Xiaowan next to her also had a sad expression on her face. This plan was provided by her alone. Originally, she was full of confidence and felt that she was going to make a contribution, but now she couldn't help doubting herself...

"No! The special grenade is effective! Because the blood rock creatures on the tower have not shown their heads to attack for more than 20 seconds, they are fighting hard!" Ruan Bing said suddenly, telling everyone the details she found.

This made both Lu Jun and Xiaowan's eyes brighten. Indeed, they hadn't been attacked for a while.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that the blood rock creatures have lost most of their fighting power, otherwise there is no reason for this to happen.

"Great! We can go straight in, and we can kill the Lord of Blood Rock in just three rounds, and the victory will definitely be ours!" Xiao Wan said eagerly.

She has always advocated rushing in to fight, but the Lu army blocked her, making her unable to perform...

"No, no matter what, you can't rush, because apart from losing combat effectiveness, there is also an extremely slight possibility that these blood rock creatures are playing tricks and trying to trick us into fighting them."

Since the enemy had 5,000 black thorn infected bodies coming this time, the two rebels were very cautious when fighting.

I saw that they first slowed down a thousand Utahraptors to form a tight line of defense to block the first wave of attacks from the blackthorn infected body.

Then let another thousand Utahraptors charge and destroy the defense line of the blackthorn infected body, planning to use this method to fight steadily and win.

But they soon discovered that they had underestimated the strength of the Utahraptor, because the A-rank Utahraptor was not a little bit stronger than the B-rank or C-rank blackthorn infection.

Often, the black thorn infected body was bitten off by the defending Utahraptor just after rushing up, leaving only a headless corpse.

Not to mention those Utahraptors who took the initiative to attack, they are simply like wolves entering the flock, using both mouth and claws.

Even without the use of dragon skills, they were still able to kill blackthorn infected bodies that were several times larger than themselves, and they fled in all directions.

Seeing that the Utahraptor was so fierce, the two members of the resistance army who were in charge of the command couldn't help swallowing, and looked at each other with some embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, they made the same decision, which was to give up defense and let the Utah Raptors attack with all their strength.

Since the Utahraptor and the Blackthorn infected body are not at the same level, it would be a waste to defend yourself...

In a head-to-head situation, the blackthorn-infected body is even worse. Five thousand blackthorn-infected bodies are no match for two thousand Utahraptors.

In less than two minutes, the battlefield was full of broken corpses of blackthorn infected bodies, and some internal organs that looked like intestines were extremely disgusting.

Fortunately, at this time, flying infected beasts came to support them. There were tens of thousands of them, and their strength was even more uneven. They ranged from C-level to A-level, and they looked very strong overall.

But they have an obvious weakness, that is, as infected beasts, their evolution is flawed, and their IQ is not even as good as the blackthorn infected body.

Fortunately, there are corpse controllers who use their mental power to control these flying infected beasts alone, so that they can successfully find the target they should attack without any brains.

As the flying infected beasts came down from the air, the two rebels felt tremendous pressure immediately.

The surrounding Utahraptor also roared uneasy,

Watching the sky warily.

Because they will face five times more enemies than themselves next, and they are still in the air and they are on the ground.

However, Xiao Wan in the distance seems to have been paying attention to all this. When the flying infected beast arrived, she also moved.

She summoned all the bee-stinging pterosaurs behind her in one breath, and intercepted tens of thousands of flying infected beasts.

Since the bee sting pterosaur has the long-range ability of spraying bee stings, it is very convenient to intercept flying infected beasts.

Following Xiaowan's order, thousands of sharp and fast bee stings were shot out in unison.

Some bee stings instantly pierced the wings of the flying infected beasts, causing some flying infected beasts to thump and fall.

There were also some bee stings that hit the heads of flying infected beasts very accurately, causing these flying infected beasts to die suddenly.

And the thousands of bee stings were only the first round of attacks of the bee stinger pterosaurs, and they quickly launched the second and third rounds of attacks, adding up to tens of thousands of bee stingers.

In the face of this nearly airtight attack, the flying infected beasts were hit hard at once, and nearly half of them were killed or injured in less than two minutes, and this number is still increasing.

In this way, the Utahraptor on the ground no longer needs to be afraid of flying infected beasts. They just need to avoid them and not be hit by falling corpses...

In this way, with the passage of time, the ground and air battlefields were quickly divided into winners and losers, and the road army won the victory.

Although the corpse controllers discovered the situation on their side in time, they wanted the remaining blackthorn infected bodies and flying infected beasts to retreat.

But Xiaowan would not give them this chance, and chased them all the way until they killed all the infected beasts that flew out.

Now everyone in the rebel army became even more excited, cheering and happy for their victory.

The corpse controllers in the infected group didn't have such a good time, they suddenly became dignified.

Because they have been slaughtering the remaining humans in Tianhai City since the end of the world, and any creatures inside are no match for them.

So after a long time, the corpse controllers felt a little smug, thinking that there was no creature outside that could stop them.

But they didn't expect to encounter this kind of attack after they came out for a battle, which made them a little dazed.

Why are the humans and creatures outside so strong? Isn't the outside world already dominated by their infected bodies? This is the common thought in the hearts of all the corpse controllers.

Some of them even plan to take their subordinates back to Tianhai City, where it is relatively peaceful, and they will continue to be their "King of the Mountain".

If things go on like this, it seems that no matter how many infected bodies come, it's not enough to kill the rebels...

"Don't worry, the real battle hasn't started yet. The infected group is not so easy to defeat. This is just an appetizer. Don't panic." Lao Wu hurriedly comforted Baqi and Zhifu.

Although he also felt that the scene just now was a bit unbelievable, but in any case, his own mentality must be stabilized, so that it is conducive to thinking.

Hearing Lao Wu's words, Baqi and Zhifu took a deep breath, recovered their mood, and continued to look at the remote observation board with wide-eyed eyes.

After all, they can't do anything in this situation, and they can't mess themselves up because of a little episode.

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