Ride and Cut

Chapter 85 Fiddie Pitts

Hendra did not simply regard this as an accident, but immediately sent people to investigate.

For the military, the garrison is nothing more than a nonsense. But to the bandits, the garrison is also a legion, too powerful to resist.

The scouts of Grizzly Roar are all elites carefully trained by Hendra after he took office, and they are not inferior to the regular army. Searching for information in the wilderness was nothing more than a piece of cake for them, and it didn't take much effort to find the source.

Looking at the horizon and the vast grasslands, feeling the oncoming breeze and the smell of greenery, Hendra had an extremely strong intuition——destiny is in his own hands.

"My lord, go further 20 miles and you will find the ruins." The captain of the scout rode his horse to a position slightly behind the land griffin, and said with a respectful nod.

Sitting on a good horse is worth hundreds of gold coins, but it is still inevitable to expose the cowardly side of nature in the face of monsters, and the four legs of the horse are trembling slightly,

Hendra woke up from his contemplation, nodded slightly, "Well, I see."

"Let everyone camp and rest, have a full meal, and prepare to attack after sunset."

"My lord, is it necessary to catch some live torture information in advance?"

"No, you just need to defeat them, and the answer will be revealed naturally like a reef at low tide." The corners of Hendra's lips curved slightly, and he smiled indifferently, "Don't look too high on them, they are just a group of wilderness refugees."

"Yes, my lord." The captain of the scout raised his arm and index finger on the brim of his hat, gave a military salute, and hurriedly rode away.

This small vanguard is the elite of the entire Grizzly Roar, small in number but well-trained. The order was delivered like a command, and he stopped immediately and began to bury the pot and cook in an orderly manner to arrange patrols.


Today is the third day that the rabbit man was left by the lord to dig the murals. Seeing the sun gradually setting to the west, there is still no progress like the previous two days.

The stone used on that wall is too hard, and it is almost impossible to peel off the mural completely, at least it is impossible for the rabbitman.

They have tried many methods. The long-haired savage who lived here thought it was new at first, and was very active in making suggestions, but now they only watch the fun of the rabbitmen all day long.

But in any case, it's time to call it a day, and leave tomorrow's troubles for tomorrow. Anyway, the lord didn't set a deadline for them.

The rabbits packed up their tools and waved goodbye to the long-haired savages. Their camp was more than half an hour away from here.

The reason why they live so far away is because they are very timid. Recently, it has been rumored in the clan that this ruin is actually an ancient mausoleum, and the ghosts of the dead have been hiding in it for a long time, and they will come out to attack the living at night.

In fact, they also knew that nine times out of ten it was fake, because the long-haired savage lived next to the ruins and had never had any accidents. But I couldn't help being afraid in my heart, and I would rather run two extra steps at night and live as far away as possible.

In this way, once the ghosts come out, they will definitely find the long-haired savages who live nearby and turn the mausoleum into a pigsty, and the witty and clever rabbits can take the opportunity to escape quickly.

For this reason, those dirty long-haired savages laughed at them more than once for their cowardice, but just as the savages don't care about dirt, the rabbitmen don't think that cowardice itself is worthy of shame, and they still do their own way.

"Fiddy Pitts, what are you going to do?" a rabbit man asked his companion who had left the team suddenly.

Today they left later than before, and it was almost completely dark. It was not a good idea to leave the main force at this time.

"Shit!" Fidipitz waved his hand without looking back, signaling them to leave without waiting for him.

You shouldn't be eating those hairy wild men's food during the day, it's too unhygienic! Fidipitz clutched his stomach and crossed his thighs and thought bitterly.

In fact, he didn't know what the word "hygienic" meant, but the lord always said it, and everyone followed suit.

Fiddy Pitts squatted down in a particularly lush grass nest, trying to hide himself as tightly as possible. Don't let those long-haired savages see it, or they will squat next to the dirt and wait for the dirt to fall, then pick it up and dry it for fire!

While trying to find a few wider blades of grass, the two big ears on Fidipitz's head trembled, his ruby-like magnificent eyes were full of doubts, and he seemed to hear some very strange sounds.

His excellent hearing helped him restore scenes that his eyes had never seen—the grass blades were trampled, the horses were snorting, the sharp knives were scabbard, and a group of sneaky people!

In the tranquility shrouded in twilight, the sound of shouting and killing suddenly erupted.


"Did you ask clearly?" Hendra wiped the sword carefully with a handkerchief.

Such a high-quality sword is actually not stained with blood, as long as it is lightly flicked, it will float along the blade. This is just a habit developed in childhood.

The Shaggy Savage is actually stronger than the soldiers under his command, but this physical advantage is nothing compared to the strong armor and sharp blade. Coupled with the first advantage brought by the surprise attack, the battle quickly turned into a one-sided massacre, which was declared over in less than a quarter of an hour.

Interestingly, when the dust settled and the loot was cleaned up, a lot of iron weapons were found in the cellar, and from Hendra's point of view they were also very sophisticated. The long-haired savage cherished these precious weapons too much, and was reluctant to use them, so he lost his life in vain.

"My lord, the bronze weapon was indeed discovered by them by accident."

"It's great." With a flash of brilliance, the blade was accurately sheathed, demonstrating Hendra's excellent swordsmanship, "So why haven't I seen those little babies yet."

"Three days ago, a nobleman from Pompeii was one step ahead of us, and all of them were replaced."

"Oh?" Hendra immediately realized that the sophisticated weapons in the savage tribe obviously came from this way.

The other party seems to be willing to pay, but this also reflects that their strength may not be strong, otherwise there is no need to adopt peaceful means.

"Who is the other party?"

"It's a Pompeii colony called Alpine Fort." The scout couldn't help laughing while talking, "These soil turtles describe them very, very powerfully, it's almost like the Holy Light descending."

"It's just a small pioneering territory. The natives are ignorant, so don't take it to heart." Hendra made a decision in just a split second.

He knows very well what kind of military strength the pioneering collar can have. The great thing is that there are a hundred or so soldiers of varying levels. Their morale and organization are very low. Compared with the brown bear's roar, their combat effectiveness is negligible.

"It seems that a war is about to usher in."

"But my lord, if Pompey finds us, we will be in big trouble."

"That's right, it will be very troublesome to be discovered." Hendra snapped his fingers, and the land griffin that was devouring the corpse immediately jumped to his side, turned over like a big cat to expose its belly, and made a soft purring sound.

"The problem is a remote pioneering territory. If it is wiped out, how long will it take for someone to discover it?"

"Maybe at least a month." The scout captain immediately understood.

"I think it's half a year."

None of them noticed that there was a rabbit man covering his mouth tightly in the inconspicuous grass nest in the distance, not daring to make a sound.

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