Ride and Cut

Chapter 95 Harvest

Li Cha stretched out his hand and gently stroked the finely divided gemstones inlaid on the armor. Apart from being cool and slippery, there was no special touch. It looked like a piece of deep red amber, and it also looked like magnificent wine.

He had heard of the famous magic crystal many years ago, but it was the first time he saw or even touched it with his own eyes, because this kind of material was basically only circulated in the noble class.

In a sense, the preciousness of the magic crystal cannot even be measured by gold coins. This is the basic consumable that must be used to make magic equipment. Mages also need this thing to store magic power for emergencies. It is a strategic material for any country.

"Since this piece can be used to engrave the magic circle, it must be mixed with some magic metal." Buckland gestured casually around the magic crystal, "The magic circle itself is still intact. Let the blacksmith disassemble it and find a piece of armor to install it. It will still work."

"Really or not." The lord was full of suspicion. He felt that this way of thinking sounded like a beggar mending clothes.

"If you don't believe me, you can find another way." Buckland shrugged, "But don't blame me for not reminding you, it's useless to make up, because this is not your number at all."

Li Cha picked up the armor and put it on his body to make gestures, and found that what Buckland said was true, it was more than one size smaller than the size he was wearing.

"Forget it, I will leave it to Robbie later, but there are still two things that need your help."

Richard spoke very politely, and Buckland and Annie hurriedly said that there is no trouble, sir, if you see me outside.

"First of all, the prisoners of war." Li Cha pointed to the distance, where more than a dozen soldiers who had escaped before came back by themselves and surrendered to the leaders.

Probably after calming down, they figured it out. This is the wilderness—they threw away all their weapons and armor when they fled. Even if they were not attacked by the natives, it would be difficult to get out before dying of thirst and starvation.

This is the first group to wake up, and there will definitely be many deserters returning to surrender in the next few days.

"I gave them a chance to redeem themselves with money, especially the leader, it must be worth a lot of ransom." This is the fundamental reason why Richard kept Hendra.

Noble prisoners of war have a tradition of paying ransom to redeem themselves, but the exact number depends on how many pounds of conscience the lord has and how much wealth Hendra has.

"Buckland will leave their management to you."

"It's a matter of duty, my lord." Buckland stroked his chest and nodded slightly. He is now the director of internal affairs of Alpine Fort, and he turned and left first.

"The other one is a trophy, and the leaders will come to clean up the battlefield soon." Li Cha stretched his arms and drew a big circle around the battlefield just now. "I see that a lot of equipment is in good condition. It is not suitable for us to use. It would be a pity to recast it directly, so I plan to sell it in Kelun."

"There are more than these that can be sold." Annie said in a deep voice, "Baggage and war horses are the most valuable. A good horse can even be sold for hundreds of gold coins."

"Oh." The lord nodded with a dazed expression.

Gao Shanbao didn't use much horses, and he planned to kill all the stewed horse meat just now. It would be an expensive meal if that was the case.

"Also, there is now a chamber of commerce in Cologne that specializes in the business of captives, and they can sell the captives directly." Annie brushed her hair back and smiled, "They have special channels for collecting ransoms or working to pay off debts, which is much more convenient than handling them by yourself, about four to five gold coins per person."

"This...it's okay." Li Cha couldn't help but feel ashamed.

After dealing with people like Annie and Sauron a lot, he realized that his understanding of business was really shallow. Arms are almost everything to a pioneer lord—almost, but not all.

In order to become a qualified lord, he still has a lot of homework to do in this regard.

After careful calculation in his mind for two times, Li Cha suddenly realized that the harvest in Gaoshan Fort was so rich recently.

Leaving aside the large amount of loot and captives, there are also a large number of antique weapons, which can be exchanged for gold coins to enrich the bare lord's treasury at once, and completely get rid of the hat of abject poverty.

In terms of experience, there are not a few fighters who have been promoted, especially the Skaar lizardmen whose initial rank is very low.

This is the first time for most Skaar knights to experience what it feels like to advance. You must know that although they are thin and small, they have a brave and aggressive heart like most of the strong fighting races.

The twin ground dragons have brought impressive combat power, but their physical weakness has always been a concern for them. In private, they are very envious of barbarians or centaurs full of muscles.

The magical feeling brought by the advanced stage made them dazzled and inflated deeply, and began to wrestle with other soldiers of the guard all over the world.

As a result, when eating in the dining room at night, Li Cha found that several Skaar knights were particularly bruised and swollen.

"What's going on here?" The lord looked at this and that, with a suspicious look on his face.

"I fell while walking." With two cotton balls stuffed in his nostrils, Abu remained expressionless, and reached out to pick up half a roasted goose from Gunther's plate.

Gang Manzi, who has always been protective of food, rarely expressed anything, and even tried to squeeze out a smile as warm as possible-even though this smile may become a lingering nightmare for children if they see it, it cannot change the essence of this smile.

So Qiqiu also ran over to pick up a piece of parsley on the table, and Gunther's eyes immediately widened bigger than a copper bell.

"Hey, walk carefully in the future." Li Cha turned his head and focused on discussing with Annie about making a fortune, "In a few days, you can take the caravan to Cologne and sell those antique weapons."

Gold coins are the lord's courage. This is true. He feels that he is full of confidence when he speaks now: "I still have a few foreign debts over there, and I paid them off with the money on the way."

"Well, the follow-up publicity will have to keep up at that time." Annie put a gooseberry in her mouth, "We must let the whole of Cologne know that our invincible Baron Richard easily defeated the enemy with inferior forces again!"

"Hey, hi..." The lord couldn't help but blushed and laughed twice.

He was a little embarrassed by Annie's words, but he also clearly knew the shadow of a person's famous tree. In many cases, the benefits that prestige could bring were incomparable to gold coins.

It is an irrefutable fact that the development of Gaoshanbao at this stage needs a model character.

In the entire Alpine Fort, apart from Richard, Anne is a woman, Buckland is an old man, Gunther is illiterate, and Hurt and Abu are foreign half-orcs, so the lord himself has some packaging value.

You have to do some things you don't want to do, maybe this is the helplessness of being a lord.

Recommend a friend's book "Beauty Man Begins with Batman"

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