Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1114 The situation in the outer city

Seeing this, Lu Jun directly let the Fengshen pterosaur fly down and came to Lin Xiaobai's side.

As soon as they landed on the road army, they smelled a disgusting stench, which meant that the corpses on the ground were extremely decomposed. No wonder Lin Xiaobai and the others had to wear masks...

"Hey, brother, why are you here?" Lin Xiaobai took off his mask and looked at Lu Jun.

"Are there any survivors hiding inside? Have you looked at this?" Lu Jun pointed to some tall buildings in the distance.

He knew that the vitality of human beings is very tenacious, and it is impossible for all of them to die, and some people must hide when disasters happen.

Although there will not be many, this is the population anyway, and it is estimated that some of the information at that time can be obtained from their mouths.

However, Lin Xiaobai shook his head: "There are no living people left. We also thought about it yesterday. We went in and searched all over, every hidden place and underground facility, but there were still corpses."

"Maybe they were still alive two days ago, maybe they died because of lack of food."

"So we just went in and moved out what we thought would be useful, and we worked all night to finish it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiaobai raised his finger and pointed at the messy things in the distance, with a heavy tone.

And Lu Jun didn't even look at those things, because they were all "junk" with little effect, and they were covered with the blood of the infected body, so they were meaningless.

"Then burn these corpses. We don't have so many people and time to clean them up slowly. Burning them directly is the fastest." Lu Jun said without hesitation.

"Ah? Burned? But this is an urban area, and the flames will not stop if it burns, and it will be completely destroyed by then. What's the point of our occupation?" Lin Xiaobai widened his eyes, thinking that Lu Jun was joking . She really didn't expect Lu Jun to come over suddenly, without any warning.

"Well, I just finished some work, so I stopped by to see how the situation here is? How long will it take to clean up the corpses on the ground?" Lu Jun frowned slightly. The smell on the ground was really pungent.

"We went into the city and took a look. There are no more infected bodies inside. The night devil and bone dragon were cleaned up very cleanly."

"But the problem now is that there are too many corpses, and it will be difficult for us to clean them up in a short time. It is estimated that we will have to mobilize a large number of troops from West Wind Fortress." Lin Xiaobai pointed to the hundreds of meters long street ahead, Face full of helplessness.

"This place is also abandoned now. If I want to live again, I have to clean it up for at least a month. I don't want to do this. Let's burn it. The bigger the fire, the better. It's best to burn it for three days and three nights. I will burn all these buildings. I can find a better gathering place for you sometime." Lu Jun said somewhat mysteriously.

He only needs this piece of land to be here, and the buildings inside are all cumbersome to him.

Because most of the buildings before the end of the world are high-rise buildings, which require electricity and technology for maintenance.

But now is the end of the world, and there are these messy things, which make the buildings before the end of the world extremely impractical.

It's better to clear this location so that he can build the city infrastructure opened from the super-order supply box here.

In this way, the original Tianhai City can be put into use soon, and it is stronger than before, and it saves a lot of time.

"Then I really asked someone to light the fire, and we won't be able to stop the fire when it gets big." Lin Xiaobai said with some uncertainty.

Because she still felt that Lu Jun's idea was too crazy, which made her brain unable to keep up.

"Burn it, burn it, the old one won't go away, the new one won't come, there is no need for this broken city to exist, I can replace it with a better one." Lu Jun looked at the wreckage in front of him and said silently.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Xiaobai nodded emphatically, and gave the order for the Lu army to set fire to Tianhai City.

This shocked the middle-aged people in the rebel army, after all, it was too unimaginable.

However, they know Lu Jun very well. Since Lu Jun decides something, there must be a reason for it. There is no need to ask more questions, just do it.

With this thought in mind, everyone dispersed immediately, throwing flame grenades wildly at various locations in Tianhai City.

As the grenade detonated, the corpses on the ground burned one after another. Coupled with the recent dry weather, the flames quickly became taller than adults, constantly devouring buildings one after another.

In this situation, it can be said that they don't need to worry about anything. As long as it doesn't rain, the flames will engulf the entire Tianhai City until everything is completely burned.

Looking at the fierce fire in front of him, Lu Jun nodded in satisfaction, this is what he wanted.

Of course, this will only happen in the next few days, and the current Starlight City is still in the stage of rectification.

At the same time, the army on the other side quickly approached Westwind Fortress after flying for a while.

Since they didn't know the situation in Tianhai City, Lu Jun made Fengshen Pterosaur turn around and headed straight for Tianhai City when they were about to arrive.

To be honest, he has feelings for Tianhai City, and it is here that he can reunite with Lin Xiaobai and Mu Mu.

It was also here that he met the butcher and others, and established the prototype of the rebel army. Everything started from here.

Although many unpleasant things happened between them, it didn't affect his feelings for Tianhai City.

So when Tianhai City fell, he really wanted to restore Tianhai City and make it a gathering place again.

Another very important point is that Tianhai City's terrain is very good, with well-developed four-way communication, it is a very good strategic location and cannot fall into the hands of others.

With this in mind, Lu Jun and Fengshen Pterosaur soon arrived in Tianhai City, and saw a devastated scene.

Since the bone dragons killed the infected bodies in Tianhai City and did not clean up the corpses, Tianhai City at this time was filled with various corpses.

These people were all survivors of Tianhai City, or members of the army, but unfortunately they couldn't escape.

Lin Xiaobai and a group of members of the rebel army were wearing masks to dispose of the corpses, basically repeating the actions of transporting and digging pits for burial, which seemed to have lasted for a long time.

It's a pity that their number is really not enough. Faced with hundreds of thousands of corpses, it is difficult to clean them up.

After a few days when the flames disappear, he can come to this place to place his city, and then transfer some orc warriors and survivors from other places, and this place will be able to function.

It is best to put a few dragon nests around, so as to guarantee the future defense ability of Tianhai City to the greatest extent, and the army is constantly planning in their minds.

Lin Xiaobai and members of the resistance army next to him were fascinated by the flames in front of them, recalling all the things they experienced in Tianhai City in the early days of the end of the world, and they couldn't go back...

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