and right, exposing red soil and stones.

"This is where mining is usually done." Robbie explained to him in a low voice.

"Diving mining?" Li Cha vaguely remembered that the salt in Bayeux Lake was poisonous. But even if it is non-toxic fresh water, there is no yield in diving mining.

"There are a lot of scattered ores, and we usually use trawl nets." Robbie handed Richard a soup pot, "But this time we have to dive."

"What's the use of this?" Li Cha put the soup pot on his head, thinking that he must look like a mallet now.

"When you enter the water, you can store a little air in the barrel to breathe, but you must hold the two handles firmly. The buoyancy of the salt water is very strong." Sendak gave a demonstration, so he also became like a mallet, or a short mallet. "Be careful not to splash the water in your eyes, or you will be stung very painfully."

"Oh." He understood that the function of the soup pot was equivalent to a small diving bell.

"But you can't see anything like this." Li Cha tried to put his head into the barrel, and found that he could only peek at the inch below his feet from the gap between the barrel wall and his chin.

"I can see the heels of the person in front of me, follow behind and move forward, and I can take it off when I reach a place." Sendak took the lead in putting the bucket on his head, walked to the water's edge and jumped in.

Li Cha and a few other dwarves followed suit and entered the water one by one as if they were making dumplings. They were all wearing heavy chain mail, so there was no need to worry about sinking into the water. Stepping on the ground, mud and sand flew up and muddied the originally clear lake water.

"I feel a little disgusted when I think of the many corpses soaking in this lake." His lord's voice came out of the iron bucket, with a muffled sound.

No one paid attention to the dwarves, so he had no choice but to follow the heels in front and continue walking. Compared with the land, the underwater world is almost completely another world, the constraints of gravity are reduced to the lightest, and you can slowly float forward in the lake water with a little kick.

A group of people floated into the corridor one by one, and the light suddenly dimmed.

Li Cha slightly lifted the pot and took a look. It was indeed an extremely wide crack, not to mention dwarves, it was more than enough for trolls to enter.

The price of this glance was a series of bubbles rumbling from the side of the pot to the top of his head, losing part of the air, so he hurriedly covered the side of the pot and didn't look any more.

The team moved forward silently. Li Cha didn't know how long the corridor was, but only knew that the air in the barrel was getting more and more cloudy and the light was getting thinner and thinner.

It was like advancing in the stomach of some huge creature. For a while, he could only hear the sound of surging water. The dull and oppressive environment made him feel a little irritable.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Cha suddenly felt that the buoyancy of the iron bucket in his hand was getting lighter and lighter until it drooped and weighed down his hand. After tossing off the metal bucket, I realized that the water had flowed above the chest, so I quickly ran two steps forward and stood on the shore

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