Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1164 Fierce Fight

Now his anger has also been beaten up, and he has been tricked for no reason. He must make the Lord Blood Rock pay the price.

Because he was busy dealing with the Tyrannosaurus, Lord Blood Rock didn't pay much attention to the situation on Lu Jun's side, and he didn't know that Lu Jun had broken free.

It wasn't until a hot feeling came from his head that the Great Lord Blood Rock realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the Lu army would not give it this chance. The flamboyant bomb hit the head of the blood rock lord head-on, and a burst of bright light lit up.

Lord Xueyan only felt a huge pain in his head, and was a little dazed, almost making him faint.

This is really a normal situation, no matter how strong it is, it won't be able to withstand an attack of this level on the head...

However, some negative states seemed to be the limit, and the flame bomb still failed to break through the defense of the blood rock lord.

Under such circumstances, the blood rock commanders had the right to think that their companions had gone crazy, and began to join forces to deal with the controlled blood rock commanders in an attempt to restore their companions to normal.

Ruan Bing, who saw this scene, smiled softly, showing a relieved expression.

Because her original intention of using the fourth ability was to attract the attention of the leader of the blood rock.

Now virtually restraining all the blood rock commanders is indeed what she wants to see the most.

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Bing sent out stronger brain waves, causing the controlled Blood Rock Commander to attack frantically.

Anyway, as long as there are creatures of the Blood Rock family around, it will bite and tear everything it sees into pieces when it rushes up.

Since the leader of the blood rock can't feel the pain under the control, the attack it sends out is several times more violent than usual, and it looks desperate.

In this case, the three conscious Blood Rock Commanders couldn't control it at all, because they subconsciously didn't want to hurt their companions.

Finally, after seeing that the situation could not be improved, the three blood rock commanders became cruel and prepared to kill.

Because if you don't do this right away, they will be held here for a long time, and there is no way to get out to help.

And most importantly, the controlled Blood Rock Commander did too much damage to them, and one of his subordinates was killed from time to time.

If this continues, their losses will become more and more serious. It is estimated that more than half of them will be killed or injured before the battle is over.

So after they looked at each other, they unfolded all their abilities, burst out with strong blood, and rushed towards the controlled companion together.

Although the one in front of him was with them a few minutes ago, and occupied a very important position in the Blood Rock Clan.

But now they really have no choice but to use this more extreme method.

With the three blood rock commanders working together, the controlled blood rock commander couldn't hold on for long, and was chopped into pieces in less than two minutes.

This also means that a super-order creature just died, which seems a little unclear.

But in fact, this is a very normal phenomenon, because the biological strength of the same level of the blood rock family is very close, there is no special ability, and one-on-three basically does not exist.

However, before he died, the controlled blood rock leader still had some effect.

I saw it burst out a strong blood-red gas,

A huge amount of damage was caused, and the three blood rock commanders were all slightly injured.

This was almost the result Ruan Bing was most happy to see, and it made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Because her fourth ability can only control a certain creature, and cannot cause any form of damage to it.

And just now her control time is just about to end, as soon as it ends, the controlled Blood Rock Commander will definitely regain freedom and pour firepower on them again.

Now the three blood rock commanders help her kill the blood rock commander, which is undoubtedly the best result, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Looking at the corpses of their companions and their own wounds, the three blood rock commanders roared angrily.

Their blood rock clan has been going smoothly in recent months, and has never suffered such a big blow.

And all of this is now caused by these unknown creatures in front of them, they must settle this account clearly.

So the next moment, the blood rock leaders revived and rushed towards Ruan Bing's position, the blood energy in their bodies soaring wildly.

The other warriors of the Blood Rock Clan also fought with the various creatures that Xiaowan had just recruited.

They are stronger than these messy creatures in terms of coordination and strength, and they quickly took the initiative on the battlefield.

At that time, as long as they join up with the commander of the blood rock, while the army is not there, the victory must belong to them.

"Xiao Wan, Ruan Xue, let the creatures under your control retreat!" Ruan Bing suddenly said to the two women behind him.



Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue each responded, and immediately ordered the treants and miscellaneous creatures to leave the battlefield.

Although they didn't know what Ruan Bing was going to do, there must be something very important, so they just did it.

Seeing that all her own creatures had retreated, Ruan Bing summoned a large number of soul bodies to go on top, and began to condense her third ability, the soul blast.

This is her most powerful and last large-scale attack ability, which she intends to use at the last moment.

And now, no doubt, was the moment when she had come to the point where she had to do her best.

The creatures of the Blood Rock Clan didn't know that Ruan Bing had a follow-up plan, and thought that the enemy was afraid, so they continued to press forward.

As for the surrounding soul bodies, they ignored them, because these soul bodies did not attack them, and they did not feel threatened at all.

However, they knew they were wrong the next moment, and saw that the surrounding soul bodies suddenly started to turn red all over, and then exploded around them.

The explosion caused by the flames, shock waves, and blood rock bats was similar, and it swept across the entire battlefield in an instant.

Whether it was the Blood Rock Beast or the Blood Rock Warrior in the center, they only felt pain all over their bodies before losing consciousness and turning into corpses.

Only the creatures of the blood rock family and the leader of the blood rock who are slightly outside can avoid this damage.

This unexpected situation made the eyes of the blood rock leader turn red, because their casualties were too great to bear.

Now they don't think about supporting their companions anymore. At this time, they only have one purpose, which is to kill Ruan Bing and others, leaving none behind. Only in this way can they avenge their dead companions.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, the three blood rock commanders seemed to be crazy, and the blood rock beasts and blood rock warriors also rushed over.

Now they don't think about casualties anymore, there is only one word in their minds, and that is to kill, never die!

"I'm going to enter a period of fatigue! Next, you have to hold on!" Ruan Bing said while drinking a bottle of brain power reagent.

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