Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1111 Underground Warehouse

It's a pity that Zhang Xiao's mind was full of supplies, and he didn't think of this at all, so he and his people were gone...

"Good way, my lord, I wrote it down!" With a smile on his face, Huang Ming secretly praised Lu Jun for being smarter than ordinary people like them.

Lu Jun ignored Huang Ming's compliment and continued to walk towards the underground warehouse. He wanted to see what was going on inside.

A minute later, Lu Jun probably walked more than a hundred steps to the bottom of the underground warehouse.

It can be seen that this place is no different from the warehouse on the surface, and the overall area is larger than a football field.

It's just that there is no electricity here, and all the sources of light are composed of some candles, making it look extremely dim here.

Fortunately, Lu Jun quickly took out dozens of cold light sticks and threw them in different directions of the warehouse, destroying the entire warehouse.

In this way, you can clearly see that the materials are neatly placed in the warehouse, and the most places are even piled up as high as a floor.

Most of them are military dry food, there are also a small amount of canned food, and the rest is some mineral water that can be preserved for ten years.

Because this place is located in a relatively deep place underground, it has been closed for a long time, so it has not been affected by the blood mist, and the canned food is in good condition.

"Where did Zhang Xiao get these things? This is serious military food, and it's very difficult for individuals to get it." Lu Jun turned to look at Huang Ming.

"It was he who discovered a military base 40 kilometers away some time ago. The people inside were all infected, and the resources and weapons outside were also destroyed."

"But the military supplies they hid are still intact. There are a lot of them. Zhang Xiao mobilized us and many survivors, and it took about a week to move them back." Huang Ming seriously explained to Lu Jun.

"Where did those weapons go? I didn't find Zhang Xiao using them during the battle yesterday." Lu Jun pointed to the warehouse in front of him, which only had materials.

"It was originally here, and our city guards moved in, but a group of men in black robes came a few days ago, and Zhang Xiao handed over all the weapons to them. I don't know where they transported them..." Huang Ming scratched his head, he only knew so much.

"It seems that I was a step too late, what a pity." Lu Jun shook his head and sighed.

Because he knows very well that the value of weapons is much greater than these food supplies.

Although he has no chance to use it now, he can distribute it to the outlying legions of the rebel army or sell it, which is also a lot of dragon coins...

Seeing Lu Jun's unhappy face, Huang Ming didn't dare to speak, for fear of offending Lu Jun, he just stood there with his head down.

The night devil looked indifferent, it didn't know what those weapons were for, and it had nothing to do with it.

Fortunately, Lu Jun didn't stay silent for long, and quickly walked forward. Since "meat" can't be eaten, it's good to have some "soup".

Looking at the figure of Lu Jun leaving, Huang Ming was a little confused, not knowing what Lu Jun wanted to do.

If it's about inspecting supplies, Lu Jun isn't like such an ink-stained person, but if it's about moving supplies, there are only a few of them here, and they won't be of much use.

However, what Huang Ming didn't expect was that when Lu Jun approached a pile of supplies and touched them with his hands, the pile of supplies suddenly disappeared.

"This... this..." Huang Ming pointed to the position of Lu Jun, then rubbed his eyes with his hand, looking like a ghost.

But what shocked him even more was still behind, because every time Lu Jun encountered a pile of supplies, these things would disappear, and he didn't know where they went.

In the end, Huang Ming was completely stunned, even more surprised than when he saw the supernatural being for the first time.

The night demon next to him watched all this with a blank face, and at the same time laughed in his heart that Huang Ming was a "bumpkin" who had never seen the world.

But Ye Mo seems to have forgotten that the first time he saw Lu Jun using this ability, his expression was similar to Huang Ming's...

After about twenty minutes, the army finally moved dozens of tons of materials from the entire warehouse into the armed module.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly sighed that this was really a physical effort, and he had turned on the system dozens of times.

When Lu Jun came to Huang Ming's side, Huang Ming slowly recovered from the shock, swallowed his saliva: "My lord, this is really unbelievable, the most powerful people I have ever seen are not like you!" means."

"It seems that I was a step too late, what a pity." Lu Jun shook his head and sighed.

Because he knows very well that the value of weapons is much greater than these food supplies.

Although he has no chance to use it now, he can distribute it to the outlying legions of the rebel army or sell it, which is also a lot of dragon coins...

Seeing Lu Jun's unhappy face, Huang Ming didn't dare to speak, for fear of offending Lu Jun, he just stood there with his head down.

The night devil looked indifferent, it didn't know what those weapons were for, and it had nothing to do with it.

Fortunately, Lu Jun didn't stay silent for long, and quickly walked forward. Since "meat" can't be eaten, it's good to have some "soup".

Looking at the figure of Lu Jun leaving, Huang Ming was a little confused, not knowing what Lu Jun wanted to do.

If it's about inspecting supplies, Lu Jun isn't like such an ink-stained person, but if it's about moving supplies, there are only a few of them here, and they won't be of much use.

However, what Huang Ming didn't expect was that when Lu Jun approached a pile of supplies and touched them with his hands, the pile of supplies suddenly disappeared.

"This... this..." Huang Ming pointed to the position of Lu Jun, then rubbed his eyes with his hand, looking like a ghost.

But what shocked him even more was still behind, because every time the road army encountered a pile of supplies, these things would disappear, and they didn't know where they went.

In the end, Huang Ming was completely stunned, even more surprised than when he saw the supernatural being for the first time.

The night demon next to him watched all this with a blank face, and at the same time laughed in his heart that Huang Ming was a "bumpkin" who had never seen the world.

But Ye Mo seems to have forgotten that the first time he saw Lu Jun using this ability, his expression was similar to Huang Ming's...

After about twenty minutes, the army finally moved dozens of tons of materials from the entire warehouse into the armed module.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly sighed that this was really a physical effort, and he had turned on the system dozens of times.

When Lu Jun came to Huang Ming's side, Huang Ming slowly recovered from the shock, swallowed his saliva: "My lord, this is really unbelievable, the most powerful people I have ever seen are not like you!" Means." Please Baidu "Throwing Books Network" Thank you for your support!

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