Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1183 Small fights...

So in a somewhat desperate situation, it continued to hit the road army's position.

This time it directly condensed a thunder shield in front of itself and in the middle of the fist to prevent it from being hurt by the Lu army again.

Anyway, at this time, it has already thought about it, and it must defeat the road army without using weapons to prove itself.

Looking at Mu Mu with an unconvinced face, Lu Jun was very satisfied. He raised his right paw and condensed a flaming bomb, smashing his head and face at the shield in front of Mu Mu.

Since the soul in Wood is so arrogant, then he will not be polite, and he must make it pay the price.

As the road army's flame bombs collided with the wooden thunder shield, intense flames and shock waves suddenly appeared on the field.

Fortunately, Ruan Bing and the others and Hank's creatures were far away from the main battlefield, so they were not harmed.

But the power and collision produced by this kind of close combat was enough to amaze them, and they all focused more on it.

A second later, Lu Jun and Mu Mu separated again, several meters away from each other.

It can be seen that the thunder shield in front of Mu Mu has disappeared, and the flaming bombs condensed by the road army have been completely swallowed.

It seemed that they were tied for this round, and the attacks and defenses of both sides were canceled out.

But Lu Jun's attack just now seemed to be just a front hand. The moment Mu Mu resisted, he used a flash again, came behind Mu Mu, and used his dragon claw to scratch Mu Mu's back.

Without the protection of the thunder shield, there were several openings behind the wood in an instant, with traces of blood flowing out, and even shreds of meat could be seen inside.

Fortunately, Lu Jun took into account that it was a wooden body, so he didn't attack with a deadly hand, otherwise the wound would have been even worse.

But even so, the wood that was injured again exploded with anger, or the soul in it was very angry.

After all, it hadn't been injured much in the battle with the blood rock lord before, so why did it suffer continuously in just a while?

If its dark form is still there at this time, it is estimated that it will directly start to fight desperately with the Lu army.

It's a pity that it has nothing now, so it can only continue to fight the road army with the ability at hand.


After being beaten for so long, it would be too shameful if it didn't fight back.

So in the next second, it controlled Mu Mu's body and continuously condensed several thunderbolts to strike down.

With the sound of thunder, two thunderbolts fell on Lu Jun in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it was impossible to react.

But Lu Jun is not an ordinary person. He reacted the moment Mu Mu summoned the sky thunder, and immediately a particle shield appeared above his head.

In the case of the sky thunder slashing wildly, the particle shield completely blocked it, and did not let the sky thunder fall on him.

Apart from the dizzy eyes, Lu Jun didn't feel any discomfort.

When the duration of the thunder was over, Lu Jun dodged to the back of Mu Mu again, and scratched the uninjured part of Mu Mu again, causing a new wound on Mu Mu's body.

Anyway, its idea is very simple, it is to use this small disturbance to explode the soul mentality in Wood's body.

This will be of great help to him in the next battle, and it can be regarded as a method of attacking the heart.

As for why it was just a small fight and didn't directly injure the wood, it was because Lu Jun didn't want to attack the wood's body, and he planned to end it in a better way.

But Lu Jun's strategy was undoubtedly very successful. Under his attack, the soul in Mu Mu's body really exploded, and even had the desire to eat people.

After all, its attack is useless at all, but the Lu army can always hurt it, who can resist it...

In fact, this is also its own death. It doesn't use good weapons, and it doesn't want to give way to the Lu army.

It's all right now, Ren really gave way to Lu Jun, but he also let himself in, and he couldn't beat Lu Jun directly.

This is because Mu Mu is originally a body domain ability user, and most of his hands are melee attacks.

Moreover, most of the abilities still require the horizontal knife in the hand to be used. Without the weapon, its strength has dropped by at least three layers.

The soul in Wood's body is also very aware of this, at this time it has already begun to regret it, secretly cursing itself that it shouldn't have acted like this just now.

If it was before, it might continue to persevere. After all, this is a hole dug by itself, and it will jump down even crying.

But now it suddenly thought that if it couldn't beat the Lu army, it would be more embarrassing than picking up a weapon.

Because it is the great lord of the Hank family, every move is in the eyes of his subordinates.

Especially their plane is rather strange, if the big lord is not capable, the subordinates will refuse to accept it, and then rebel.

So it can't lose to the Lu army anyway, and it has to win beautifully.

Under the support of this kind of thought, the soul in Mu Mu's body was entangled severely.

In the end, it shamelessly picked up the Raikage Hengdao on the ground, and began to regain its aura that was about to dissipate.

This scene made Lu Jun a little proud, and he smiled lightly: "What? Didn't you just say that you want to give me a weapon? Now you don't want to give it up? It seems that what you Hankes said is not very trustworthy, so what's the matter? What about us?"

Lu Jun's words were accompanied by a burst of laughter from the pig monster next to him, as if mocking the soul in Mu Mu's body.

In fact, they didn't understand what Lu Jun said, and they didn't think it was funny, it was just that Xiaowan was controlling them.

Lu Jun's words made Mu Mu's soul feel very uncomfortable, and there was no room for rebuttal.

Because it is true that it said what it said first, and now it contradicts what it says, which makes no sense at all, and it is very embarrassing.

So it could only sneer with a stern face: "Just use your tongue, the real battle has just begun now, and you will regret what you said and what you did before."

While talking about the wood, he raised the Raikage Hengdao in his hand, causing a burst of powerful thunder to erupt from his whole body.

"Okay, you have a weapon this time. If you lose again, don't say anything about me. I don't need it, and you don't deserve it, understand?" Lu Jun still smiled.

And he didn't forget to mock the soul in Mu Mu's body. It can be said that his words are really annoying.

However, Lu Jun didn't mean to underestimate Mu Mu in the slightest, he just deliberately targeted Mu Mu on the surface.

In fact, he is still very afraid of the strength of wood. After all, there is a big difference between wood with weapons and wood without weapons.

Not to mention the control and ability support of King Hank, the overall strength is definitely stronger than him.

Maybe it is really as the soul in the wood said, the real battle will start from now... Please Baidu "Throwing Books" Thank you for your support!

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