Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1172 Another Mystery

Just as Lu Jun searched down three floors with confidence, he still couldn't find the soul body, which made him stunned.

"How is it possible? There is no such thing? Could it be that he is not in the tower at all?" Lu Jun frowned and said something, as if he was talking to himself.

"Don't worry, you can wait for my sister's news, maybe they are on their side." Ruan Xue comforted Lu Jun.

"Well, we can only wait for a while now." Lu Ju's frown did not dissipate, and his thoughts drifted to nowhere.

About five minutes later, Xiao Wan and Ruan Bing came down together. They shook their heads the moment they saw Lu Jun, "Do you have it here? We didn't find it up there."

Hearing this, Ruan Xue couldn't help sighing, "We don't have one here either, I thought it would be above you."

"Could it be on a higher floor? Just now you only let us search to the 20th floor, and we came down after we searched. What if it's on a higher floor?" Xiao Wan murmured to Lu Jun.

"No, I've searched carefully on the 20th floor and above, and it's absolutely impossible to hide anything." Lu Jun shook his head, with a sad face, not knowing which step went wrong.

After all, logically speaking, the Blood Rock Clan only has five towers, and they have searched the first four, so it should be in the fifth tower.

But now there is not even a fifth tower, so he really doesn't know where to find it now.

And what's even more uncomfortable is that they worked so hard to knock down the tower, in order to get the things inside the tower, that is, the soul in the wood.

Now they are actually told that there is nothing in the tower, they have come in vain, and the previous things have been done in vain, how can this be accepted?

"Let's search again, this time we have to search in every corner, if there is still no information, then there is a problem with the information, we will make another plan." Ruan Bing calmly told everyone.

In fact, she knew that it would be difficult to find any results if she searched again, but she was not reconciled if she didn't search.

"Oh, that's the only way to go, I hope I can gain something." Lu Jun sighed deeply, he was a little confused now.

I just hope that he didn't look hard enough, the body of that soul body is on it, otherwise it would be too much...

Ruan Xue and the others had no opinion on this, and nodded in agreement.

However, just when Lu Jun and the others were about to go up to join Lin Yilan to search together, Xiaowan next to him suddenly wandered around for a while, "No, we don't need to go up, the body of the soul body must be in the tower, but not on it , right under our feet!"

These words made everyone focus on Xiao Wan, not knowing what Xiao Wan was talking about.

"But I have to remind you first that the plane channel will move, and I don't know its rules. If you are slow, or there are some uncontrollable factors that cause the plane channel to deviate from its current position, then You may never go back."

These words made everyone nervous again, and they looked at each other. At the same time, Ruan Bing immediately said, "How long will the plane channel last? How do you calculate the time zone in your place?"

"I really don't know the exact time. It may move in an hour, or it may wait a day. You should cooperate with me and let me speed up." Mu Mu thought for a while before saying. , "As for the time zone, it is similar to yours, but the daily time is about two hours less than yours. It is noon now, and it will be dark in four hours."

"Attention everyone, we have to determine the location of the plane passage first, otherwise we will be in trouble if we can't go back then." Lu Jun immediately issued an order.

Everyone also knew the seriousness of the problem, and they took action one after another, scratching the ground with their hands.

Although it seems that there are no infected bodies and no monsters here, it is much safer than their world.

But Lu Jun and the girls are not the kind of people who like to be comfortable, let alone escape from anything.

Rather than just surviving here, it is better to return to their world to be vigorous, this is their true thought.

So they will go back no matter what, and they will go back with the wood.

"I found it! Here it is!" Xiaowan suddenly raised her hand and pointed to where she was.

I saw a shallow pit under Xiaowan's feet, and a dark thing below.

If you look carefully, you can find that this thing is the entrance of the plane they jumped off, and it is estimated that you can see the whole thing by pulling the ground a little bigger.

"This thing actually grows in the soil...it's too much..." Ruan Xue said helplessly.

"Well, it's quite strange, let's make a mark here first, so that we can come back in time." Lu Jun pointed to the plane passage and said.

And the one who is best at marking is naturally Lin Yilan. She can directly set up a space node here, and then she can directly open the space portal and return.

"If you are done with your work, then let's set off, there is still a long way to go." The soul in Mu Mu couldn't help urging.

"Okay, that's fine, let's lead the way." Lu Jun nodded, indicating that Mu Mu could go.

In this way, after everyone had no problem, the group of them started to set off, with Mu Mu walking in the front, followed by Lu Jun and others.

It can be clearly seen that this area belongs to a relatively dry mountain area, with yellow sand everywhere, and it will sink your feet when you step on it.

But the strange thing is that there is no shortage of plants in this desolate place, and they are all green and red, which are very bright from a distance.

As for what kind of vegetation these belong to and what their functions are, Lu Jun and the others are not sure, anyway, they think the colorful and colorful are pretty good-looking.

There are also many animals around. In just a few minutes, Lu Jun and others saw three or four species, all of which were relatively cute animals.

For example, the "Wild Rabbit" is covered in snow, but likes to drill around in the soil, and the "Salamosaur", which is covered in blue, is gnawing on plants.

They don't seem to be afraid of humans, even if Lu Jun walks past them, they won't leave, probably because they haven't been eaten since they were young...

Xiao Wan even used her powers to capture a few "pigs" flying in the sky with yellow wings. According to her, she was going to bring them back to the original world to fatten them up and eat them...

The soul in Wood probably guessed what everyone was thinking, and subconsciously mocked, "Isn't your world full of monsters from other planes? Haven't seen enough? Can you go faster?"

"What do you know?" Xiaowan replied directly, "The ones in our place are all real monsters, each of them cannibalize people. If they had traveled so far in our world, they would have been dismembered. It's not like you here. Each one is a small animal, and there is no threat at all."

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