Ride and Cut

Chapter 88

On the twentieth day, the patrolling centaur and the foreign scouts engaged in a horse-and-shoot showdown between the hussars.

A sudden meeting, two rounds of cautious probing, a short circle to organize the formation, and then each charged at the other side with whistles.

The sound of horseshoes falling on the ground was like thunder, and both sides lacked the courage to be injured or even sacrificed, but courage is never enough in battle.

No matter how good the riding skills are, they are still not as good as the centaur's own legs. This is an innate racial advantage. In addition, the longbow is obviously more powerful than the riding bow, and the victory or defeat will be decided in an instant.

The fast horses criss-crossed each other, the flying arrows were like lightning, and the difference between life and death was the difference between life and death. The oil skin of the centaur was not scratched, and the three scouts had already fallen to the ground with arrows in their chests. The weighted arrows on the longbow even caused people to fly upside down for a short while, leaving only the warhorses to keep pushing their master's body with their mouths.

The rest of the scouts did not bother, and retreated decisively. It's not that they are timid, but that the first job of a scout is always to deliver information.

The centaur originally had the opportunity to follow and expand the battle, but they soon saw the towering banner and the black mass of enemy troops waiting in formation.

Facing the eyes of everyone, they raised their longbows in the distance, fired a few arrows in a demonstrative manner, and then turned and left. Their flexible posture was enough to make any cavalryman ashamed.

Relevant information was quickly gathered to the hands of their respective leaders.


"After waiting for a lifetime, it's finally here. The concept of time is really bad." Li Cha waved the dragon-slaying giant sword that had been recast twice, and its weight had increased significantly.

The little goatman messenger hurried away with the command flag, and the will of the lord will be quickly implemented throughout the entire alpine castle.

"I see that the opponent seems to have some heavy cavalry." Hurt said while adding arrows to the quiver on his waist.

"Heavy cavalry? That's not bad." Li Cha smiled thoughtfully, "The equipment of heavy cavalry is the most valuable."

"Hurt worked hard and continued to lead people to investigate."


"Using a centaur as a ranger is a smart way and worth learning." Hendra held an arrow sent by a scout in his hand, stained with fresh blood that hadn't dried up in time, and the weight was heavy and overwhelming.

The centaur with heavy arrows hits the bow before the scout with light arrows, and the difference in strength is far more exaggerated than it seems.

A philosopher can know the arrival of the whole autumn from the decay of a leaf. He is not a philosopher, but he also knows that his opponent is not the mob he imagined before.

"The scouts continued to move forward to maintain pressure, and immediately retreated when encountering the opponent's Rangers." Hendra was born in a famous military family, and he was not addicted to poetry or drama and other things that were not used by birds like ordinary noble youths.

He has received a full set of formal knight and commander training, and has also studied at the Royal Capital Military Academy. Of course, he will not panic because of this small defeat.

"The other party has already found us, don't let them run away."


This wait was two full days without incident.

Hendra was so anxious that his mouth burst into flames. The carts accompanying the army were always entangled in wheels by weeds from time to time, which greatly slowed down the marching speed.

But they must not be left behind, because there are two hundred-man heavy cavalry in the team, which are the treasures of the entire legion. During the march, the heavy equipment must be loaded in horse-drawn carts in order to keep the men and horses full of energy at critical moments.

The general garrison will never be equipped with such expensive units as heavy cavalry, just like it is impossible to have a main battle tank in a police station.

The reason why the brown bear's roar is so special is mainly due to the fact that Hendra's own connections brought in some apprentice knights from minor nobles and citizen families who were eager to improve their situation, and acted as officers to build up the skeleton.

In addition, the original resident itself is rich in war horses and herdsmen who are skilled in horsemanship. With some money, many herdsmen are willing to take war horses to serve their hometowns and enrich the grassroots.

The heavy cavalry is undoubtedly the big money-burner among all the conventional arms. Under the premise that the manpower is ready, the equipment used almost empties Hendra's pockets, and he even has to sell all the manors under his name to barely raise enough money.

Even so, it can only be said that it is unsatisfactory now, and both the quality and equipment are far from the ideal situation.

However, as long as these two heavy cavalry centurions take shape, it will be the capital for Brown Bear Roar to stand out from the crowd of garrison corps.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that the anxious generals of the Alpine Fort saw a brown bear flag slowly emerging from the horizon first.

Then came the scouting cavalry on the left and right wings, the huge number of infantry and archers in the center, and the heavy cavalry falling behind the formation. Overall, it was a standard formation that could not be faulted.

"I was a kid when I first started waiting." Gunther stretched and twisted his neck.

He was standing on the edge of a ditch along the river, which was part of the arrangement made by the Alpine Castle. There were hundreds of heavily armed barbarian warriors hidden in the ditch. Surrounded by lush green grass, as long as you stand a little farther away, it's hard to find anything unusual.

"This group of bastards are really chilling." The lord held the binoculars and pouted contemptuously.

"What's the matter?" Gunther eagerly leaned to the side to see, but there was no second lens tube, and the lord was one level older and crushed the barbarian to death.

"Only the front half of the cavalry armor is made of iron, and the back is made of cowhide. The horse armor is only hung on the front half, and the rear is bare." Li Cha put away the lens tube and put it on his belt, dismissing the beggars in this kind of heavy cavalry.

"But their horses are good." Hurt is an expert in judging the quality of horses, after all, he has a lot in common with himself.

"No matter how good it is, it's still a horse." Gunther had a smirk on his face, and the corner of his eye inadvertently passed over the unusually lush reeds on the river bank.

The various armies of the roaring brown bear began to deploy. They obviously didn't pay much attention to the alpine fort, and they spread out at a leisurely pace. Everyone looked so relaxed that they seemed to be participating in an exercise.

Taking the false lord's hall on the east bank of the river as the intended target, the soldiers who had gathered in a group spread out like ants. Li Cha carefully scanned through the binoculars, and found no one who was suspected of being a mage, and immediately pressed his heart into his stomach with a slightly suspended heart.

Except for a very small number of magic metals such as fine gold or mithril, most metals have amazing magic resistance and will seriously interfere with the completion of spellcasting, so it is unlikely that any spellcaster will use metal armor to camouflage.

"Look, is that a griffin?" Gunther pointed at the Gryphon-bodied monster in the distance and yelled.

"Certainly not. I don't even have wings." Hurt's eyesight was better than that of ordinary people.

Before everyone could react, a scout Qingqi who was hundreds of yards away had been shot in the head and fell off his horse.

"No." Gunther felt regretful, even the barbarians had heard of the great name of the griffin.

"Damn, what are you dawdling about!" The lord waited impatiently.

In order to ensure that he would not be bloated during the battle, he only ate half full in the morning, and now his stomach started to growl again.

Since the wild geese began to fly south in autumn, the centaurs were able to shoot down a lot with their bows and arrows every day. The wild geese in this season have accumulated a whole body of autumn fat, and after being roasted by the hands of the halfling cook, the skin is crispy, tender and fat, and the mouth is watering just thinking about it.

"Here we come." Gunther whistled, gesturing to a group of his kin hiding in the trench.

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